< 2 Kwabasekhorinte 9 >

1 Akudingeki ukuba ngililobele mayelana lalokhukusebenzela abantu beNkosi.
And concerning the ministration by the saints, it would be superfluous for me to write to you:
2 Ngoba ngiyakwazi ukutshisekela kwenu ukuba lisize njalo kade ngizincoma ngakho kwabaseMasedoniya, ngibatshela ukuthi kusukela nyakenye lina e-Akhayiya belizimisele ukunikela; njalo ukutshiseka kwenu kukhuthaze inengi labo ukuba baphathise.
for I know the goodness of your mind; and therefore I gloried of you before the Macedonians, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath excited many.
3 Kodwa ngithuma abazalwane ukuze ukuzincoma kwethu ngani ngale indaba kungabi yize kodwa ukuba libe ngabalungiseleleyo, njengoba ngatsho ukuthi lizakuba lilungiselele.
Yet I sent the brethren, lest the glorying with which we have gloried in you in regard to this matter, should prove vain; and that ye, as I said, may be ready;
4 Ngoba nxa abanye baseMasedoniya besiza lami, bengathola lingalungiselanga, singayangeka ngokulethemba ebesilakho.
so that, if the Macedonians should come with me, and should find you unprepared, we-not to say, ye-should be put to shame for that glorying in which we gloried.
5 Ngakho ngibone kufanele ukukhuthaza abazalwane ukuba balethekelele mandulo baqedise amalungiselelo esipho esihle elasithembisa sona. Ngalesosikhathi sizakuba sesilungile njengesipho esihle hatshi esinikelwe ngomona.
Therefore I was careful to request these my brethren, to go before me unto you, that they might make up this benefaction, of which ye were advised long before to have it ready, as being a benefaction, and not a matter of cupidity.
6 Khumbulani lokhu: Lowo ohlanyela okunengi uvuna okunengi.
And this I say: He that soweth sparingly, shall also reap sparingly; and he that soweth bountifully, shall also reap bountifully.
7 Umuntu ngamunye kanike lokho amise ukukunikela enhliziyweni yakhe, kungabi ngokudonda loba ukubanjwa ngamandla ngoba uNkulunkulu uthanda onikela ngokuthokoza.
Every man, according to his own views, not with sadness, not by constraint: for the Lord loveth a joyous giver.
8 Njalo uNkulunkulu ulamandla okwenza umusa wande kini ukuze kuthi ezintweni zonke ngezikhathi zonke, lilakho konke elikuswelayo, lizakuba lokunengi kuyo yonke imisebenzi emihle.
For it is in the power of God, to make all good abound to you, so that ye may have, at all times, and in every thing, what is sufficient for you; and may abound in every good work.
9 Njengoba kulotshiwe ukuthi: “Uchithele izipho zakhe kubayanga ezindaweni zonke; ukulunga kwakhe kumi laphakade.” (aiōn g165)
As it is written, He hath dispersed and given to the poor; and his righteousness is established for ever. (aiōn g165)
10 Lowo onika umhlanyeli inhlanyelo lesinkwa sokudla uzanika njalo aqhelise isiphala senu senhlanyelo, andise lesivuno sokulunga kwenu.
Now he that giveth seed to the sower, and bread for food, may he give and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness:
11 Lizanothiswa ngezindlela zonke ukuze liphane ngezikhathi zonke, kuthi ngathi ukupha kwenu kulethe ukubongwa kukaNkulunkulu.
so that in every thing, ye may be enriched unto all liberality, to the completion of our thanksgiving to God.
12 Umsebenzi lo eliwenzayo kawuqedi zinswelo zabantu bakaNkulunkulu kuphela kodwa ugcwele amazwi amanengi okubonga uNkulunkulu.
For the performance of this ministration, not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is also rich in many thanksgivings to God.
13 Ngenxa yomsebenzi eselizibonakalise ngawo, abantu bazamdumisa uNkulunkulu ngenxa yokulalela lokuvuma kwenu ivangeli likaKhristu, kanye lomusa wenu ekwabelananeni labo kanye labanye futhi.
For on account of the test of this ministration, we glorify God, that ye do subject yourselves to the profession of the gospel of the Messiah, and that in your liberality, ye communicate with them and with all men:
14 Ekulikhulekeleni kwabo, inhliziyo zabo zizakuba kini ngenxa yomusa ongelamkhawulo uNkulunkulu alinike wona.
and they put up prayer for you, with much love, because of the abundance of the grace of God that is upon you.
15 Kabongwe uNkulunkulu ngenxa yesipho esingeke sichazwe.
Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.

< 2 Kwabasekhorinte 9 >