< KwabaseKholose 1 >

1 UPhawuli, umpostoli kaKhristu uJesu ngentando kaNkulunkulu, loThimothi umzalwane wethu,
Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus through [the] will of God and Timothy the brother
2 Lakubazalwane abangcwele labathembekileyo kuKhristu abaseKholose: Umusa lokuthula kakube kini kuvela kuNkulunkulu uBaba wethu.
To those in Colossae saints and faithful brothers in Christ: Grace to you and peace from God [the] Father of us (and Lord Jesus Christ. *K*)
3 Sihlezi simbonga kokuphela uNkulunkulu, uBaba weNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu, nxa silikhulekela,
We give thanks to the God (and *ko*) Father of the Lord of us Jesus Christ continually (for *NK(o)*) you praying,
4 ngoba sizwile ngokukholwa kwenu kuKhristu uJesu langothando elithanda ngalo abangcwele bonke.
having heard of the faith of you in Christ Jesus and the love (that *N(k)O*) (you have *no*) toward all the saints,
5 Ukukholwa lothando okuvela ethembeni eligcinelwe lina ezulwini, eselezwa ngalo elizwini leqiniso, elilivangeli
because of the hope which is being laid up for you in the heavens which you heard of before in the word of truth the gospel
6 eselifikile kini. Emhlabeni wonke ivangeli leli lithela izithelo njalo liyakhula njengebelikwenza phakathi kwenu kusukela ngelanga elalizwa ngalo lawuqedisisa umusa kaNkulunkulu ngawo wonke amaqiniso alo.
which is being present unto you, even as also in all the world (and *k*) it is bearing fruit (and increasing *NO*) even as also among you from the day you heard and you knew the grace of God in truth,
7 Lalifundiswa ngu-Ephafrasi oyinceku ethandekayo, ongumfundisi othembekileyo kaKhristu emele thina,
even as (and *k*) you learned from Epaphras the beloved fellow bond-servant of us, who is faithful on behalf of (of you *NK(O)*) a servant of Christ,
8 owasitshela ngothando lwenu kuMoya.
the [one] also having made known to us your love in [the] Spirit.
9 Ngenxa yalokhu, kusukela mhla sisizwa ngani kasizange siyekele ukulikhulekela sicela uNkulunkulu ukuthi aligcwalise ngokwazi intando yakhe ngakho konke ukuhlakanipha koMoya kanye lokuqedisisa.
Because of this also we ourselves from the day we heard, not cease for you praying and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of the will of Him in all wisdom and in understanding spiritual
10 Sikhulekela ukuba liphile impilo efanele iNkosi lokuba liyithokozise ngezindlela zonke, lithele izithelo kuyo yonke imisebenzi emihle, ukwazi kwenu uNkulunkulu kukhule,
to walk (you *k*) worthily of the Lord in all pleasing in every work good bringing forth fruit and growing (into *k*) (knowledge *N(k)O*) of God,
11 liqiniswa ngamandla wonke mayelana lamandla akhe amangalisayo ukuze libe lokubekezela kanye lesineke esikhulu, kuthi njalo ngokuthokoza
with all power being strengthened according to the might glorious of Him unto all endurance and patience with joy.
12 limbonge ngentokozo uYise owalenza lafanela ukuhlanganyela elifeni labangcwele bakhe embusweni wokukhanya.
giving thanks to the Father the [One] having qualified (you *N(K)O*) for the share of the inheritance of the saints in the light,
13 Ngoba wasihlenga embusweni wobumnyama wasiletha embusweni weNdodana yakhe ayithandayo,
who has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred [us] into the kingdom of the Son the beloved of Him,
14 okukuyo ukuhlengwa kwethu lokuthethelelwa kwezono.
in whom we have redemption (through the blood of him *K*) the forgiveness of sins;
15 Indodana ingumfanekiso kaNkulunkulu ongabonakaliyo, izibulo kukho konke okwadalwayo.
[He] is [the] image of the God invisible, [the] firstborn over all creation;
16 Ngoba izinto zonke zadalwa ngayo: izinto ezisezulwini lezisemhlabeni, ezibonakalayo lezingabonakaliyo loba kuyizihlalo zobukhosi kumbe amandla loba ababusi kumbe abaphathi; izinto zonke zadalwa ngayo zidalelwa yona.
because in Him were created all things (which [are] *k*) in the heavens and (*ko*) upon the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things through Him and unto Him have been created,
17 Yona iphambi kwezinto zonke njalo kuyo izinto zonke zibambene.
And He himself is before all things, and all things in Him have held together,
18 Iyinhloko yomzimba okulibandla; iyikuqala lezibulo elivela kwabafileyo ukuze yona ibe ngeyokuqala ezintweni zonke.
And He himself is the head of the body the church; who is (the *o*) beginning, firstborn out from the dead, so that may be in all things He himself holding preeminence;
19 Ngoba uNkulunkulu wathokoza ukuba ukuphelela kwakhe kube kuyo
because in Him was pleased all the fullness to dwell
20 lokuthi ngayo abuyisane lezinto zonke, loba kuyizinto ezisemhlabeni kumbe izinto ezisezulwini ngokwenza ukuthula ngegazi layo elachithwa esiphambanweni.
and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of the cross of Him, through Him whether the [things] on the earth or the [things] (in *NK(o)*) the heavens;
21 Lina lake laba ngabehlukane loNkulunkulu, liyizitha ezingqondweni zenu ngenxa yokuziphatha kwenu okubi.
And you once being alienated and hostile in mind in the deeds evil, now however (He has reconciled [You] *NK(O)*)
22 Kodwa khathesi uselibuyisile ngomzimba kaKhristu uqobo lwawo ngokufa ukuze alethule lingcwele ebusweni bakhe, lingelasici njalo limsulwa.
in the body of the flesh of Him through death to present you holy and unblemished and blameless before Him.
23 Nxa liqhubeka ngokukholwa kwenu ligxile njalo liqinile, lingasuki ethembeni eliliphiwa ngevangeli. Leli yilo ivangeli elalizwayo eselitshunyayelwe kuzozonke izidalwa ngaphansi kwezulu, mina Phawuli esengibe yinceku yalo.
if indeed you continue in the faith established and firm and not being moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which having been proclaimed in all (*k*) creation under heaven, of which have become I myself Paul a minister.
24 Khathesi ngiyathokoza ngokulihluphekela kwami njalo ngiyagcwalisa emzimbeni okulokhu kusasilela mayelana lezinhlupheko zikaKhristu ngenxa yomzimba wakhe olibandla.
Now I rejoice in the sufferings (of mine *k*) for you and I am filling up that which is lacking of the tribulations of Christ in the flesh of mine for the body of Him which is the church;
25 Sengaba yinceku yalo ngomsebenzi uNkulunkulu anginika wona ukuba ngililethele ilizwi likaNkulunkulu liphelele,
of which became I myself a minister according to the administration of God which having been given me toward you to complete the word of God,
26 ebeliyimfihlakalo ebifihlakele okweminyakanyaka kanye lezizukulwane ezedluleyo kodwa khathesi isibekwe obala kwabangcwele beNkosi. (aiōn g165)
the mystery which hidden from the ages and from the generations, (now *N(k)O*) however having been manifested to the saints of Him; (aiōn g165)
27 UNkulunkulu wathanda ukubazisa phakathi kwabeZizweni inotho emangalisayo yemfihlakalo le, enguKhristu phakathi kwenu, ithemba lenkazimulo.
to whom has willed God to make known (what the *N(k)O*) riches of the glory of the mystery this among the Gentiles, (which *N(k)O*) is Christ in you, the hope of glory;
28 Sitshumayela yena, seluleke njalo sifundise abantu bonke ngenhlakanipho yonke ukuze bonke sibalethe kuKhristu bephelele.
whom we ourselves preach admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, so that we may present every man perfect in Christ (Jesus *K*)
29 Ngisebenza nzima ukuba lokhu kufezeke, ngilwisa ngawo wonke amandla uKhristu asebenza ngawo phakathi kwami.
Unto this also I toil striving according to the energy of Him who is working in me myself in power.

< KwabaseKholose 1 >