< Joon 18 >

1 Jisu ih rang ah jensoom ano, Kidron joisah saangko heliphante loong damdi daankata. Erah di pa esiit angta, eno Jisu nyia heliphante loong ah erah di nopwang rumta.
After Jesus finished praying, he went across the Kidron Brook, along with [us] disciples, to a grove [of olive trees].
2 Jisu jootkotte Judas ih erah pa ah mani angta erah jat eta, tiimnge liidi heliphante loong ah damdi Jisu erah di hepoot hepoot pakchomui roh ka ih rumta.
Judas, who was [about to] enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him, knew that [he would probably be] there. [He knew that because] Jesus often gathered there with us.
3 Erah thoidi romwah phokhothoon nyia Pharisi nok hah loong ah ih Judas damdi Room nok hah sipaahi nyia Rangteenook bante loong ah langpi papi ih wangthuk rumta, eno neng loong ah weetook nyia phiitwe ah piirum ano erah pa adi nopwang rumta.
So Judas came to that grove. He was leading a troop of Roman [soldiers] and some Temple guards who had been sent by the Pharisees and chief priests. They were carrying torches and lamps and weapons.
4 Jisu ih heh teeteewah ah mamah theng ah, erah banjat eta, eno neng taangko ih tiitkhoom kah ano cheng rumta, [O jam han sen ih ah?]
Jesus knew everything that was about to happen to him. So [as they approached], he stepped forward and asked them, “Who are you looking for?”
5 “Najaret dowa Jisu,” neng loong ah ih ngaakbaat rumta. “Erah liihan abah ngah,” Jisu ih baat rumta. Mih khumtante, Judaas, ah erah di roongchap wangta.
They replied to him, “Jesus, the man from Nazareth.” He replied, “That is who I am.” Judas, the one who was enabling his enemies to seize him, was with them.
6 Jisu ih [Erah liihan abah ngah ngeh ih liikano[ neng liko ih ngaakchap rum ano hah ni loongjup rumta.
When Jesus told them, “That is who I am,” they lurched backward and fell down on the ground [because of his power].
7 Jisu ih weengaak cheng rumta, “O jam han sen ih ah?” “Najaret dowa Jisu,” neng loong ah ih liita.
He asked them again, “Who are you looking for?” They said, “Jesus, [the man] from Nazareth.”
8 [Ngah ih jen baat ih rum taha erabah ngah ngeh ah.] Jisu ih baat rumta, [Ngah jam hali bah wahoh loong ah ngaakkaat ih thuk an.’’ Jisu ih emah ih li rumta. (
Jesus replied, “I told you that I am Jesus. So since I am the one you are looking for, allow these [disciples of mine] to go.”
9 Heh ih maangdi ban baatta ah amiisak ih angsuh neng loong asuh emah li rumta, Jisu ih Hewah rang ah emah ih soomta: [Ewah! An ih kotahang miloong ah wasiit taan uh ngah ih mat haatmuh.])
[This happened] in order that [when they did what he asked them to do], the words would be fulfilled that he had prayed, “I will never lose any of those whom God has brought to me.”
10 Simon Pitar ih lang esiit huita, erah dokkhoom ano Romwah phokhothoon dah na ah dakmiiko ah dat dookta. Erah dah men ah langla Malkus ngeh angta.
Simon Peter had a [long] dagger. So he drew it and [tried to kill] the high priest’s servant, [but he only] cut off the man’s right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.
11 Jisu ih Pitar suh liita, [An lang ah hetoop adoh sak hui uh! Seng Wah ih kohalang chamnaang lookkep adoh tajokka nih thun hu?]
Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword [back] into its sheath! (I must endure what [my] Father wants me to suffer./Do you not think that I must endure what [my] Father wants me to suffer?) [MET, RHQ]”
12 Eno Room nawa sipaahi nyia neng saahaap, erah damdi Jehudi nok hah bante loong ah ih Jisu ah jorum ano kit rumta,
Then the troop of soldiers, along with their commander and the Jewish Temple guards, seized Jesus. They tied his hands [behind his back].
13 jaakhoh thoon ah Kaiphas hopwah Anna reeni siitwan rumta, erah paang adi Kaiphas ah Romwah Phokhothoon angta.
Then they took him first to Annas, [who was previously the high priest]. He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the high priest that year.
14 Jehudi ngoong awang loong asuh loongtang raang ih wasiit tek ah eseethoon ang ah ngeh ih hukbaatte ah Kaiphas angta.
Caiaphas was the one who [previously] advised the Jewish [Council] that it would be better if one man died for the sake of the people [than for all the people of the Jewish nation to die].
15 Pitar nyia heliphante wahoh wasiit Jisu lilih ih phankhoom kanyuuta. Erah heliphante ah Romwah Phokhothoon damdi menjat ang thoidi, Romwah Phokhothoon nok taakkhu ni Jisu damdi waknop wangta,
Simon Peter and [I] were following Jesus. Because the high priest knew [me], [his doorkeeper permitted me] to enter the courtyard.
16 eno Pitar ah paakaawan adi banchapta. Heliphante ah kaalu ko ngaak kah ano jaalasah nusiit chapta asuh baat ano Pitar ah waknopsiit wanta.
But Peter [had to] wait outside near the doorway. However, since I knew the high priest, I went back to the doorway and spoke to the girl who was guarding the entrance. Then [she allowed] Peter to come in.
17 Enoothong jaalasah rah ih kaalu adi Pitar suh chengta, [An uh Jisu liphante tanih angkoko?] [Ngah tah angkang, ] Pitar ih ngaakbaatta.
The servant girl who was guarding the doorway said to Peter, “Surely you are not another disciple of that man [they have arrested], are you?” He said, “I am not.”
18 Song ang kano, laksuh nyia bante loong ah we ah takrum ano songlom suh weekaang ni kookchap rumta. Erah di Pitar ah wang ano weekaang ni roong lomchap wangta.
It was cold, so the high priest’s slaves and Temple guards made a charcoal fire and were standing around it to keep warm. Peter was also standing near it, warming himself.
19 Romwah Phokhothoon ih Jisu suh heliphante loong tiit nyia heh ih nyootsootta ah chengta.
[While Peter was doing that], the high priest asked Jesus about his disciples and about what he was teaching people.
20 Jisu ih ngaakbaatta, “Saarookwet ngah nokraat ni mirep suh saasa ih jenglang; Jehudi rangsoomnok ni nyia Rangteenok ni, maradi miloong ah kalomkhoon rum taha di ah. Mabah uh ngah husah ni jengmuh
Jesus replied, “I have always spoken where many people [MTY, HYP] could hear me. I have taught them in (the synagogues/their meeting places) and in the Temple courtyard, in places where many [HYP] Jews come together. I have spoken nothing secretly.
21 An ih emah tiim esuh cheng halang? Nga jeng boichaatte loong asuh cheng uh. Ngah ih tiimjih baat rumtang neng ih chaat eta.]
[So] (why are you asking me questions [like this illegally]?/you should not be asking me questions [like this illegally]!) [RHQ] Ask the people who heard what I taught! They certainly know what I said!”
22 Jisu ih emah li kano, bante dowa wasiit ih hethe ni baangbuh ano liita, [Romwah Phokhothoon suh an ih emah mamah naan liihu!]
After Jesus said that, one of the Temple guards standing near him slapped him on his face. He said, “(That is not the way you should answer the high priest!/Is that the way you should answer the high priest?) [RHQ]”
23 Jisu ih heh suh ngaak liitta, “Ngah tiim bah uh mokjeng etang bah, mirep suh adoh baat uh. Enoothong ngah tiim jengtang erah punjeng etang baleh tiim esuh buh halang?]
Jesus replied to him, “If I said something that was contrary [to your laws], you could tell [me that what I said that] was wrong. But because I said only what was right, (you should not be striking me!/why are you striking me?) [RHQ]”
24 Annas ih Jisu ah kitchoi Romwah Phokhothoon Kaiphas taang ni wangthukta.
Then after Jesus’ hands were tied {after they tied Jesus hands} [again], Annas sent him to Caiaphas, the high priest.
25 Erah di Pitar ah weekaang ni chaproh eta. Erah thoidi miloong ah ih cheng rumta, [An uh erah wah liphante taba ang koko?] Pitar ih weeliita, [Ngah ah tah angkang.]
As Simon Peter was standing warming himself [at the fire], someone else said to him, “You are not one of that man’s disciples, are you?” He denied [that he was], and said, “I am not.”
26 Romwah Phokhothoon dah wasiit, Pitar ih heh na datdook ta phoh awah erah di eje angta. Erah dah rah ih liita, [Jisu damdi pa ni taba tup taha?]
[Later] one of the high priest’s servants, a man who was a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off [before], said to him, “I saw you with that man in the grove [of olive trees], did I not?”
27 Eno Pitar we leekta, Tajatkang—erah damdam ih woh ah weeta.
Peter again denied it. Immediately a rooster crowed, [as Jesus had said would happen].
28 Rangkhano ih Kaiphas nok nawa Jisu ah Kobono noklong ni siitwan rumta. Neng banlam di Khopi kuwaang miiphaksat suh neng ah esa ang theng, erah thoidi Jehudi ngoong awang loong ah kobono nokmong ni tanop wang rumta.
Then the [Jewish leaders] [SYN] led Jesus from the [home of] Caiaphas to the headquarters [of Pilate, the Roman governor]. It was before dawn. [Pilate was a non-Jew], [and they thought that if they entered his headquarters], they would become unacceptable to God {God would reject them}, [and as a result] they would not be able to eat [the food during] the Passover [celebration]. [Because of that, they did not want to enter Pilate’s headquarters].
29 Erah thoidi Pilat ah dokkhoom kah ano chengkah rumta, [Arah mih ah tiim thoidi jowan halan?]
So Pilate came out to [talk to] them. He said, “What law do you say that this man has disobeyed?”
30 Neng ih ngaakbaatta, [Lamoongre dobah an suh ju tajoot kot wantheng tahe.]
[They knew that Jesus had not disobeyed any Roman law, so they did not want to answer him. Instead], they said, “If this man were not a criminal, we would not have brought him to you!”
31 [Emah ang abah sen hootthe jun ih mat ah taat hoonkaat thaak an.] Pilat ih baat rumta. Jehudi loong ah ih ngaakli rumta, [Seng ih mih tami tek haatke.] (
Then Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your own laws!” Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] said, “[No! We want him executed, but we want you Romans to execute him, because] we Jews have no right to execute anyone!”
32 Erah langla Jisu ih heh mamah ih tektheng ah erah tiit ban baatta ah wuusa nah amiimi dong angsuh jeng rumta.)
[The Romans executed people by nailing them to a cross]. [So], as a result of what [the Jewish leaders said], it was fulfilled {[the Romans] would fulfill} what Jesus had said previously about the way he was going to die.
33 Pilat ih Jisu nokmong ni poonwan ano cheng wanta, [An Jehudi Luuwang nih ah?]
Pilate then went back inside his headquarters. He summoned Jesus. [Because the Jewish leaders had said that Jesus claimed to be a king], Pilate said to Jesus [scornfully], “Are you the king of the Jews?”
34 Jisu ih ngaakbaatta, [Nga tiit ah an thung ih tamcheng halang tam aleh mih ih baat ho ih cheng halang?]
Jesus replied, “Are you asking that because you yourself [want to know if I claim to be a king], or because (someone else/Caiaphas) said [that I claim to be their king]?”
35 Pilat ih ngaak liita, [Ngah suh Jehudi nok hah nih li halang? An mina loong nyia romwah phokhoh loong ih ba jokoh wanrum halang. An tiimjih ih kotu?]
Pilate replied, “I am not a Jew, [so] ([I cannot understand these matters!/how can I understand these matters]?) [RHQ] It was your fellow Jews and your chief priests who brought you to me! What have you done [to make them want to execute you]?”
36 Jisu ih ngaakbaatta, [Nga hasong ah arah mongrep hasong tah angka; arah mongrep hasong angta bah nga lih phanjootte loong ah Jehudi ngoong awang suh lajoot thuksuh mui etheng rumta. Nga hasong bah mongrep hasong tah angka.]
Jesus replied, “It is not people in [MTY] this world who are [making me] king. If it was people in this world who were making me a king, my disciples would have fought in order that the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] would be prevented {to prevent the Jewish [leaders] [SYN]} from seizing me. But it is not [someone here in] this world who is making me a king.”
37 Eno Pilat ih Jisu suh chengta, [Enoobah, an luuwang tam ah?] Jisu ih ngaakbaatta, [An ih liitu ngah luuwang ngeh ah. Ngabah dongtup hangno arah mongrep adi jisiit raangtaan ih ra tahang, erah langla amiitiit ah baat suh. O mina amiisak mih ang ah erah ih nga jeng ah boichaat hang.
Then Pilate said to him, “So [are you saying that] you are a king?” Jesus replied, “[Yes], what you have said about my being a king [is correct]. I was born to become a king, and I came into this world to tell people the truth [about God]. Everyone who [believes] the truth pays attention to what I say.”
38 “Enoobah amiitiit ah tiimah?” Pilat ih chengta. Eno Pilat ah weengaak dokkhoom kah ano miloong asuh liikah rumta, [Heh tiim thoilam doh thet haat theng ah ngah ebah tah jatjoh kang.
Pilate said to him, “[How can anyone know] what the truth is?” After he said that, he went outside and talked to the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] again. He said to them, “I do not find that he has done anything at all for which I should punish him.
39 Enoothong sen banlam di, Khopiikuh rookwet sen raangtaan ih phaatak nawa wasiit ah daap haat koroh erum hala. Sen loong raangtaan ih Jehudi luuwang ah daap haat kot ah tamjam han?”
But you [Jews] customarily, [every year] during the Passover [celebration], ask me to release for you [someone who is in prison]. So would you like for me to release for you the [man who you] Jews [say is your] king?”
40 Neng loong ah ih riiraak damdi ngaakbaat rumta, “Heh tah angka! Barabbas jamhi! (Barabbas ah miputte angta.)
They shouted again, “No, do not [release] this man! Instead, [release] Barrabas!” But Barrabas was [in prison because he was] a revolutionist!

< Joon 18 >