< Luke 14 >

1 Aru eneka hoise, Jisu ekjon Pharisee khan laga ghor te Bisram dinte bhaat khabole jaise, aru Jisu ki kori ase etu sob bhal pora taikhan sai thakise.
And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the rulers, [who was] of the Pharisees, to eat bread on [the] sabbath, that they were watching him.
2 Aru ta te ekjon manu thakise jun gaw phula bemar pora dukh pai thakise.
And behold, there was a certain dropsical [man] before him.
3 Titia Jisu Pharisee khan aru Yehudi niyom jana manu khan ke hudi kene koise, “Bisram dinte changai kori bole pare na nai?”
And Jesus answering spoke unto the doctors of the law and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?
4 Kintu taikhan eku kowa nai, titia Jisu taike dhorise aru changai kori dise, aru taike pathai dise.
But they were silent. And taking him he healed him and let him go.
5 Titia Tai pora taikhan ke hudise, “Tumikhan majote kunba tai laga bacha nahoile bhi tai laga janwar Bisram dinte panite giri le jai kene phot uthai nolobo naki?”
And answering he said to them, Of which of you shall an ass or ox fall into a well, that he does not straightway pull him up on the sabbath day?
6 Taikhan etu kotha te eku jowab dibo para nai.
And they were not able to answer him to these things.
7 Titia Tai arubi taikhan ke ekta dristanto koise, jun khan ke khabole mati sele, taikhan kineka kori kene bhal jagate bohi bole pabo, etu kosis kori thakise.
And he spoke a parable to those that were invited, remarking how they chose out the first places, saying to them,
8 Jitia tumikhan ke shadi te khabole mate, tumikhan bhal jagate nabohibi, kele koile tumikhan pora bhi kunba bisi sonman thaka manu ke mati kene thakibo pare,
When thou art invited by any one to a wedding, do not lay thyself down in the first place at table, lest perhaps a more honourable than thou be invited by him,
9 aru jitia tumi aru dusra manu junke khana te matise, tai tumikhan ke kobo, ‘Tumi laga jaga to taike dibi,’ aru titia sorom pora taike etu jaga to dikene tumi chutu jagate he bohi jai.
and he who invited thee and him come and say to thee, Give place to this [man], and then thou begin with shame to take the last place.
10 Jitia, tumike mate, jabi aru sobse chutu jagate he bohibi, jitia jun pora tumike matise tai ahibo, tai tumike kobo, ‘Sathi, uporte ahibi.’ Titia tumi laga sonman to dusra manu bohi thaka usorte bisi hoijai.
But when thou hast been invited, go and put thyself down in the last place, that when he who has invited thee comes, he may say to thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have honour before all that are lying at table with thee;
11 Jun manu nijorke dangor kori bole bisare tai chutu hoi jabo, aru jun manu tai nijorke chutu kore taike uthai dibo.”
for every one that exalts himself shall be abased, and he that abases himself shall be exalted.
12 Titia tai etu manu ke kobo jun he taike matise, “Jitia tumi kha luwa koribo, tumi laga bhal sathi khan, bhai khan aru dhuni manu ke namatibi, nohoile taikhan bhi tumike matibo, aru tumi taikhan nimite ki korise etu he apuni pabo.
And he said also to him that had invited him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsfolk, nor rich neighbours, lest it may be they also should invite thee in return, and a recompense be made thee.
13 Kintu jitia tumi kha luwa kore, gorib khan, bera bole napara, andha aru bemar manu khan ke mati bhi,
But when thou makest a feast, call poor, crippled, lame, blind:
14 aru tumikhan asirbad pabo, kelemane taikhan tumike ghurai kene eku dibole na paribo. Kintu tumikhan ke Jisu Khrista wapas lobole aha homoi te biswasi khan logote sob kaam laga inam dibo.”
and thou shalt be blessed; for they have not [the means] to recompense thee; for it shall be recompensed thee in the resurrection of the just.
15 Jitia jun ekjon mez te bohi thakise aru eitu khan huni thakise, tai Jisu ke koise, “Dhonyo ase jun Isor laga rajyote roti khabo!”
And one of those that were lying at table with [them], hearing these things, said to him, Blessed [is] he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.
16 Titia Jisu pora taikhan ke ekta dristanto koise, “Ekjon manu dangor kha luwa bonai kene manu khan ke matise.
And he said to him, A certain man made a great supper and invited many.
17 Aru jitia khabole homoi ahise, tai laga noukar khan ke pathai kene jun manu khan ke matise taikhan ke koise, ‘Ahibi, sob to taiyar hoi jaise.’
And he sent his bondman at the hour of supper to say to those who were invited, Come, for already all things are ready.
18 Kintu mata khan sob nijor bahana kori bole shuru hoise. Poila ekjon pora koise, ‘Moi ekta kheti kinise, aru moi ta te jai kene sabo lagibo. Morom pora biya napabi.’
And all began, without exception, to excuse themselves. The first said to him, I have bought land, and I must go out and see it; I pray thee hold me for excused.
19 Aru ekjon pora koise, moi pansta guru kinise, moi taikhan ke kheti te loijai kene ekbar sabo. Morom pora biya napabi.’
And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee hold me for excused.
20 Aru dusra ekjon pora koise, ‘Moi ekjon maiki logote shadi korise, aru etu nimite moi ahibole na paribo.’
And another said, I have married a wife, and on this account I cannot come.
21 Titia noukar khan sob kotha to tai laga malik ke ahikena koise. Ghor laga malik khong uthi kene, noukar khan ke koise, ‘Bahar te joldi jabi aru bosti rasta pora gorib manu, bera bole napara, suku andha aru bemar manu ke loi anibi.’
And the bondman came up and brought back word of these things to his lord. Then the master of the house, in anger, said to his bondman, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring here the poor and crippled and lame and blind.
22 Sewak pora etu kaam kori kene tai koise, ‘Probhu Apuni ki koise eneka kori dise, aru bhi alohi manu bisi karone jaga ase.’
And the bondman said, Sir, it is done as thou hast commanded, and there is still room.
23 Titia malik tai laga noukar khan ke koise, ‘Bahar te jabi aru rasta kinar aru jun jaga pora hoile taikhan ke mati kene loi anibi, Moi laga ghor to bhorta hobo lage.
And the lord said to the bondman, Go out into the ways and fences and compel to come in, that my house may be filled;
24 Moi tumikhan ke koi ase, jun manu khan ke Moi poila mati sele taikhan Moi ki kha luwa bonaise etu khabole napabo.’”
for I say to you, that not one of those men who were invited shall taste of my supper.
25 Aru bisi manu khan Jisu laga pichete jai thakise, aru Tai ghuri kene taikhan ke koise,
And great crowds went with him; and, turning round, he said to them,
26 “Jun manu Moi logote ahibole itcha ase kintu tai nijor laga baba, ama, maiki, bacha, bhai, bhoini aru nijor jibon to ghin nakore, tai Moi laga chela hobole na paribo.
If any man come to me, and shall not hate his own father and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yea, and his own life too, he cannot be my disciple;
27 Jun manu tai nijor laga Cross uthaikene Moi pichete nahe tai Moi laga chela hobole na paribo.
and whoever does not carry his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
28 Jun manu ekta ghor bona bole itcha kore, poila tai bohi kene, tai logote thaka poisa pora ghor bona khotom koribo paribona nai koi kene ginti nakore naki?
For which of you, desirous of building a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, if he have what [is needed] to complete it;
29 Jitia, tai ghor laga bhetimul to uthai dibo, aru ghor to khotom kori bole naparile, sob manu saikene taike hasi dibo,
in order that, having laid the foundation of it, and not being able to finish it, all who see it do not begin to mock at him,
30 aru kobo, etu manu ghor to bona bole shuru korise kintu khotom kori bole para nai.’
saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish?
31 Aru ekjon raja, dusra raja logote lorai kori bole ase, tai poila bohi kene nasabo naki, tai laga dos hajar manu pora dusra raja laga bis hajar logote lorai koribo paribona nai?
Or what king, going on his way to engage in war with another king, does not, sitting down first, take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him coming against him with twenty thousand?
32 Kintu, tai dur te thaka homoi te, ekjon manu ke shanti pora kotha kori kene lorai to rukhai dibo.
and if not, while he is yet far off, having sent an embassy, he asks for terms of peace.
33 Etu nisena, jun manu tai laga sob dhun sompoti chari kene nahile, tai Moi laga chela hobole na paribo.
Thus then every one of you who forsakes not all that is his own cannot be my disciple.
34 Etu nimite nimok to bhal ase, kintu nimok laga swadh harai dile kineka etu ke aru swadisht bonabo?
Salt [then] [is] good, but if the salt also has become savourless, wherewith shall it be seasoned?
35 Etu ke mati nimite bhi aru kheti te mol bona bole bhi kaam nathake. Taikhan etu ke phelai dibo. Jun manu logote huni bole kan ase, taikhan huni bhi.”
It is proper neither for land nor for dung; it is cast out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

< Luke 14 >