< 2 Imilando 28 >
1 U-Ahazi wayeleminyaka engamatshumi amabili ubudala nyakana esiba yinkosi, njalo wabusa eJerusalema okweminyaka elitshumi lesithupha. Kenzanga njengoyise uDavida, kazange enze okulungileyo emehlweni kaThixo.
Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he was ruling in Jerusalem for sixteen years; he did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord, like David his father:
2 Wahamba ngezindlela zamakhosi ako-Israyeli njalo wabaza izithombe zokukhonza oBhali.
But he went in the ways of the kings of Israel and made images of metal for the Baals.
3 Watshisa imihlatshelo eSigodini saseBheni-Hinomu wanikela amadodana akhe emlilweni, elandela izindlela ezenyanyekayo zezizwe uThixo ayezixotshe mandulo kokufika kwabako-Israyeli.
More than this, he had offerings burned in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and made his children go through fire, copying the disgusting ways of the nations whom the Lord had sent out of the land before the children of Israel.
4 Wanikela imihlatshelo njalo watshisa impepha ezindaweni zokukhonzela phezu kwamaqaqa langaphansi kwazo zonke izihlahla eziyizithingithingi.
And he made offerings and had perfumes burned in the high places and on the hills and under every green tree.
5 Ngakho uThixo uNkulunkulu wakhe wamnikela enkosini yama-Aramu. Ama-Aramu amnqoba athumba abantu bakhe abanengi abaletha eDamaseko. Yena njalo wanikelwa ezandleni zenkosi yako-Israyeli, yona eyambulalela abantu abanengi kakhulu.
So the Lord his God gave him up into the hands of the king of Aram; and they overcame him, and took away a great number of his people as prisoners to Damascus. Then he was given into the hands of the king of Israel, who sent great destruction on him.
6 Kwathi ngelanga elilodwa uPhekha indodana kaRemaliya wabulala amabutho azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili koJuda ngoba abakoJuda babemfulathele uThixo, uNkulunkulu waboyise.
For Pekah, the son of Remaliah, in one day put to death a hundred and twenty thousand men of Judah, all of them good fighting-men; because they had given up the Lord, the God of their fathers.
7 UZikhiri ibutho lako-Efrayimi, wabulala uMaseya indodana yenkosi, lo-Azirikhamu isikhulu somndlunkulu, kanye lo-Elikhana, owayengumsekeli wenkosi.
And Zichri, a great fighting-man of Ephraim, put to death Maaseiah, the king's son, and Azrikam, the controller of his house, and Elkanah, who was second in authority to the king.
8 Abako-Israyeli bathumba ezihlotsheni zabo zakoJuda omkabo, lamadodana lamadodakazi abazinkulungwane ezingamakhulu amabili. Babutha njalo impango enengi kakhulu, abayithwala babuyela layo eSamariya.
And the children of Israel took away as prisoners from their brothers, two hundred thousand, women and sons and daughters, and a great store of their goods, and took them to Samaria.
9 Kodwa umphrofethi wenkosi okwakuthiwa ngu-Odedi wayekhonale, ngakho waphuma ukuyahlangabeza ibutho ekuphendukeni kwalo eSamariya. Wathi kulo, “Ngenxa yokuthi uThixo, uNkulunkulu waboyihlo wayethukuthelele abakoJuda, wabanikela ezandleni zenu. Kodwa lina selibabhubhise ngolaka oluze lwayathinta ezulwini.
But a prophet of the Lord was there, named Oded; and he went out in front of the army which was coming into Samaria and said to them, Truly, because the Lord, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, he gave them up into your hands, and you have put them to death in an outburst of wrath stretching up to heaven.
10 Khathesi selifuna ukuthi amadoda labesifazane bakoJuda laseJerusalema babe yizigqili zenu. Kodwa lina ngokwenu kalonanga yini kuThixo uNkulunkulu wenu na?
And now your purpose is to keep the children of Judah and Jerusalem as men-servants and women-servants under your yoke: but are there no sins against the Lord your God to be seen among yourselves?
11 Lalelani kimi! Buyiselani amadoda akini eliwenze izibotshwa, ngoba ulaka lukaThixo olwesabekayo luphezu kwenu.”
And now give ear to me, and send back the prisoners whom you have taken from your brothers: for the wrath of the Lord is burning against you.
12 Abanye babakhokheli bako-Efrayimi u-Azariya indodana kaJehohanani, loBherekhiya indodana kaMeshilemothi, loJehizikhiya indodana kaShalumi, kanye lo-Amasa indodana kaHadilayi bamelana lalabo ababevela empini bathi kubo,
Then certain of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah, the son of Johanan, Berechiah, the son of Meshillemoth Jehizkiah, the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, put themselves against those who had come from the war,
13 “Lingalethi lezozibotshwa lapha, ngoba kungenzeka sibe lecala phambi kukaThixo. Selidinga ukuthi lengezelele lelocala phezu kwesono sethu na? Ngoba icala lethu livele likhulu, njalo lentukuthelo yakhe eyesabekayo iphezu kwabako-Israyeli.”
And said to them, You are not to let these prisoners come here; for what you are designing to do will be a cause of sin against the Lord to us, making even greater our sin and our wrongdoing, which now are great enough, and his wrath is burning against Israel.
14 Ngakho amabutho akhulula ababebotshiwe asebuyisela lempahla ezaziyimpango phambi kwezikhulu laphambi kwebandla.
So the armed men gave up the prisoners and the goods they had taken to the heads and the meeting of the people.
15 Amadoda ayeqanjwe ngamabizo abuyisela izibotshwa ezimpahleni zempango bagqokisa ababenqunu. Babanika izigqoko lamanyathelo, ukudla lokunathwayo, kanye lomuthi wokwelapha. Bonke ababuthakathaka babagadisa obabhemi. Ngakho babathatha bababuyisela kwabanye babo eJerikho, iDolobho lamaLala, basebebuyela eSamariya.
And those men who have been named went up and took the prisoners, clothing those among them who were uncovered, with things from the goods which had been taken in the war, and putting robes on them and shoes on their feet; and they gave them food and drink and oil for their bodies, and seating all the feeble among them on asses, they took them to Jericho, the town of palm-trees, to their people, and then went back to Samaria.
16 Ngalesosikhathi inkosi u-Ahazi yacela uncedo enkosini yase-Asiriya.
At that time King Ahaz sent for help to the king of Assyria.
17 Ama-Edomi ayesephendukile ezohlasela abakoJuda njalo asuka eqhuba izibotshwa,
For the Edomites had come again, attacking Judah and taking away prisoners.
18 kanti amaFilistiya lawo ngapha ayesehlasele amadolobho angaphansi kwamaqaqa kanye laseNegebi yakoJuda. Bathumba basebehlala khona eBhethi-Shemeshi, le-Ayijaloni leGederothi, kanye laseSokho, leThimina leGimizo lemizana eyayiseduze lalapho.
And the Philistines, forcing their way into the towns of the lowlands and the south of Judah, had taken Beth-shemesh and Aijalon and Gederoth and Soco, with their daughter-towns, as well as Timnah and Gimzo and their daughter-towns, and were living there.
19 UThixo wabatshaya abakoJuda ngoba u-Ahazi inkosi yako-Israyeli wayekhuthaze ukona kwabakoJuda watshengisela ukungathembeki okukhulu kuThixo.
For the Lord made Judah low, because of Ahaz, king of Israel; for he had given up all self-control in Judah, sinning greatly against the Lord.
20 UThigilathi-Philesa inkosi yase-Asiriya esikhundleni sokumsiza laye wafika wengezelela uhlupho.
Then Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, came to him, but was a cause of trouble and not of strength to him.
21 U-Ahazi wathatha ezinye zezimpahla zasethempelini likaThixo lezinye azithatha endlini yomndlunkulu esigodlweni waze wathatha lezamakhosana wayaziqhubela inkosi yase-Asiriya, kodwa lakho lokhu akumncedanga.
For Ahaz took a part of the wealth from the house of the Lord, and from the house of the king and of the great men, and gave it to the king of Assyria; but it was no help to him.
22 Kwathi lanxa inkosi u-Ahazi iphakathi kobunzima, yandisa ukona kwayo kuThixo.
And in the time of his trouble, this same King Ahaz did even more evil against the Lord.
23 Yanikela imihlatshelo kubonkulunkulu baseDamaseko, ababeyehlule, ngoba yakhumbula yathi, “Njengoba onkulunkulu bamakhosi ama-Aramu bewancedile, ngizanikela imihlatshelo kubo ukuze bangisize lami.” Kodwa-ke kwahle kwaba yikuwa kwayo lokuchitheka kwabako-Israyeli.
For he made offerings to the gods of Damascus, who were attacking him, and said, Because the gods of the kings of Aram are giving them help, I will make offerings to them so that they may give me help. But they were the cause of his downfall, and of that of all Israel.
24 U-Ahazi wabutha zonke izitsha ethempelini likaNkulunkulu wazisusa. Wavala iminyango yethempeli likaThixo wasesakha ama-alithare kuwo wonke amajiko eJerusalema.
And Ahaz got together the vessels of the house of God, cutting up all the vessels of the house of God, and shutting the doors of the Lord's house; and he made altars in every part of Jerusalem.
25 Wakha izindawo zokukhonzela kuwo wonke amadolobho akoJuda ukuze atshisele onkulunkulu imihlatshelo; wathukuthelisa uThixo, uNkulunkulu wabokhokho babo.
And in every town of Judah he made high places where perfumes were burned to other gods, awaking the wrath of the Lord, the God of his fathers.
26 Ezinye izehlakalo zombuso wakhe lezindlela zakhe zonke, kusukela ekuqaleni kuze kube sekupheleni, zilotshiwe egwalweni lwembali yamakhosi akoJuda lako-Israyeli.
Now the rest of his acts and all his ways, first and last, are recorded in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.
27 U-Ahazi waya ekuphumuleni kubokhokho bakhe wangcwatshwa labo emzini waseJerusalema, kodwa kabekwanga emathuneni amakhosi ako-Israyeli. UHezekhiya indodana yakhe wathatha isikhundla waba yinkosi.
And Ahaz went to rest with his fathers, and they put his body into the earth in Jerusalem; but they did not put him in the resting-place of the kings of Israel: and Hezekiah his son became king in his place.