< 2 Amakhosi 10 >

1 ESamariya kwakulamadodana angamatshumi ayisikhombisa ayengawendlu ka-Ahabi. Ngakho uJehu waloba izincwadi elobela izikhulu zaseJezerili, abadala lakulabo ababesondla abantwana baka-Ahabi. Waloba kanje:
Now, Ahab, had seventy sons in Samaria, —so Jehu wrote letters, and sent to Samaria, unto the rulers of Jezreel—the elders, and unto them who had been foster-parents for Ahab, saying:
2 “Masinyazana ekuboneni kwenu lincwadi, njengoba abantwana benkosi yenu besezandleni zenu njalo lilezinqola zokulwa lamabhiza, umuzi wenqaba lezikhali,
Now, therefore, when this letter cometh in unto you, there being, with you, the sons of your lord, —and, with you, the chariots and the homes, and a fortified city, and the armour,
3 khethani lowo elimbona efanele kulabo bonke phakathi kwamadodana enkosi yenu limfake esihlalweni sikayise sobukhosi, beselilwela indlu yenkosi yenu.”
ye shall look out the goodliest and fittest of the sons of your lord, and set on the throne of his father, and ye shall do battle for the house of your lord.
4 Kodwa besaba bathi: “Nxa amakhosi amabili ehlulekile ukumelana laye, thina singakwenza njani?”
Then feared they very greatly, and said, Lo! two kings, stood not before him; how then, should, we, stand?
5 Ngakho isiphathamandla sesigodlo, usibalukhulu, abadala kanye labalindi bathumela lelilizwi kuJehu, “Sizinceku zakho, njalo sizakwenza konke njengokutsho kwakho. Kakho esizamkhetha ukuba abe yinkosi; yenza lokho obona kulungile kakhulu.”
So he that was over the house, and he that was over the city, and the elders, and the foster-parents sent unto Jehu, saying—Thy servants, we are! and, all that thou shalt say unto us, will we do, —we will make no man king, whatsoever is good in thine own eyes, do!
6 Ngakho uJehu wabalobela incwadi yesibili esithi, “Nxa livumelana lami njalo lizimisele ukungilalela, qumani amakhanda amadodana enkosi yenu libe selibuya lawo kusasa eJezerili ngasonalesisikhathi.” Amakhosana esikhosini, ayengamatshumi ayisikhombisa, ayehlala lamadoda aqakathekileyo phakathi komuzi, okuyiwo ayesondla amadodana enkosi.
Then wrote he unto them a second letter, saying—If, mine, ye are, and, unto my voice, ye intend to hearken, take ye the heads of the men who are sons of your lord, and come in unto me about this time to-morrow, in Jezreel. Now, the sons of the king, seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, who had been bringing them up.
7 Incwadi yathi ifika, amadoda la abulala wonke amakhosana angamatshumi ayisikhombisa. Afaka amakhanda awo ezitsheni awathumela kuJehu eJezerili.
And it came to pass, when the letter reached them, that they took the sons of the king, and slew them, seventy persons, —and put their heads in baskets, and sent unto him to Jezreel.
8 Isithunywa sithe sifika satshela uJehu sathi: “Sebewalethile amakhanda amakhosana.” UJehu wasekhupha ilizwi esithi, “Abutheleleni abe zinqwaba ezimbili esangweni lomuzi kuze kube sekuseni.”
And there came in a messenger and told him, saying, They have brought in the heads of the sons of the king. And he said—Lay ye them in two heaps, at the entrance of the gate, until the morning.
9 Ngosuku olulandelayo uJehu waphuma; wema phambi kwabantu wathi, “Lina limsulwa. Yimi engithame ukubulala inkosi yami njalo ngiyibulele, kodwa ngubani obulele bonke laba?
And it came to pass, in the morning, that he went out and took his stand, and said unto all the people, Righteous, are, ye! Lo! I, conspired against my lord, and slew him, but, who, smote, all these?
10 Alibokwazi ukuthi akukho lalinye ilizwi elivela kuThixo lingxame u-Ahabi labendlu yakhe, elizakwehluleka. UThixo usekwenzile lokho akuthembisa ngenceku yakhe u-Elija.”
Know ye, then, that there shall fall nought of the word of Yahweh, to the ground, which Yahweh spake concerning the house of Ahab, —but, Yahweh, hath done that which he spake through his servant Elijah.
11 Ngakho uJehu wabulala bonke eJezerili abendlu ka-Ahabi ababesele, kanye lezikhulu zakhe, abangane bakhe abasekhwapheni labaphristi bakhe, akusalanga muntu kwabendlu ka-Ahabi.
Then Jehu smote all that were left remaining unto the house of Ahab, in Jezreel, and all his great men, and his acquaintances and his priests, —until there was not left remaining to him, a survivor.
12 UJehu waphuma njalo waqonda eSamariya. EBhethi-Ekhedi yaBelusi,
Then arose he, and came in, and departed for Samaria, —the sheep-shearing house itself being on the road;
13 wahlangana lezihlobo zika-Ahaziya inkosi yakoJuda wababuza wathi, “Lingobani lina na?” Bona bamphendula bathi, “Siyizihlobo zika-Ahaziya, njalo sizekwethekelela abendlu yenkosi kanye lendlovukazi engunina.”
so, Jehu, lighted upon the brethren of Ahaziah king of Judah, and said, Who are, ye? And they said—Brethren of Ahaziah, are, we; so we came down to salute the sons of the king, and the sons of the queen.
14 Yena wathi ezincekwini zakhe, “Bathatheni bephila!” Ngakho babathatha bephila bayababulalela emthonjeni weBhethi-Ekhedi, babengamadoda angamatshumi amane. Kakho loyedwa abamtshiya ephila.
Then said he, —Take them alive. So they took them alive, and slew them [casting them] into the pit of the shearing house, —forty-two men, neither left he remaining a man of them.
15 Ngemva kokusuka kwakhe lapho, wahlangana loJehonadabi indodana kaRekhabi, owayesendleleni ezomhlangabeza. UJehu wambingelela wathi, “Wena uvumelana lami na, njengoba mina ngikanye lawe?” UJehonadabi waphendula wathi, “Mina ngilawe.” UJehu wathi, “Nxa kunjalo ngibamba isandla,” kwathi esembambile wamkhweza enqoleni yokulwa.
Then departed he from thence, and lighted on Jehonadab son of Rechab coming to meet him, and he blessed him, and said unto him—Is thy heart, right, as my heart is with thy heart? And Jehonadab said—It is. Then, if it is, give me thy hand. So he gave him his hand. And he took him up to him, into the chariot;
16 UJehu wasesithi, “Woza sihambe ngiyekutshengisa ukuphitshekela kwami uThixo.” Ngakho wagada laye enqoleni yakhe yokulwa.
and said—Do come with me, and see my jealousy for Yahweh. So he made him ride in his chariot.
17 UJehu uthe efika eSamariya, wabulala bonke ababesele khonale abendlu ka-Ahabi, wababhubhisa njengokutsho kwelizwi likaThixo ekhuluma ku-Elija.
And, when he came into Samaria, he smote all that were left remaining unto Ahab, in Samaria, until he had destroyed him, —according to the word of Yahweh, which he had spoken unto Elijah.
18 Ngakho uJehu wasebuthanisa abantu bonke wasesithi kubo, “U-Ahabi ubekhonza uBhali kancinyane; uJehu uzamkhonza kakhulu.
Then Jehu gathered together all the people, and said unto them, —Ahab, served Baal, a little, —Jehu, will serve him, much.
19 Ngakho ngibizelani bonke abaphrofethi bakaBhali, zonke izikhonzi zakhe labaphristi bakhe. Linanzelele ukuthi kakho loyedwa ozasala, ngoba ngifuna ukwenza umhlatshelo omkhulu kuBhali. Ongayikubuya kasayikuphila.” UJehu wayebakhohlisa ngoba wayedinga ukubhubhisa abafundisi bakaBhali.
Now, therefore, all the prophets of Baal, all his servants and all his priests, call ye for me; do not let, a man, be missing; for, a great sacrifice, have I, to Baal, no one that is missing, shall live. But, Jehu, acted, craftily, to the end he might destroy the servants of Baal.
20 UJehu wasesithi, “Bizani umhlangano wokudumisa uBhali.” Basebewumemezela.
And Jehu said—Hallow ye a solemn festival unto Baal. And they made proclamation.
21 Wasethumela ilizwi kulolonke elako-Israyeli, beza bonke abafundisi bakaBhali; kakho loyedwa ongezanga. Bagcwala baminyana ethempelini likaBhali kusukela emsamo kusiya emnyango.
And Jehu sent throughout all Israel, and all the servants of Baal came in, so that there was not left remaining a man, who had not come in, —and they entered the house of Baal, and the house of Baal was filled, from door to door.
22 UJehu wasesithi kulowo owayegcina izigqoko zabakhonza uBhali, “Balethele izigqoko bonke abakhonza uBhali.” Ngakho wabalethela lezozigqoko.
Then said he to him who was over the wardrobe chamber, Bring forth vestments for all the servants of Baal. And he brought forth for them the vestments.
23 UJehu loJehonadabi indodana kaRekhabi bangena ethempelini likaBhali. UJehu wathi kubakhonzi bakaBhali, “Linanzelele kungangeni loyedwa oyinceku kaThixo enkonzweni yenu, akube ngabakhonzi bakaBhali kuphela.”
Then entered Jehu, with Jehonadab son of Rechab, into the house of Baal, —and he said unto the servants of Baal—Search ye and see, that there be not here, with you, any of the servants of Yahweh, none but the servants of Baal, alone.
24 Ngakho bangena banikela benza leminikelo yokutshiswa. UJehu wayebeke amadoda angamatshumi ayisificaminwembili wawaqonqosela wathi, “Loba ngubani ozayekela omunye walamadoda engiwabeke ezandleni zenu ephunyuka, ngizaphindisela ngempilo yakhe.”
And, when they entered to offer sacrifices and ascending-offerings, Jehu, set him, outside, eighty men, and said—The man who shall escape, of the men whom I am bringing into your power, his own life, shall be for, his life.
25 UJehu wathi eseqedile ukunikela umnikelo wokutshiswa, wathi kubalindi lezikhulu zebutho, “Ngenani liyebabulala; kungabikho loyedwa ozaphunyuka.” Ngakho babatshaya ngenkemba bababhubhisa. Abalindi lezikhulu balahlela phandle izidumbu basebengena ethempelini likaBhali elingaphakathi.
And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end of offering the ascending-sacrifice, that Jehu said to the runners and to the officers—Enter, smite them, let not, a man, get out. So they smote them, with the edge of the sword, —and the runners and the officers cast them out, and then went as far as the city of the house of Baal,
26 Bakhipha ilitshe elikhonzwayo likaBhali balitshisa.
and brought forth the idolatrous pillars that were in the house of Baal, and then burned it;
27 Balidiliza lelolitshe likaBhali elikhonzwayo babhidliza lethempeli lakhe, balenza laba yindlu yokuyela ngaphandle kuze kube lalamuhla lokhu.
and they brake down the pillars of Baal, —and brake down the house of Baal, and appointed it for a sewer-house—until this day.
28 Ngalokho uJehu wadiliza ukholo lukaBhali ko-Israyeli.
Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.
29 Kodwa, yena katshiyananga lezono zikaJerobhowamu indodana kaNebhathi, lezo ayebangele u-Israyeli ukuzenza, ukukhonza amathole egolide eBhetheli laseDani.
Nevertheless, as for the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he caused, Israel, to commit, Jehu turned not away from following them, —the calves of gold, one being in Bethel, and the other in Dan.
30 UThixo wathi kuJehu, “Njengoba wenze kuhle ngokuphelelisa lokho okufaneleyo phambi kwami njalo wenze konke ebengikumisele abendlu ka-Ahabi, abendlu yakho bazabusa ko-Israyeli kuze kube yisizukulwane sesine.”
And Yahweh said unto Jehu: Because thou hast done well, by doing that which was right in mine eyes—according to all that was in my heart, hast done to the house of Ahab, sons, of thine, unto the fourth generation, shall sit upon the throne of Israel.
31 Kodwa uJehu kazange ananzelele ukugcina umthetho kaThixo, uNkulunkulu ka-Israyeli, ngenhliziyo yakhe yonke. Kazange atshiyane lezono ezazisenziwa nguJerobhowamu, lezo ayebangele u-Israyeli ukuba azenze.
But, Jehu, took not heed to walk in the law of Yahweh God of Israel, with all his heart, —he turned not away from the sins of Jeroboam, which he caused, Israel, to commit.
32 Ngalezonsuku uThixo waqalisa ukwehlisa inani labako-Israyeli. UHazayeli wanqoba ama-Israyeli kulolonke ilizwe lawo,
In those days, began Yahweh to make inroads in Israel, —and Hazael smote them in all the boundaries of Israel;
33 empumalanga yeJodani kulolonke eleGiliyadi (kuthatha umango kaGadi, okaRubheni lokaManase), kusukela e-Aroweri ngaseSihotsheni se-Arinoni kusiyaphutsha eGiliyadi kungena eBhashani.
from the Jordan, towards sunrise, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites, and the Reubenites, and the Manassites, —from Aroer, which is by the torrent of Arnon, both Gilead and Bashan.
34 Okunye kwezehlakalo lezenzo ngokubusa kukaJehu, konke akwenzayo, aphumelela kukho, akulotshwanga yini egwalweni lwembali yamakhosi ako-Israyeli na?
Now, the rest of the story of Jehu, and all that he did, and all his might, are they not written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
35 UJehu wafa walala kuboyise emathuneni aseSamariya. UJehowahazi indodana yakhe yathatha ubukhosi yabusa.
And Jehu slept with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria, —and, Jehoahaz his son, reigned, in his stead.
36 UJehu isikhathi abusa ngaso u-Israyeli eseSamariya kwaba yiminyaka engamatshumi amabili lasificaminwembili.
Now, the days that Jehu reigned over Israel, were twenty-eight years, in Samaria.

< 2 Amakhosi 10 >