< U-Eksodusi 26 >

1 “Lenze ithabanikeli ngamakhetheni alitshumi elembu eliphothwe kuhle ngentambo eziluhlaza, eziyibubende kanye lezibomvu, aceciswe ngamakherubhi elukelwe kuhle ngumuntu oleminwe.
Afterwarde thou shalt make the Tabernacle with tenne curtaines of fine twined linen, and blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet: and in them thou shalt make Cherubims of broydered worke.
2 Amakhetheni wonke kumele ukuthi alingane, abezingalo ezingamatshumi amabili lesificaminwembili ubude njalo ububanzi abezingalo ezine.
The length of one curtaine shalbe eight and twentie cubites, and the bredth of one curtaine, foure cubites: euery one of the curtaines shall haue one measure.
3 Lizahlanganisa amakhetheni amahlanu ndawonye, liphinde lenzenjalo lakwamanye amahlanu.
Fiue curtaines shalbe coupled one to an other: and the other fiue curtaines shall be coupled one to another.
4 Lenze izihitshela ngelembu eliluhlaza emphethweni wekhetheni elisekucineni kwamakhetheni amahlanu elixheni lakuqala, lenze okufanayo elixheni lesibili.
And thou shalt make stringes of blew silke vpon the edge of the one curtaine, which is in the seluedge of the coupling: and likewise shalt thou make in the edge of the other curtaine in the seluedge, in the second coupling.
5 Lizakwenza izihitshela ezingamatshumi amahlanu ekhethenini elilodwa liphinde lenze ezinye izihitshela ezingamatshumi amahlanu ekhethenini lokucina elixheni lesibili, izihitshela zikhangelene.
Fiftie strings shalt thou make in one curtaine, and fiftie stringes shalt thou make in the edge of the curtaine, which is in the second coupling: ye stringes shalbe one right against another.
6 Emva kwalokho lizakwenza ingwegwe zegolide ezingamatshumi amahlanu, lizisebenzise ukuhlanganisa amakhetheni ukuze ithabanikeli libe yintonye.
Thou shalt make also fiftie taches of gold, and couple the curtaines one to another with the taches, and it shalbe one tabernacle.
7 Yenzani amakhetheni ngoboya bembuzi abe ngawethente lokubekwa phezu kwethabanikeli, abelitshumi lanye esewonke.
Also thou shalt make curtaines of goates heare, to be a couering vpon the Tabernacle: thou shalt make them to the number of eleuen curtaines.
8 Amakhetheni wonke alitshumi lanye alingane, abezingalo ezingamatshumi amathathu ubude, ububanzi abezingalo ezine.
The length of a curtaine shall be thirtie cubites, and the breadth of a curtaine foure cubites: the eleuen curtaines shalbe of one measure.
9 Hlanganisani amakhetheni amahlanu abelilixha elilodwa kuthi ayisithupha abe kwelinye ilixha. Ligoqe ikhetheni lesithupha liphindwe kabili phambi kwethente.
And thou shalt couple fiue curtaynes by themselues, and the sixe curtaines by themselues: but thou shalt double the sixt curtaine vpon the forefront of the couering.
10 Yenzani izihitshela ezingamatshumi amahlanu zilandele umphetho wekhetheni elisekucineni kwelixha lakuqala, lenzenjalo lakwelinye ilixha.
And thou shalt make fifty stringes in the edge of one curtayne, in the seluedge of the coupling, and fifty stringes in the edge of the other curtaine in the second coupling.
11 Beselilungisa ingwegwe zethusi ezingamatshumi amahlanu lizifake ezihitsheleni ukuze zibophe ithente kube yinto yinye.
Likewise thou shalt make fifty taches of brasse, and fasten them on the strings, and shalt couple the couering together, that it may be one.
12 Kuzakuthi-ke isiqa esiseleyo sekhetheni lethente, ingxenye yekhetheni eseleyo, ilenge emuva kwethabanikeli.
And the remnant that resteth in ye curtaines of the couering, euen the halfe curtaine that resteth, shalbe left at the backeside of the Tabernacle,
13 Amakhetheni ethente azakwedlula ngengalo eyodwa inxa zonke, kuthi okuseleyo kulenge emaceleni ethabanikeli ukuze alembese.
That the cubite on the one side, and the cubite on the other side of that which is left in the legth of the curtaines of ye couering, may remaine on either side of the Tabernacle to couer it.
14 Lenze isembeso sethente ngezikhumba zenqama eziphendulwe ngomphendulo obomvu, kuthi phezu kwalokho kube lesembeso sezikhumba eziqinileyo.
Moreouer, for that couering thou shalt make a couering of rammes skinnes died red, and a couering of badgers skinnes aboue.
15 Yenzani amathala ethabanikeli amiswayo ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya.
Also thou shalt make boards for the Tabernacle of Shittim wood to stand vp.
16 Ithala linye kumele libe lide okuzingalo ezilitshumi, kuthi ububanzi bube yingalo elengxenye,
Ten cubites shalbe the length of a boarde, and a cubite and an halfe cubite the breadth of one boarde.
17 kube lemisuka emibili ephutshayo ilinganisene. Wonke amathala ethabanikeli enziwe ngale indlela.
Two tenons shalbe in one boarde set in order as the feete of a ladder, one against an other: thus shalt thou make for all the boardes of the Tabernacle.
18 Yenzani amathala ecele elisezansi kwethabanikeli angamatshumi amabili,
And thou shalt make boardes for the Tabernacle, euen twenty boardes on the South side, euen full South.
19 beselizenza izisekelo zesiliva ezingamatshumi amane ezizahamba ngaphansi kwawo, izisekelo ezimbili ethaleni linye, sibe sinye ngaphansi kwensika inye ngayinye.
And thou shalt make fourty sockets of siluer vnder the twentie boardes, two sockets vnder one boarde for his two tenons, and two sockets vnder an other boarde for his two tenons.
20 Kulelicele elisenyakatho kwethabanikeli, misani amathala angamatshumi amabili
In like maner on the other side of the Tabernacle towarde the North side shalbe twentie boardes,
21 kanye lezisekelo zesiliva ezingamatshumi amane, ezimbili ngaphansi kwepulanka linye.
And their fourtie sockets of siluer, two sockets vnder one boarde, and two sockets vnder another board.
22 Yenzani amathala ayisithupha ecele elisekucineni ngentshonalanga kwethabanikeli,
And on the side of the Tabernacle, toward the West shalt thou make sixe boards.
23 lenze amathala amabili amagumbi asekucineni.
Also two boardes shalt thou make in the corners of the Tabernacle in the two sides.
24 Emagumbini womabili la kumele abe lohlonzi oluphindwe kabili kusukela phansi kusiya phezulu, abesehlanganiswa ngesongo elilodwa, wonke abe njalo.
Also they shalbe ioyned beneath, and likewise they shalbe ioyned aboue to a ring: thus shall it be for them two: they shalbe for ye two corners.
25 Ngakho kuzakuba lamathala ayisificaminwembili lezisekelo zesiliva ezilitshumi lesithupha, ezimbili ngaphansi kwethala linye.
So they shalbe eight boardes hauing sockets of siluer, euen sixteene sockets, that is, two sockets vnder one board, and two sockets vnder an other boarde.
26 Yenzani njalo imithando enqumayo ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya: emihlanu ibe ngeyamathala kwelinye icele lethabanikeli,
The thou shalt make fiue barres of Shittim wood for the boardes of one side of the Tabernacle,
27 emihlanu ibe njalo kwelinye icele, kuthi eminye njalo emihlanu ibe ngeyamathala asentshonalanga, ekucineni kwethabanikeli.
And fiue barres for the boardes of the other side of the Tabernacle: also fiue barres for the boardes of the side of the Tabernacle toward the Westside.
28 Umthando waphakathi onqumayo uzakwedlula usuka kulelicele lokucina usiyacina kwelinye phakathi laphakathi kwamathala.
And the middle barre shall goe through the middes of the boards, from ende to ende.
29 Huqani amathala ngegolide lenze amasongo egolide abambe imithando enqumayo. Njalo lihuqe imithando enqumayo ngegolide.
And thou shalt couer the boards with golde, and make their rings of golde, for places for the barres, and thou shalt couer the barres with golde.
30 Limise ithabanikeli njengokutshengiswa kwakho entabeni.
So thou shalt reare vp the Tabernacle, according to the facion thereof, which was shewed thee in the mount.
31 Yenzani ikhetheni ngelembu elicolekileyo, eliphethwe kuhle ngentambo eziluhlaza, eziyibubende kanye lezibomvu, abe lamakherubhi elukelwe kuwo ngumuntu oleminwe.
Moreouer, thou shalt make a vaile of blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen: thou shalt make it of broydred worke with Cherubims.
32 Liwalengise ngezingwegwana zegolide ensikeni ezine zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya ezihuqwe ngegolide njalo zimiswe phezu kwezisekelo zesiliva.
And thou shalt hang it vpon foure pillars of Shittim wood couered with gold, (whose hookes shalbe of gold) stading vpon foure sockets of siluer.
33 Lengisani-ke ikhetheni ngezingwegwana beselibeka umtshokotsho wobufakazi ngemva kwekhetheni. Ikhetheni lizakwehlukanisa Indawo Engcwele kweNgcwelengcwele.
Afterward thou shalt hang the vaile on the hookes, that thou mayest bring in thither, that is (within the vaile) the arke of the Testimonie: and the vaile shall make you a separation betweene the Holy place and the most holy place.
34 Bekani isisibekelo esiyisihlalo somusa phezu komtshokotsho wobufakazi osendaweni eNgcwelengcwele.
Also thou shalt put ye Mercy seate vpon the Arke of the testimonie in the most Holy place.
35 Bekani itafula ngaphandle kwekhetheni elisenyakatho kwethabanikeli, beselifaka uluthi lwesibane lukhangelane layo eceleni eliseningizimu.
And thou shalt set the Table without the vaile, and the Candlesticke ouer against the Table on the Southside of the Tabernacle, and thou shalt set the Table on the Northside.
36 Yenzani ikhetheni lesango lethente ngelembu eliphethwe kuhle ngentambo eziluhlaza, eziyibubende kanye lezibomvu kube ngumsebenzi wombalazi ngokuthunga.
Also thou shalt make an hanging for the dore of ye Tabernacle of blew silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen wrought with needle.
37 Yenzelani ikhetheni ingwegwana zegolide kanye lezinsika ezinhlanu ezenziwe ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya ezihuqwe ngegolide. Njalo beseliwafakela izisekelo ezinhlanu ezibunjwe ngethusi.”
And thou shalt make for the hanging fiue pillars of Shittim, and couer them with gold: their heads shalbe of golde, and thou shalt cast fiue sockets of brasse for them.

< U-Eksodusi 26 >