< 2 Imilando 26 >

1 Ngakho bonke abantu bakoJuda bathatha u-Uziya, owayeleminyaka elitshumi lesithupha ubudala, bambeka waba yinkosi esikhundleni sikayise u-Amaziya.
Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in place of his father Amaziah.
2 Nguye owakha kutsha umuzi we-Elathi wawubuyisela koJuda ngemva kokufa kwenkosi u-Amaziya owangcwatshwa kubokhokho bakhe.
He was the builder of Eloth, which he got back for Judah after the death of the king.
3 U-Uziya wayeleminyaka elitshumi lesithupha ubudala ekubeni kwakhe yinkosi njalo wabusa eJerusalema okweminyaka engamatshumi amahlanu lambili. Ibizo likanina linguJekholiya; evela eJerusalema.
Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he was ruling in Jerusalem for fifty-two years; his mother's name was Jechiliah of Jerusalem.
4 Wenza okulungileyo phambi kukaThixo, njengalokhu okwakwenziwe nguyise u-Amaziya.
He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father Amaziah had done.
5 Wazimisela ukumdinga uNkulunkulu ngezinsuku zikaZakhariya, owamfundisa ukumesaba uNkulunkulu. Esamlandela uThixo, uNkulunkulu wamphumelelisa.
He gave himself to searching after God in the days of Zechariah, who made men wise in the fear of God; and as long as he was true to the Lord, God made things go well for him.
6 Waphuma impi wayakulwa lamaFilistiya wadiliza imiduli yaseGathi, laseJabhine lase-Ashidodi. Wasesakha kutsha imizi eseduzane le-Ashidodi leminye kwezinye iziqinti phakathi kwamaFilistiya.
He went out and made war against the Philistines, pulling down the walls of Gath and Jabneh and Ashdod, and building towns in the country round Ashdod and among the Philistines.
7 UNkulunkulu wayelaye ekuhlaseleni kwakhe amaFilistiya kanye lama-Arabhu ayehlala eGuri Bhali kanye lekuhlaseleni amaMewuni.
And God gave him help against the Philistines, and against the Arabians living in Gur-baal, and against the Meunim.
8 Ama-Amoni aletha umthelo wawo ku-Uziya, udumo lwakhe lwanda lasemingceleni kusiyafika eGibhithe, ngoba wayeselamandla amakhulu.
The Ammonites gave offerings to Uzziah: and news of him went out as far as the limit of Egypt; for he became very great in power.
9 U-Uziya wakha imiphotshongo eJerusalema ngaseSangweni leNgosi langaseSangweni leSigodi langasengosini yomduli, wayivikela ngezinqaba.
Uzziah made towers in Jerusalem, at the doorway in the angle and at the doorway in the valley and at the turn of the wall, arming them.
10 Wakha njalo imiphotshongo enkangala, wemba imithombo eminengi, ngoba wayefuyile elemihlambi yezifuyo emawatheni amaqaqa lasemagcekeni. Wayelabantu bokulima lababesezivinini emaqaqeni lasemhlabeni ovundileyo, ngoba wayethanda ukulima.
And he put up towers in the waste land and made places for storing water, for he had much cattle, in the low hills and in the table land; and he had farmers and vine-keepers in the mountains and in the fertile land, for he was a lover of farming.
11 U-Uziya wayelamabutho ayekwazi ukulwa ebuthwe ngamaviyo ayeqoqwe nguJeyiyeli umabhalane loMaseya isikhulu esasiqondiswa nguHananiya, omunye wezikhulu zomndlunkulu.
In addition, Uzziah had an army of fighting-men who went out to war in bands, as they had been listed by Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the ruler, under the authority of Hananiah, one of the king's captains.
12 Inani labakhokheli lonke ngezimuli emadodeni okulwa lalizinkulungwane ezimbili lamakhulu ayisithupha.
The heads of families, the strong men of war, were two thousand, six hundred.
13 Babelawula ibutho elilamadoda abazinkulungwane ezingamakhulu amathathu lesikhombisa lamakhulu amahlanu ayefundele ukulwa, amaviyo alamandla okuhlomulela inkosi ezitheni zayo.
And under their orders was a trained army of three hundred and seven thousand, five hundred, of great strength in war, helping the king against any who came against him.
14 U-Uziya wahlomisa amabutho akhe wonke ngezihlangu, imikhonto, ingowane zensimbi lamabhatshi ensimbi, lemitshoko lamatshe ezavutha.
And Uzziah had all these forces armed with body-covers and spears and head-covers and coats of metal and bows and stones for sending from leather bands.
15 EJerusalema wakhandisa imitshina yokufutha imitshoko leyokujikijela amatshe amakhulu ayikhandisa emadodeni ayezingcitshi eyayisetshenziswa emiphotshongweni esemajikweni. Udumo lwakhe lwanda lwayafika kude, ngoba wancediswa kakhulu waze waba lamandla amakhulu kakhulu.
And in Jerusalem he made machines, the invention of expert men, to be placed on the towers and angles of the walls for sending arrows and great stones. And his name was honoured far and wide; for he was greatly helped till he was strong.
16 Kodwa kwathi u-Uziya eselamandla amakhulu, ukuziqhenya kwakhe kwamlethela incithakalo. Kazange athembeke kuThixo uNkulunkulu wakhe, waze wangena ethempelini likaThixo, ukuba ayetshisa impepha e-alithareni lempepha.
But when he had become strong, his heart was lifted up in pride, causing his destruction; and he did evil against the Lord his God; for he went into the Temple of the Lord for the purpose of burning perfumes on the altar of perfumes.
17 U-Azariya umphristi labanye abaphristi bakaThixo abangamatshumi ayisificaminwembili abalezibindi bamlandela phakathi ethempelini.
And Azariah the priest went in after him, with eighty of the Lord's priests, who were strong men;
18 Bajamelana laye bathi kuye, “Akulunganga ukuthi wena, Uziya, utshisele uThixo impepha. Lokho ngokwabaphristi, abenzalo ka-Aroni, abehlukaniselwa ukutshisa impepha. Phuma kulindawo engcwele, ngoba awuzange wethembeke, njalo awuyikuphakanyiswa nguThixo uNkulunkulu.”
And they made protests to Uzziah the king, and said to him, The burning of perfumes, Uzziah, is not your business but that of the priests, the sons of Aaron, who have been made holy for this work: go out of the holy place, for you have done wrong, and it will not be to your honour before God.
19 U-Uziya owayephethe udengezi lokutshisela impepha esandleni sakhe, wathukuthela. Uthe elokhu esakhwazela abaphristi ngoba kwabo phambi kwe-alithari lempepha ethempelini likaThixo, kwaqalisa ubulephero ebunzini lobuso bakhe.
Then Uzziah was angry; and he had in his hand a vessel for burning perfume; and while his wrath was bitter against the priests, the mark of the leper's disease came out on his brow, before the eyes of the priests in the house of the Lord by the altar of perfumes.
20 Kwathi u-Azariya umphristi omkhulu labanye abaphristi bemkhangela, babona eselobulephero ebunzini lakhe, ngakho baphanga bamkhuphela phandle. Lakanye yena ngokwakhe wayevele esefisa ukuphuma, ngoba uThixo wayesemtshayile.
And Azariah, the chief priest, and all the priests, looking at him, saw the mark of the leper on his brow, and they sent him out quickly and he himself went out straight away, for the Lord's punishment had come on him.
21 U-Uziya inkosi waba lobulephero kwaze kwaba lilanga lakhe lokufa. Wayesehlala endlini yakhe eyayimi yodwa ngoba elobulephero njalo engasavunyelwa ethempelini likaThixo. UJothamu indodana yakhe yaphatha isigodlo njalo yaphatha abantu bonke belizwe.
So King Uzziah was a leper till the day of his death, living separately in his private house; for he was cut off from the house of God; and Jotham his son was ruling over his house, judging the people of the land.
22 Ezinye izehlakalo zombuso ka-Uziya, kusukela ekuqaleni kuze kube sekucineni, zilotshwe ngumphrofethi u-Isaya indodana ka-Amozi.
Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last, were recorded by Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz.
23 U-Uziya waphumula labokhokho bakhe wangcwatshwa eduze kwabo ensimini yokungcwaba eyayingeyamakhosi ngoba abantu bathi, “Wayelobulephero.” Ngakho uJothamu indodana yakhe wathatha isikhundla sakhe waba yinkosi.
So Uzziah went to rest with his fathers; and they put his body into the earth in the field used for the resting-place of the kings, for they said, He is a leper: and Jotham his son became king in his place.

< 2 Imilando 26 >