< U-Eksodusi 36 >
1 Ngakho uBhezaleli, u-Oholiyabhi lomuntu wonke uThixo amuphe ubungcwethi lamandla okwazi ukwenza wonke lumsebenzi wokwakha indlu engcwele, kumele benze umsebenzi njengokulaywa kwabo nguThixo.”
“Bezalel and Oholiab, and all the other men to whom Yahweh has given ability and enabled them to understand how to do all the work to make the Sacred Tent, must make everything just as Yahweh has commanded.”
2 UMosi wasebiza uBhezaleli, u-Oholiyabhi labo bonke abalobungcwethi, uThixo ayebaphe amandla lowayezimisele ukuzokwenza lowomsebenzi.
So Moses/I summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and all the other skilled men to whom Yahweh had given special ability and who wanted to do some of the work.
3 Bemukela abakuphiwa nguMosi okwakuyiminikelo yabako-Israyeli benikelela ukwakhiwa kwendlu engcwele. Abantu baqhubeka beletha iminikelo ngokukhululeka kwabo ukusa kwamalanga wonke.
Moses/I gave them all the things that the people had brought as offerings to Yahweh for making the Sacred Tent. But the people continued bringing more things every morning.
4 Ngakho zonke izingcitshi ezazisenza umsebenzi wonke wokwakha indlu engcwele zatshiya yonke imisebenzi yazo
As a result, the skilled men who were doing various things to make the Sacred Tent came to Moses/me
5 zathi kuMosi, “Abantu baletha okunengi kakhulu kulalokho uThixo alaya ukuba kwenziwe.”
and said, “The people are bringing more than we need to do the work that Yahweh has commanded us!”
6 Ngakho uMosi wakhupha isiqondiso basebethumela ilizwi ezihonqweni elithi, “Kakho owesilisa loba owesifazane okusamele enze olunye ulutho ukuthi lube ngumnikelo wendlu engcwele.” Ngalokho abantu bavinjelwa ukuletha okunye futhi,
So Moses/I gave the skilled men this message that was proclaimed throughout the camp: “No one should bring anything more as an offering to make the Sacred Tent!” When the people [heard that], they did not bring anything more.
7 ngoba abasebelakho kwasekukunengi okwedlula lokho okwakuzaphetha umsebenzi.
What they had already brought was enough to do all the work. [In fact], it was more than was needed!
8 Wonke amadoda alobungcwethi phakathi kwabasebenzayo akha ithabanikeli ngamakhetheni alitshumi enziwe ngelembu eliphothwe kuhle ngentambo eziluhlaza, eziyibubende kanye lezibomvu, laceciswe ngamakherubhi elukelwa kuhle yingcitshi.
All the most skilled men among the workmen made the Sacred Tent. They made it from ten strips of fine linen, and carefully embroidered it using blue, purple, and red yarn/thread to make figures that resembled the winged creatures.
9 Wonke amakhetheni ayelingana ubude bawo buzingalo ezingamatshumi amabili lesificaminwembili njalo ububanzi ezingalo ezine.
Each strip was (14 yards/twelve meters) long and (2 yards/1.8 meters) wide.
10 Babambanisa amakhetheni amahlanu ndawonye, benza njalo lakwamanye amahlanu.
They sewed five strips together to make one set, and they sewed the other five strips together to make the other set.
11 Basebesenza izihitshela ngelembu eliluhlaza belandela umphetho wekhetheni elisekucineni kwelixha lakuqala, kwenziwa okufananayo elixheni lesibili.
For each set, they made loops of blue [cloth] and fastened them on the outer edge of the strip, at the end of each set.
12 Benza njalo ezinye izihitshela ezingamatshumi amahlanu ekhethenini elilodwa, benza futhi ezinye izihitshela ezingamatshumi amahlanu ekhethenini lokucina lelixha lesibili, izihitshela zazikhangelene.
They put 50 loops on the edge of the first set, and 50 loops on the edge of the second set.
13 Basebesenza ingwegwe zegolide ezingamatshumi amahlanu, bazisebenzisa ukuhlanganisa izixha zombili zamakhetheni ukuze ithabanikeli libe yintonye.
They made 50 gold clasps/fasteners, to fasten both of the sets together. In that way, the inside of the Sacred Tent was [as though it was] one piece.
14 Benza amakhetheni ngoboya bembuzi aba ngawethente lokubekwa phezu kwethabanikeli, wonke abalitshumi lanye.
They made a cover for the Sacred Tent from eleven pieces of cloth made from goats’ hair.
15 Wonke amakhetheni alitshumi lanye ayelingana, ezingalo ezingamatshumi amathathu ubude, ububanzi ezingalo ezine.
Each piece of cloth was (15 yards/13.5 meters) long and (2 yards/1.8 meters) wide.
16 Bahlanganisa amakhetheni amahlanu aba lilixha layisithupha kwelinye ilixha.
They sewed five of these pieces of cloth together to make one set, and they sewed the other six pieces of cloth together to make another set.
17 Benza izihitshela ezingamatshumi amahlanu zilandela umphetho wekhetheni elisekucineni kwelixha lakuqala, benza okufananayo ekhethenini lelixha lesibili.
They made 100 loops [of blue cloth]. They fastened 50 of them to the outer edge of the one set and they fastened 50 to the outer edge of the other set.
18 Balungisa ingwegwe zethusi ezingamatshumi amahlanu ukuze babophe ngazo ithente libe yinto yinye.
They made 50 bronze clasps/fasteners and joined the two sets together with them. In that way it formed one cover.
19 Benza isembeso sethente ngezikhumba zenqama eziphendulwe ngomphendulo obomvu, kwathi ngaphezu kwalokho benza isembeso ngezikhumba eziqinileyo.
They made two more covers for the Sacred Tent. They made one from rams’ skins that had been (tanned/dyed red), and they made the top cover from goatskin leather.
20 Benza amathala ethabanikeli okumiswa ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya.
They made frames from acacia wood and set them up [to support the covers for the Sacred Tent].
21 Ithala linye lalilide okuzingalo ezilitshumi, kwathi ububanzi laba yingalo elengxenye,
Each frame was (15 feet/4.5 meters) long and (27 in./66 cm.) wide.
22 kulemisuka emibili ephutsha ilinganisene. Wonke amathala ethabanikeli enziwa ngale indlela.
They made two projections at the bottom of each frame. These were for fastening the frames to the bases underneath them. Each frame had these projections.
23 Benza amathala ecele elisezansi kwethabanikeli angamatshumi amabili,
The skilled workmen made twenty frames for the south side of the Sacred Tent.
24 benza izisekelo zesiliva ezingamatshumi amane ezazihamba ngaphansi kwawo, izisekelo ezimbili ethaleni linye, isisekelo sinye ngaphansi kwensika inye ngayinye.
They made 40 silver bases to go underneath them. Two bases went under each frame. The projections on each frame fit into these bases.
25 Kuleli elinye icele, icele elisenyakatho kwethabanikeli, bamisa amathala angamatshumi amabili
[Similarly], they made 20 frames for the north side of the Sacred Tent.
26 kanye lezisekelo zesiliva ezingamatshumi amane, ezimbili ngaphansi kwethala lilinye.
They made 40 silver bases for them also, with two bases for under each frame.
27 Benza amathala ayisithupha ecele elisekucineni ngentshonalanga kwethabanikeli,
For the rear of the Sacred Tent, on the west side, they made six frames.
28 benza amathala amabili emagumbini asekucineni.
They also made two extra frames, one for each corner of the rear of the Sacred Tent, [to provide extra support].
29 Emagumbini womabili amathala ayelohlonzi oluphindwe kabili kusuka phansi kusiya phezulu, ehlanganiswe ngesongo elilodwa njalo womabili enziwa ngokufananayo.
The two corner frames were joined from the bottom to the top (OR, joined at both the bottom and the top). At the top of each of the two corner frames they fastened a gold ring for holding the crossbar.
30 Ngakho kwenziwa amathala ayisificaminwembili lezisekelo zesiliva ezilitshumi lesithupha, zimbili ngaphansi kwethala linye.
In that way, [for the rear of the Sacred Tent] there were eight frames, and there were 16 bases, two bases under each frame.
31 Benza njalo imithando enqumayo ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya: emihlanu ingeyamathala akwelinye icele lethabanikeli,
The workmen made 15 crossbars from acacia wood.
32 emihlanu yayingeyakwelinye icele, kwathi njalo eminye emihlanu yaba ngeyamathala asentshonalanga ekucineni kwethabanikeli.
Five of them were for the frames on the north side of the Sacred Tent, five for the south side, and five for the frames at the rear of the Sacred Tent, the west side.
33 Umthando onquma phakathi bawenza wedlula usuka kwelinye icele usiya kwelinye phakathi laphakathi kwamathala.
The crossbars on the north, south, and west sides of the Sacred Tent were fastened to the middle of the frames. The two long crossbars extended from one end of the Sacred Tent to the other, and the crossbar on the west side extended from one side of the Sacred Tent to the other side.
34 Bahuqa amathala ngegolide benza amasongo ngegolide abamba imithando. Njalo bahuqa imithando ngegolide.
The workmen covered the frames with gold and fastened gold rings to the poles. The crossbars [were put] into the rings. The crossbars were [also] covered with gold.
35 Benza ikhetheni ngelembu elicolekileyo, eliphethwe kuhle ngentambo eziluhlaza, eziyibubende lezibomvu, aba lamakherubhi elukelwe kuwo ngumuntu oleminwe.
They made a curtain from fine white linen. Skilled craftsmen embroidered it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread, making designs [that resembled] the winged creatures.
36 Bawenzela izinsika ezine ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya bazihuqa ngegolide. Izinsika bazenzela ingwegwe zegolide njalo bawamisela lezisekelo ezine zesiliva.
They suspended/hung the curtain from four posts that were made from acacia [wood] and covered with gold. They set [each] post in a silver base.
37 Benza ikhetheni lesango lethente ngelembu elicolekileyo elilentambo eziphothiweyo eziluhlaza, eziyibubende lezibomvu, kwaba ngumsebenzi wombalazi ngokuthunga;
They made a curtain to [cover] the entrance of the Sacred Tent. They made it from fine linen, and a skilled weaver embroidered it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
38 njalo benza izinsika ezinhlanu zilengwegwe zazo. Bahuqa izihloko zensika kanye lamabhanti azo ngegolide njalo benza lezisekelo ezinhlanu ngethusi.
[To support this curtain], they also made five posts from acacia wood and fastened gold clasps/fasteners to them. They completely covered the posts with gold. They also made a bronze base for each of those posts.