< Ephisiate 1 >

1 Arah le ah Pool taangnawa, Rangte tenthun jun ih Jisu Kristo kaamwah ih hoonte wah rah ah— Ephisia ni tongte Rangte mina, Kristo Jisu damdi roongroop rum ano neng laalom di rongtangtang ih songtongla loong asuh:
I, Paul, am an apostle whom God appointed (to represent/to proclaim the message about) Christ Jesus because that is what God wanted. [I am writing this letter] to you who are the people of God in Ephesus [city. You are people who] (faithfully/continue to) trust in Christ Jesus and who have a close relationship with him.
2 Seng loong Wah Rangte nyia Teesu Jisu Kristo ih sen suh minchan toom kohan nyia semroongroong ih toom songtong thuk han.
[I pray that] God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord will continue to act kindly toward you and cause you to have [inner] peace.
3 Seng Teesu Jisu Kristo Wah Rangte suh lakookmi li ih! Tiimnge liidi Kristo damdi roongroop eno arah mongrep adi rangmong dowa chiiala romseetam ah kohali.
Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of our relationship with Christ, he has blessed us spiritually in every way by giving us blessings that come from heaven.
4 Arah mongrep ah maang dongsiitka diidook, seng loong ah esa nyia heh ngathong nah lamoongtaang suh, Kristo damdoh roongroop eno heh mina angthuk suh Rangte ih jen danje ih tahe. Heh minchan je thoidi,
Before God created the world, he chose us to be his people because of our (relationship with/union with) Christ, in order that [God could consider] us to be completely holy [DOU]. Because [God] loves [us],
5 Rangte ih seng loong ah Jisu Kristo jun ih hesuh hesah ih hoon suh jen thuntak eta—erah langla heh tenroon theng nyia heh raangtaan ih angta.
he decided long ago that he would adopt us to be [as though we were] his own children because of what Jesus Christ [has done]. He decided to do that because it pleased him to do that.
6 Rangte ih heh minchan elong nyia heh mongnook Sah thaangmuh lakkot ih kohali, erah raangtaan ih heh rangphoong ih!
He did it in order that we would praise him for acting very kindly toward us in a wonderful way that we did not deserve. He did it because of our relationship with his beloved Son {[one, who is also God, whom he] loves}.
7 Tiimnge liidi Kristo sih ih ba, seng loong ah maama pongwan jen angthuk hali, erah langla seng rangdah ah biin anaan hali. Rangte minchan ah tiimthan elongthoon ah,
When the blood of Christ [flowed when he died] [MTY], [it was as though] he paid a price to free/save us [from the guilt of our sins]. [That] ([provided a way/made it possible]) [for] God to act very kindly toward us to forgive us for having sinned.
8 erah minchan ah lajen thaakbaat theng kohali! Heh tenthun nyia mongtham thoontang nawa ih
He acted very kindly toward us and enabled us to become wise about many [HYP] things and to understand his truth.
9 Rangte kaankoong tiimjih angta heh erah reeta, eno Kristo jun ih husah ni tiimjih thoon mookaat thunta erah kaankoong ah dongjat thuk hali.
He has enabled us to know the things that he had planned secretly (OR, that he had not revealed to anyone yet). He did that because he wanted to do that, and because he planned to do that by means of the things Christ would do.
10 Eno erah chungha ah saapoot thok ha doh re ah, heh kaankoong ah langla, rangmong nyia arah hah adi mathan dongsiitta erah loong ah eroom ih khoonsiit thung, eno eradoh Kristo ah heh khoh ang ah.
God planned that at the time that [he appointed], he would unite all things/beings in heaven and all things/beings on earth (OR, all beings in heaven and all things on earth), and cause Christ to be the one who will rule them [MET].
11 Jaatrep ah Rangte kaankoong nyia mongtham jun ih angla; erah raangtaan ih jaakhoh diidook thunta jun ih Kristo damdi roopthuk heeno heh mina angsuh danje tahe.
Because of our close relationship with Christ, God has also chosen us [(inc)] (OR, us [(exc)] Jews) to receive what he has promised [to give] us. He decided long ago to do that. It was exactly what he planned. He accomplishes everything exactly as he plans and desires,
12 Erah raangtaan ih, Kristo suh jaakhoh phang laalomte loong ah ih Rangte chaan ah phoongpha ih!
in order that we(exc) Jews, who confidently expected the Messiah to do great things for us before the non-Jews expected such things (OR, we [(inc)] who were already confidently expecting Christ [to do great things for us]) will praise him for his greatness.
13 Eno amiisak tiitkhaap chaattan dowa ih Rangte mina ih hoontan, erah langla sen khopi thukte Ruurang Ese tiit angdowa. Sen loong ah ih Kristo ah hanpi kanno, Rangte ih heh thoomhoon kakham jun ih, Esa Chiiala nawa ih sen sak ni changte sin ah thong tahan.
You [Ephesians] also heard the true message, the good message about how God saves you. [People] put their seal on something to show that [it belongs to them]. Similarly, when you believed [in Christ], God [showed that you also belong to him by sending you] the Holy Spirit as he promised to do [MET].
14 Heh mina loong suh Rangte ih kakhamta jun ih Chiiala ah seng ih choh jaatjaat etheng, erah laalomli thoidoh Rangte ih heh mina loong ah maama pongwan angthuk ah. Heh rangka ah phoongpha ih!
The Holy Spirit is [like] [MET] a (deposit/down payment). That is, he (guarantees/assures us) that [we will receive] all that God has promised to give us, at the time when God will give to those who belong to him [MET] everything that [Christ] freed us to receive. [God also assures you that you belong to him], in order that you would praise him for his greatness.
15 Emah ang thoidi, Teesu Jisu Kristo suh tuumaang nyia Rangte mina loong minchan tan phangchaat tang dowa ih,
Because of [what God has done for you], and because [people] told me that you continue to trust in the Lord Jesus and that you love all those who belong to God,
16 sen loong raangtaan ih Rangte suh lakookmi li tatoi kang. Sen loong ah nga rangsoom ni samthun roh ih rumhala
I thank God for you constantly [LIT, HYP]. I (mention/pray for) you constantly, whenever I pray.
17 eno seng Teesu Jisu Kristo, chaan aphaan Wah Rangte asuh, Chiiala kotthuk suh sen raangtaan ih suh roh ehang, sen suh mongtham ese ah jatthuk suh nyia Rangte tupthuk suh ah.
[I pray] that God, who is the glorious/wonderful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, may cause his Spirit to make you wise, and that his Spirit will reveal [God to you] so that you may fully know him.
18 Nga rangsoom ah langla heh weephaak ah sen thung nah jeeroh toom ih ah, tiimnge liidoh sen tiim raangtaan ih poon tahan erah laalom tiit ah toomjat an suh ah, heh mina suh romseetam kot suh kakhamta tiit ah tiimthan elong ah,
And I pray that God would enable you to understand [MTY] his truth, in order that in your (inner beings/hearts) you may know the things that we believers should confidently expect to receive because he chose us [to be his people]. And I pray that you will know how God will bless his people in a very wonderful way [when we finally receive] all that he has promised to give us.
19 eno heh hanpiite loong damdi chaan aphaan wakroop hala ah tiimthan rak ah. Seng damdi wakmokah hala chaan aphaan ah thoonrakla,
And [I pray that] you will know how very powerfully [God helps] us who continue to trust [in Christ]. He works powerfully for us
20 erah chaan aphaan nawa ih Kristo ah etek nawa ngaaksaat thuk ano rangmong nawa mongrep ni heh Wah reeni jaawah ko tongthukla.
just like he acted powerfully for Christ when he caused Christ to become alive again after he died, and put him in the place of highest/greatest honor [MTY] in heaven.
21 Rangmong dowa phansiitte loong, ngoong awang, ehang echaan nyia teesu loong ah Kristo ih pan rumha; thoontang khodi elong men chaan aphaan ah arah mongrep ni luulu lah angthang ih liwang doh uh emamah ang ah. (aiōn g165)
[There], Christ is the supreme ruler over every powerful spirit of every level of authority. His rank is much higher than any powerful spirit can receive, not only now, but forever. (aiōn g165)
22 Rangte ih jirep ah Kristo lakhui ni angthukla eno chaas ni heh jirep adi Teesu angla.
God has caused all beings to be subject to Christ [MTY], and he has also appointed Christ, who rules over all things, to rule [MET] over all believers.
23 Chaas ah Kristo sakpuh, jirep ah nyia noongrep ni hesaksak ni roopla.
We believers [relate to Christ like the parts of a person’s] body [MET] [relate to its head]. Christ uses all [his power among us] just like he uses his power throughout the whole universe.

< Ephisiate 1 >