< U-Eksodusi 34 >
1 UThixo wathi kuMosi, “Baza ezinye izibhebhedu zamatshe ezimbili zifanane lezakuqala. Ngizabhala kuzo amazwi ayesezibhebhedwini zakuqala owaziphahlazayo.
And Yahweh said unto Moses—Hew thee two tables of stone, like the first, —and I will write upon the tables the words which were upon the first tables which thou didst break in pieces;
2 Ube usulungile ekuseni, ubuye phezulu entabeni iSinayi, uziveze kimi engqongweni yentaba.
and be thou ready by the morning, —and thou shalt come up. in the morning, into Mount Sinai; then shalt thou station thyself for me there upon the top of the mount;
3 Akungabi lamuntu oza lawe kumbe oke abonakale loba kungaphi entabeni; ngitsho lezimvu lenkomo kazingadli phambi kwaleyontaba.”
and, no man, may come up with thee, and let no man so much as be seen in all the mount, —and let not even the flocks or the herds, feed in front of that mountain.
4 Ngakho uMosi wabaza izibhebhedu zamatshe ezimbili zaba njengezakuqala, wakhwela entabeni iSinayi ekuseni kakhulu njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo ephethe izibhebhedu ezimbili zamatshe ezandleni zakhe.
So he hewed two tables of stone like the first and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up into Mount Sinai, as Yahweh had commanded him, —and took in his hand two tables of stone.
5 UThixo wehla ngeyezi wema khonapho laye wamemezela ibizo lakhe esithi, “UThixo.”
And Yahweh descended in the cloud, and took his station with him there, —and proclaimed himself by the name Yahweh.
6 Wedlula phambi kukaMosi ememezela esithi, “UThixo, uThixo; uNkulunkulu olesihawu lomusa, ophuzayo ukuthukuthela, ogcwele uthando lobuqotho,
So Yahweh passed before him, and proclaimed, —Yahweh, Yahweh, A God of compassion and favour, —Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and faithfulness:
7 olothando olungapheliyo kuzinkulungwane ethethelela ububi, iziphosiso lezono. Ikanti abalamacala kabayekeli bengajeziswanga; wehlisela ububi baboyise phezu kwabantwana, laphezu kwabantwana babantwana kusiya kusizukulwane sesithathu lesesine.”
Keeping lovingkindness to a thousand generations, Forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, Though he leave not, utterly unpunished, Visiting the iniquity of fathers, Upon sons, And upon sons’ sons, Unto a third and unto a fourth generation.
8 UMosi waphanga wakhothamisela ikhanda lakhe phansi, wakhonza.
Then Moses made haste, —and bent his head towards the earth and bowed himself down;
9 Wathi, “Awu Thixo, nxa ngithole umusa kuwe, ngiyacela, uThixo kahambe lathi. Lanxa abantu laba bentamo zilukhuni, sithethelele ububi bethu lezono zethu, usithathe njengelifa lakho.”
and said—If, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, O My Lord, I pray thee let My Lord go on in our midst, —although a stiff-necked people, it is, so wilt thou pardon our iniquity and our sin and take us as thine own.
10 UThixo wasesithi, “Sengisenza isivumelwano lawe. Phambi kwabantu bakho bonke ngizakwenza izimangaliso ezingakaze zenziwe lanini lakusiphi isizwe emhlabeni wonke. Abantu ohlala phakathi kwabo bazabona ukuthi umangalisa njani umsebenzi, mina Thixo, engizakwenzela wona.
And he said—Lo! I, am about to solemnise a covenant, -in presence of all thy people, will I do marvellous things, which have not been created in any part of the earth nor among any of the nations, —so shall all the people in whose midst thou, art see the work of Yahweh for a fearful thing, it is, which I, am doing with thee.
11 Lalela lokhu engikulaya khona lamhla. Ngizawaxotsha phambi kwakho ama-Amori, amaKhenani, amaHithi, amaPherizi, amaHivi lamaJebusi.
Take thou heed what, I, am commanding thee this day, —behold me! driving out from before thee—the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
12 Qaphela ukuba kungabi lesivumelwano osenza lalabo abahlala elizweni oya kulo ngoba bangaba yisifu kini.
Take heed to thyself, Lest thou solemnise a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, whereupon, thou, art about to enter, —Lest he become a snare in thy midst;
13 Adilizeni ama-alithare abo, libhidlize lezithombe zabo, liqume lezinsika zika-Ashera wabo abamkhonzayo.
For their altars, shall ye smash, And their pillars, shall ye shiver, —And their sacred-stems, shall ye fell.
14 Lingakhonzi omunye unkulunkulu, ngoba uThixo, obizo lakhe linguBukhwele, nguNkulunkulu olobukhwele.
For thou shalt not bow thyself down to another GOD, —For as for Yahweh, Jealous, is his name, A jealous GOD, he is:
15 Qaphelani lingenzi isivumelwano lalabo abahlala elizweni lelo ngoba nxa bephinga labonkulunkulu babo benikela iminikelo kubo, bazalinxusa beselisidla imihlatshelo yabo.
Lest thou solemnise a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, —And then as surely as they go unchastely after their gods and sacrifice to their gods, So surely will he invite thee, And thou wilt eat of his sacrifice;
16 Njalo lapho likhetha amanye amadodakazi abo ukuba abe ngabafazi bamadodana enu kuzakuthi lapho amadodakazi lawo esezibhixa kubonkulunkulu bawo, ahugele amadodana enu ekwenzeni okunjalo.
And thou wilt take of his daughters for thy sons, —And his daughters will go unchastely after their gods, And will cause thy sons to go unchastely after their gods.
17 Lingazenzeli onkulunkulu ababunjiweyo.
Molten gods, shalt thou not make to thee.
18 Gcinani uMkhosi weSinkwa esingelaMvubelo. Okwensuku eziyisikhombisa dlanini isinkwa esenziwe kungekho mvubelo, njengokulaya kwami. Lokho kwenzeni ngesikhathi esimisiweyo enyangeni ka-Abhibhi, ngoba ngaleyonyanga laphuma eGibhithe.
The festival of unleavened cakes, shalt thou keep, seven days, shalt thou eat unleavened cakes, which I commanded thee, at the set time, in the month Abib, —for in the month Abib, camest thou forth out of Egypt.
19 Inzalo yakuqala yonke ezelweyo ngeyami, kanye lamazibulo wonke amaduna ezifuyo zenu, loba engawenkomo kumbe awezimvu.
Every one that is the first to be born, is mine, —and every one of thy cattle that is born a male, firstling of oxen or sheep.
20 Izibulo likababhemi lihlengeni ngezinyane. Kodwa nxa lingangalihlengi lephuleni intamo yalo. Ahlengeni wonke amadodana enu angamazibulo. Kakho ozakuza phambi kwami engaphethe lutho.
But the firstling of an ass, thou mayst redeem with a lamb, and if thou wilt not redeem it, then shalt thou break its neck. Every firstborn of thy sons, shalt thou redeem, and he must not see my face, with empty hand.
21 Lizasebenza insuku eziyisithupha, kodwa ngosuku lwesikhombisa lizaphumula; langesikhathi sokulima lesokuvuna kuzamele liphumule.
Six days, shalt thou labour, but on the seventh day, shalt thou rest, —in plowing time and in harvest, shalt thou rest.
22 Thakazelelani uMkhosi wamaViki lokolibo kokuvuna kwenu ingqoloyi loMkhosi wokuButhelela ekupheleni komnyaka.
And the festival of weeks, shalt thou make to thee, the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, —and the festival of ingathering, at the closing in of the year:
23 Kathathu ngomnyaka bonke abesilisa bakho kumele babonakale phambi kukaThixo Wobukhosi, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli.
three times in the year, shall every one of thy males see the face of the Lord Yahweh the God of Israel.
24 Ngizaxotsha izizwe eziphambi kwenu njalo ngiqhelise ilizwe lenu, kakho ozahawukela ilizwe lenu ngesikhathi lisiyabonakala kathathu ngomnyaka phambi kukaThixo uNkulunkulu wenu.
For I will root out nations from before thee, and will enlarge thy borders, —and no man shall covet thy land, when thou goes up to see the face of Yahweh thy God, three times in the year.
25 Linganikeli igazi lomhlatshelo kimi ndawonye laloba yini elemvubelo, njalo akungabi lomhlatshelo woMkhosi wePhasika ogcinwa kuze kuse.
Thou shalt not slay, along with anything leavened, the blood of my sacrifice, —neither shall remain to the morning, the sacrifice of the festival of the passover.
26 Lethani okolibo kwenu okuhle kakhulu endlini kaThixo uNkulunkulu wenu. Lingapheki izinyane lembuzi ngochago lukanina.”
The beginning of the firstfruits of thy ground, shalt thou bring into the house of Yahweh, thy God, Thou shalt not boil a kid, in the milk of its dam.
27 UThixo wasesithi kuMosi, “Loba amazwi la, ngoba ngamazwi la sengenze isivumelwano lawe kanye lo-Israyeli.”
And Yahweh said unto Moses, Write for thyself these words, for according to the tenor of these words, have I solemnized with thee, a covenant, and with Israel.
28 UMosi wayekhonale loThixo insuku ezingamatshumi amane lobusuku obungamatshumi amane engadli sinkwa kumbe ukunatha amanzi. Amazwi esivumelwano ayimiThetho eliTshumi, wawaloba ezibhebhedwini zamatshe.
So then he was there, with Yahweh, forty days and forty nights, bread, did he not eat and, water, did he not drink, and he wrote upon the tables, the words of the covenant, the ten words.
29 Kwathi lapho uMosi esehla entabeni yeSinayi ephethe izibhebhedu ezimbili zamatshe obufakazi, wayengazi ukuthi ubuso bakhe babukhazimula ngenxa yokuthi wayekhulume loThixo.
And it came to pass, when Moses came down out of Mount Sinai, with the two tables of testimony in the hand of Moses, when he came down out of the mount, that, Moses, knew not that the skin of his face shone, through his having spoken with him.
30 Kwathi u-Aroni labo bonke abako-Israyeli bebona uMosi, ubuso bakhe bukhazimula, besaba ukusondela kuye.
And Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, and lo! the skin of his face shone, and they stood in awe of drawing nigh unto him.
31 Kodwa uMosi wababiza; ngakho u-Aroni lezinduna zonke zabantu beza kuye, wakhuluma labo.
So then Moses called unto them, and Aaron and all the princes in the assembly returned unto him, —and Moses spake unto them.
32 Emva kwalokho bonke abako-Israyeli basondela kuye wabanika yonke imilayo kaThixo ayemuphe yona entabeni yeSinayi.
And afterwards, came nigh, all the sons of Israel, and he gave them in commandment all that Yahweh had spoken with him in Mount Sinai.
33 UMosi eseqedile ukukhuluma labo, wamboza ubuso bakhe ngeveli.
And when Moses had made an end of speaking with them, he put over his face a veil:
34 Kodwa kwakusithi lapho esengena ukuba abe phambi kukaThixo ukuze akhulume laye, wayelisusa iveli aze aphume. Wayesithi angaphuma, njalo esebatshelile abako-Israyeli lokho ayekulayiwe,
but, as often as Moses went in before Yahweh to speak with him, he put aside the veil until he came out, —and, as often as he came out and spake unto the sons of Israel, that which he had been commanded,
35 babebona ukuthi ubuso bakhe babukhazimula. Lapho-ke uMosi wayebumboza njalo ubuso bakhe ngeveli aze angene esiyakhuluma loThixo.
the sons of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses face shone, —so Moses again put the veil over his face, until he went in to speak with him.