< Imisebenzi 25 >

1 Ngemva kwensuku ezintathu efikile esifundeni uFestasi, wasuka eKhesariya waya eJerusalema
Festus therefore having arrived in the province after three days he went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea,
2 lapho abaphristi abakhulu labakhokheli bamaJuda bema phambi kwakhe beneka amacala kaPhawuli.
Made a presentation (then *N(k)O*) before him (the *N(k)O*) (chief priests *N(K)O*) and the chiefs of the Jews against Paul and they were begging him
3 Bamcela ngokuphangisa uFestasi, ukuba abenzele umusa, abalethele uPhawuli eJerusalema, ngoba babeceba ukumcathamela bambulale endleleni.
asking a favor against him, that he may summon him to Jerusalem, an ambush forming to execute him on the way.
4 UFestasi waphendula wathi, “UPhawuli uvalelwe eKhesariya, njalo mina ngokwami Ngiya khona masinyane.
Indeed therefore Festus answered that is to be kept Paul (in Caesarea, *N(k)O*) he himself however ensuing with speed to set out;
5 Akuthi abanye abakhokheli bakini bahambe lami bafike bamethese amacala khonale, nxa kukhona akonileyo.”
Those therefore among you he says [in] power having gone down too, if anything there is in the man wrong, they should accuse him.
6 Esehlale insuku eziyisificaminwembili loba ezilitshumi labo, wehlela eKhesariya, kwathi ngosuku olulandelayo wangenisa inkundla wathi kalethwe uPhawuli phambi kwakhe.
Having spent then with them days (not *NO*) more (than eight *NO*) or ten, having gone down to Caesarea, on the next day having sat on the judgment seat he commanded Paul to be brought.
7 Esefikile uPhawuli amaJuda ayebuyile evela eJerusalema ambuthanela, ethula amacala amanengi esabekayo ngaye, kodwa engelabufakazi ngawo.
When was arriving then he they stood around (him *NO*) the from Jerusalem having come down Jews many and weighty charges (presenting *N(k)O*) (concerning Paul *K*) which not they were able to prove,
8 UPhawuli wasezivikela wathi, “Angenzanga lutho oluphikisa umlayo wamaJuda kumbe ukudumaza ithempeli, kumbe oluphikisa uKhesari.”
(Paul *no*) was presenting a defense (of him *k*) that Neither [I sinned] against the law of the Jews nor [I sinned] against the temple nor against Caesar [in] anything have I sinned.
9 UFestasi wayefuna ukwenzela amaJuda umusa, wathi kuPhawuli, “Uyavuma na ukuya eJerusalema ukuthi ngiyekuthonisela khona amacala la?”
Festus however wishing from the Jews a favor to lay, answering Paul said; Are you willing to Jerusalem having gone up there concerning these things (to be judged *N(k)O*) before me?
10 Waphendula uPhawuli wathi, “Khathesi sengisiyakuma phambi kwenkundla kaKhesari, lapho engifanele ukuthonisiswa khona. Kangonanga lutho kumaJuda, njengoba lawe usazi kakuhle.
Said then Paul; Before the judgment seat of Caesar standing I am, where me it behooves to be judged. To [the] Jews no [thing] (I have done wrong, *NK(o)*) as also you yourself very well know;
11 Kodwa, nxa ngilecala lokwenza loba yini efanele ukufa kangali ukubulawa. Kodwa nxa lawomacala engiwetheswa ngamaJuda la engasiqiniso, kakho olelungelo lokunginikela kuwo. Ngilidlulisela kuKhesari!”
If indeed (therefore *N(k)O*) I do wrong and worthy of death have done anything, not I do refuse to die; If however no [thing] there is of which they [can] accuse me, no [one] me can to them giving up. To Caesar I appeal!
12 UFestasi esehlanganise amakhanda lomphakathi wakhe, wathi, “Usulidlulisele kuKhesari. Uzakuya-ke kuKhesari!”
Then Festus having conferred with the Council answered; To Caesar You have appealed, to Caesar you will go!
13 Sekuyizinsuku ezimbalwa ngemva kwalokho iNkosi u-Agripha loBhenikhe bafika eKhesariya ukuyaqinisa ubudlelwano laye uFestasi.
When days now having passed some Agrippa the king and Bernice came down to Caesarea (greeting *N(k)O*) Festus.
14 Njengoba babezachitha insuku ezinengi khona, uFestasi wakhuluma leNkosi ngendaba kaPhawuli. Wathi, “Kulendoda lapha eyatshiywa nguFelikhe iyisibotshwa.
As now many days (they were staying *NK(o)*) there, Festus to the king laid before the [things] relating to Paul saying; A man certain there is left by Felix [as] a prisoner,
15 Ngathi ngiseJerusalema, abaphristi abakhulu labadala bamaJuda bayimangalela ngamacala athile, bacela ukuthi ibulawe.
concerning whom having been of me in Jerusalem made a presentation the chief priests and the elders of the Jews asking against him (penalty; *N(k)O*)
16 Ngabatshela ukuthi kakusimkhuba wamaRoma ukunikela umuntu engakahlanganiswa labamangaleli bakhe, waphiwa ithuba lokuzivikela kulawo macala abambeka wona.
to whom I answered that not it is [the] custom with Romans to give up any man (into punishment *K*) before than the [one] being accused to face he would be [able] the accusers [the] opportunity and of defense he would have concerning the accusation.
17 Bathi sebefikile lapha behamba lami, ngahle ngalingenisa icala, kodwa inkundla ngayihlanganisa ngosuku olulandelayo, ngathi indoda leyo kayingeniswe.
When were assembling therefore they here delay no having made, on the next [day] having sat on the judgment seat I commanded to be brought the man;
18 Sebephakamile ukuba bakhulume, kabasambekanga lawomacala engangiwakhumbula.
concerning whom having stood up the accusers no charge (were bringing *N(k)O*) of which I myself was suspect (crimes; *N(O)*)
19 Kodwa, kulezinto ezithile ababephikisana ngazo laye mayelana lenkolo yabo langenye indoda eyafayo ethiwa nguJesu, uPhawuli athi yena iyaphila.
Questions however certain concerning the own religion they had against him and concerning a certain Jesus having died whom was affirming Paul to be alive.
20 Ngisuke ngadideka ukuthi ngizicubungule njani izindaba ezinjalo; yikho ngimbuzile ukuthi angavuma yini ukuya eJerusalema ayethonisiswa khona ngamacala la.
Being perplexed now I myself (into *k*) concerning (these *N(k)O*) inquiry was asking if he would be willing to go to Jerusalem and there and there to be judged concerning these things.
21 Kuthe uPhawuli esethe ucela icala lakhe limiswe liyoqunywa nguMbusi oMkhulu, ngathi kagcinwe entolongweni ngize ngimdlulisele kuKhesari.”
But Paul having appealed for to be kept himself for the Emperor's decision I commanded to be kept him until that (I may return *N(k)O*) him to Caesar.
22 U-Agripha wasesithi kuFestasi, “Ngifuna ukuthi kengiyizwe mina ngokwami indoda leyo.” Waphendula wathi, “Uzayizwa kusasa.”
Agrippa then to Festus (was saying: *k*) I was wanting also myself the man to hear. (now *k*) Tomorrow he says you will hear him.
23 Kusisa u-Agripha loBhenikhe bafika ngodumo olukhulu bangena emthethwandaba lezikhulu zakhona ezaziwayo kanye labakhokheli bedolobho. UFestasi wathi uPhawuli kalethwe.
On the therefore next day when was coming Agrippa and Bernice with great pomp and having entered into the audience hall with both (to the *k*) commanders and to men who in prominence (being *k*) in the city and when was commanding Festus was brought in Paul.
24 UFestasi wasesithi, “Nkosi Agripha, lani lonke elikhona lathi lapha, liyayibona indoda le! Sonke isizwe samaJuda eJerusalema lakhona lapha eKhesariya senza isikhalazo kimi bememeza ukuthi kayisafanelanga ukuthi ibe ilokhu iphila.
And says Festus; Agrippa King and all you who [are] (being present with *NK(o)*) us men, you see this one concerning whom (all *N(k)O*) the multitude of the Jews (they pleaded *NK(o)*) with me in both Jerusalem and here (crying [that] *N(k)O*) not needing of him to live no longer.
25 Ngafumana ukuthi kwakungelalutho alwenzayo olufanele ukufa, kodwa ngenxa yokuthi wacela ukudluliselwa kuMbusi oMkhulu, ngakhetha ukuthi ngimdlulisele eRoma.
I myself however (having grasped *N(k)O*) nothing worthy him of death to have done, (and *k*) himself and of this one having appealed to the Emperor I determined to send (him. *k*)
26 Kodwa kakulalutho olubambekayo engizalulobela uMhlekazi ngaye. Ngakho sengimlethe lapha phambi kwenu lonke, ikakhulu phambi kwakho wena Nkosi Agripha, ukuze kuthi ngemva kokumhlola hlezi ngithole ulutho engingaluloba.
concerning whom definite anything to write to [my] lord not I have, Therefore I have brought him before you all and especially before you, King Agrippa, so that when the examination having taken place I may have something (I may write; *N(k)O*)
27 Ngibona kungaba liphutha elikhulu ukuthumela isibotshwa ngingacacanga ngamacala esiwetheswayo.”
Absurd for to me it seems [in] sending a prisoner not also the against him charges to specify.

< Imisebenzi 25 >