< U-Eksodusi 25 >

1 UThixo wathi kuMosi,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Tshela abako-Israyeli bangilethele umnikelo. Uzakwamukela umnikelo emuntwini munye ngamunye ofuqwa yinhliziyo yakhe ukuthi anikele.
“Speak to the children of Israel, that they take an offering for me. From everyone whose heart makes him willing you shall take my offering.
3 Le yiyo iminikelo ozayamukela nxa sebenikela: igolide, isiliva kanye lethusi,
This is the offering which you shall take from them: gold, silver, bronze,
4 okwelukiweyo lamalembu aluhlaza, ayibubende kanye labomvu, lelembu elicolekileyo, loboya bembuzi,
blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen, goats’ hair,
5 izikhumba zenqama eziphendulwe ngomphendulo obomvu, kanye lezikhumba zezinyamazana eziqinileyo, lezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya,
rams’ skins dyed red, sea cow hides, acacia wood,
6 amafutha e-oliva awokukhanyisa isibane, amakha azasetshenziswa lamafutha okugcoba abakhethiweyo lephunga lempepha elimnandi,
oil for the light, spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense,
7 amatshe e-onikisi, lamanye amatshe aligugu azathungelwa esembathweni semahlombe lesesifubeni.
onyx stones, and stones to be set for the ephod and for the breastplate.
8 Bangakhele indlu engcwele, ngalokho ngizahlala phakathi kwabo.
Let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell amongst them.
9 Yenza ithabanikeli leli kanye leziceciso zalo ngendlela engizakutshengisa yona.”
According to all that I show you, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all of its furniture, even so you shall make it.
10 “Kabenze umtshokotsho ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya, ubude bawo kube zingalo ezimbili ezilengxenye, ububanzi kube yingalo elengxenye njalo ukuyaphezulu kwawo kube yingalo elengxenye.
“They shall make an ark of acacia wood. Its length shall be two and a half cubits, its width a cubit and a half, and a cubit and a half its height.
11 Lilihuqe ngegolide elicolekileyo, ngaphakathi langaphandle, ubuye ulizingelezele ngomqolo wegolide.
You shall overlay it with pure gold. You shall overlay it inside and outside, and you shall make a gold moulding around it.
12 Libumbele amasongo amane egolide liwanamathisele ezinyaweni zalo zozine, amabili kwelinye icele kuthi amabili kwelinye njalo.
You shall cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in its four feet. Two rings shall be on the one side of it, and two rings on the other side of it.
13 Beselisenza imijabo ngesihlahla somʼakhakhiya liyihuqe ngegolide.
You shall make poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold.
14 Hlomani imijabo kulawo masongo asemaceleni omtshokotsho kube yizibambo.
You shall put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark to carry the ark.
15 Izigodo lezi zizahlala emasongweni alumtshokotsho, zingakhitshwa.
The poles shall be in the rings of the ark. They shall not be taken from it.
16 Beselifaka ubufakazi emtshokotshweni engizakunika bona.
You shall put the covenant which I shall give you into the ark.
17 Yenzani isihlalo somusa ngegolide elicolekileyo, ubude baso bube zingalo ezimbili ezilengxenye lengxenye eyodwa ububanzi.
You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold. Two and a half cubits shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its width.
18 Lizakwenza amakherubhi amabili ngegolide elikhandiweyo, liwenze ekucineni kwesisibekelo esiyisihlalo somusa emaceleni womabili.
You shall make two cherubim of hammered gold. You shall make them at the two ends of the mercy seat.
19 Yenzani ikherubhi elilodwa nganxanye kuthi ngakwelinye icele lenze elinye, uzawenza amakherubhi abe yinto yinye lesisibekelo emaceleni womabili.
Make one cherub at the one end, and one cherub at the other end. You shall make the cherubim on its two ends of one piece with the mercy seat.
20 Amakherubhi kumele elulele amaphiko awo phezulu embese isisibekelo ngawo. Kuzamele amakherubhi akhangelane, ubuso bawo bukhangele isisibekelo.
The cherubim shall spread out their wings upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings, with their faces towards one another. The faces of the cherubim shall be towards the mercy seat.
21 Bekani isisibekelo phezu komtshokotsho, ubusufaka ubufakazi engizakunika bona ebhokisini lesivumelwano.
You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the covenant that I will give you.
22 Kulapho engizahlangana lawe khona ngikunika imithetho ka-Israyeli ngisesihlalweni somusa, phakathi laphakathi kwamakherubhi aphezu komtshokotsho wobufakazi.”
There I will meet with you, and I will tell you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the covenant, all that I command you for the children of Israel.
23 “Bazani itafula ngezigodo zesihlahla somʼakhakhiya, ubude bayo bube zingalo ezimbili, ububanzi bayo bube yingalo eyodwa, kuthi ukudepha kwayo kube yingalo elengxenye.
“You shall make a table of acacia wood. Its length shall be two cubits, and its width a cubit, and its height one and a half cubits.
24 Liyihuqe ngegolide elicolekileyo, beseliyizingelezela ngomthando wegolide.
You shall overlay it with pure gold, and make a gold moulding around it.
25 Lenze kuyo ibhanti eliyizingelezileyo, elilingana lobubanzi besandla, beselibumbela kuyo umthando wegolide phezu kwebhanti.
You shall make a rim of a hand width around it. You shall make a golden moulding on its rim around it.
26 Lenze amasongo amane egolide liwafake emagumbini womane enyaweni zetafula.
You shall make four rings of gold for it, and put the rings in the four corners that are on its four feet.
27 Amasongo kumele asondelelane lebhanti ukuze abambe imijabo ezasetshenziswa ukuthwala itafula.
The rings shall be close to the rim, for places for the poles to carry the table.
28 Lungisani imijabo ngesihlahla somʼakhakhiya, liyihuqe ngegolide ukuze lithwale itafula ngayo.
You shall make the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table may be carried with them.
29 Njalo yenzani imiganu lezinditshi zayo ngegolide elicolekileyo kanye lenkezo, imiganu eyingubhe lezitsha zokuthululela iminikelo.
You shall make its dishes, its spoons, its ladles, and its bowls with which to pour out offerings. You shall make them of pure gold.
30 Libeke etafuleni isinkwa esiNgcwele ukuze sibe phambi kwami ngezikhathi zonke.”
You shall set bread of the presence on the table before me always.
31 “Lizakwenza uluthi lwesibane ngegolide elicolekileyo. Likhande isidindi salo lomqwayi walo, imbizana zalo lamahlumela alo lamaluba alo likwenze kube yinto yinye.
“You shall make a lamp stand of pure gold. The lamp stand shall be made of hammered work. Its base, its shaft, its cups, its buds, and its flowers shall be of one piece with it.
32 Ingatsha eziyisithupha zixhunywe emaceleni oluthi, ezintathu nganxanye kuthi ezintathu kwelinye icele.
There shall be six branches going out of its sides: three branches of the lamp stand out of its one side, and three branches of the lamp stand out of its other side;
33 Inkezo ezintathu ezibunjwe okwamaluba e-alimondi, amahlumela lamaluba kumele abe sogatsheni lunye, ezintathu egatsheni olulandelayo, kube njalo kuzozonke ingatsha ezixhunywe emqwayini woluthi lwesibane.
three cups made like almond blossoms in one branch, a bud and a flower; and three cups made like almond blossoms in the other branch, a bud and a flower, so for the six branches going out of the lamp stand;
34 Kuzakuthi oluthini lwesibane kube lezimbizana ezine ezibunjwe okwamaluba e-alimondi, zilamahlumela lamaluba.
and in the lamp stand four cups made like almond blossoms, its buds and its flowers;
35 Kumele kube lehlumela ngaphansi kwengatsha ezimbili ezixhunywe oluthini lwesibane, ihlumela lesibili ngaphansi kwezinye ezimbili, kuthi ihlumela lesithathu lalo libe ngaphansi kwezinye njalo ezimbili, zonke ingatsha zibe yisithupha.
and a bud under two branches of one piece with it, and a bud under two branches of one piece with it, and a bud under two branches of one piece with it, for the six branches going out of the lamp stand.
36 Amahlumela lezingatsha kuzakuba yinto yinye loluthi lwesibane, kukhandwe ngegolide elicolekileyo.
Their buds and their branches shall be of one piece with it, all of it one beaten work of pure gold.
37 Ngakho lizalwenzela izibane eziyisikhombisa lizimise phezu kwalo ukuze zikhanyise phambi kwalo.
You shall make its lamps seven, and they shall light its lamps to give light to the space in front of it.
38 Incijana zentambo lembizana zalo zibe ngezegolide elicolekileyo.
Its snuffers and its snuff dishes shall be of pure gold.
39 Uluthi lwesibane kanye lakho konke okuphathelene laso kuzenziwa ngegolide elicolekileyo eliyisisindo sethalenta elilodwa.
It shall be made of a talent of pure gold, with all these accessories.
40 Qaphela ukuba wenze konke njengalokhu owakutshengiswa entabeni.”
See that you make them after their pattern, which has been shown to you on the mountain.

< U-Eksodusi 25 >