< Hebrews 11 >

1 Biswas to hoile, amikhan ki asha kore, juntu nadikhe, hoilebi hosa ase aru pabo koi kene jane.
to be then faith to hope/expect confidence/essence thing rebuke no to see
2 Taikhan laga biswas nimite he amikhan laga baba khan ke Isor pora thik ase koi dise.
in/on/among this/he/she/it for to testify the/this/who elder: old
3 Biswas pora he etu pura shristi to Isor laga hukum pora bonai dise koi kene amikhan jane, etu nimite ki saman dikhi ase eitu khan nadikha laga saman pora bona nohoi. (aiōn g165)
faith to understand to complete the/this/who an age: age declaration God toward the/this/who not out from to shine/appear (the/this/who to see *N(k)O*) to be (aiōn g165)
4 Biswas pora Abel he Cain pora bhi bhal daan Isor ke dise, etu pora taike dharmik bonai dise, aru Isor pora tai laga daan dikhi kene bhal kotha koise, aru biswas pora he aji tak Abel kotha kore, tai mori jaise hoile bhi.
faith greater sacrifice Abel from/with/beside Cain to bring to the/this/who God through/because of which to testify to exist just to testify upon/to/against the/this/who gift it/s/he (the/this/who God *NK(o)*) and through/because of it/s/he to die still (to speak *N(k)O*)
5 Biswas pora he Enoch ke Isor logot sorgote uthaikene loi jaise aru tai mora ke dikha nai. “Taike puwa nai kele koile Isor pora taike loi jaise.” Taike loi naja age te, tai Isor ke khushi korise koi kene gawahi dise.
faith Enoch to transport the/this/who not to perceive: see death and no to find/meet because to transport it/s/he the/this/who God before for the/this/who removal/change (it/s/he *k*) to testify to please the/this/who God
6 Etiya biswas nathakile Isor ke khushi kori bole na paribo. Kelemane kun Isor usorte ahe Tai jinda ase koi kene biswas kori bole lage aru kun manu Taike bisare taikhan ke inam dibo.
without then faith unable to please to trust (in) for be necessary the/this/who to come near/agree the/this/who God that/since: that to be and the/this/who to seek out it/s/he rewarder to be
7 Biswas pora Noah ke, ki nadikhe etu laga kotha khan janibole dise, Isor ke bhoi kori kene thaka nimite, tai laga ghor manu khan ke bachai lobole nimite pani laga jahaaj bona bole dise. Etu kori kene, tai prithibi ke ninda korise aru dharmikta laga uttoradhikari hoise, biswas pora.
faith to announce Noah about the/this/who not yet to see to revere to prepare ark: covenant toward salvation the/this/who house: household it/s/he through/because of which to condemn the/this/who world and the/this/who according to faith righteousness to be heir
8 Biswas pora Abraham, jitia Isor pora taike matise, kotha mani kene tai pabole thaka jagate jaise. Tai ulaikene jaise, kun jagate jabo lage etu bhi najani kene jaise.
faith (the/this/who *o*) to call: call Abraham to obey to go out toward (the/this/who *k*) place which to ensue to take toward inheritance and to go out not to know/understand where? to come/go
9 Biswas pora tai Isor pora kosom diya laga jagate jai kene dusra desh laga manu nisena thakise. Ta te tai tombu ghor te Isaac aru Jacob, kun tai logot Isor pora diya uttoradhikari paise, taikhan ke loi kene thakise.
faith be a stranger toward (the/this/who *k*) earth: country the/this/who promise as/when another’s in/on/among tent to dwell with/after Isaac and Jacob the/this/who co-heir the/this/who promise the/this/who it/s/he
10 Kelemane tai ekta bhal pora bhetimul dikena bona laga sheher ke sai thakise, aru etu Isor pora bona ase.
to wait for for the/this/who the/this/who foundation to have/be city which craftsman and builder the/this/who God
11 Biswas pora, Sarah buri hoi jaile bhi, bacha bukhi bole parise, kelemane Isor pora ki kosom dise tai etu uporte biswas korise.
faith and it/s/he Sarah (barren *N*) power toward beginning seed: offspring to take and from/with/beside time/right time age/height (to give birth to *K*) since faithful to govern the/this/who to profess
12 Etu nimite, ekjon manu pora- juntu Abraham ase, mori bole he thakise- akas te ginti kori bole napara tara nisena tai laga khandan khan jonom hoise, aru taikhan to samundar kinar te balu thaka nisena ginti kori bole napara laga hoi jaise.
therefore and away from one to beget and this/he/she/it to put to death as/just as the/this/who star the/this/who heaven the/this/who multitude and (as/when *N(k)O*) the/this/who sand the/this/who from/with/beside the/this/who lip the/this/who sea the/this/who countless
13 Taikhan sob kosom napa age te biswas te mori jaise, kintu bisi dur te taikhan pora eitu khan sob dikhise aru khusi paise. Aru taikhan nijor pora taikhan to dusra desh te thaki ase aru prithibi te nijor manu pora dur hoi kene ase koise.
according to faith to die this/he/she/it all not (to take *NK(O)*) the/this/who promise but afar off it/s/he to perceive: see and (to persuade and *K*) to pay respects to and to confess/profess that/since: that foreign and stranger to be upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet
14 Kelemane kun manu khan eneka kotha kore, taikhan nijor laga ghor bona bole bisari ase.
the/this/who for such as this to say to show that/since: that fatherland to seek after
15 Jodi taikhan kun to desh pora ulaikene jaise etu bhabi thakise koile, taikhan ta te aru bhi wapas ghurabole paribo thakise.
and if on the other hand that (to remember *NK(o)*) away from which (to go out *N(k)O*) to have/be if time/right time to return
16 Kintu, taikhan etu pora bhi bhal desh nimite itcha korise, etu hoile, sorgote thaka ula. Etu nimite Isor to taikhan laga Isor ase kobole sorom nakore, kelemane Tai pora taikhan nimite ekta sheher bonai kene rakhise.
(now *N(k)O*) then greater to aspire this/he/she/it to be heavenly therefore no be ashamed of it/s/he the/this/who God God to call (on)/name it/s/he to make ready for it/s/he city
17 Biswas pora he Abraham, jitia Isor pora taike porikha korise, Isaac ke bolidan dibole taiyar hoise. Tai bhi Isor pora asirbad paise aru tai laga ekjon bacha thaka ke bhi bolidan kori bole itcha thakise.
faith to bring to Abraham the/this/who Isaac to test/tempt: test and the/this/who unique to bring to the/this/who the/this/who promise to receive
18 Isor pora taike eneka koisele, “Isaac laga naam pora he tumi laga khandan laga naam matibo.”
to/with which to speak that/since: that in/on/among Isaac to call: name you seed: offspring
19 Abraham jani thakise Isor pora Isaac ke mora pora jinda kori bole paribo, aru bhabona nisena, tai Isaac ke etu jaga pora wapas pai loise.
to count that/since: that and out from dead to arise able the/this/who God whence it/s/he and in/on/among parable to bring/be repaid
20 Biswas pora he, ki ahibole ase etu nimite, Isaac pora Jacob aru Esau ke asirbad dise.
faith (and *no*) about to ensue to praise/bless Isaac the/this/who Jacob and the/this/who Esau
21 Biswas pora, jitia Jacob mori bole thakise, tai laga lathi uporte khara kori kene mohima korise, aru tai laga sob bacha khan ke tai asirbad dise.
faith Jacob to die each the/this/who son Joseph to praise/bless and to worship upon/to/against the/this/who end the/this/who rod it/s/he
22 Biswas pora Joseph, jitia tai mori bole thakise, tai laga chokra khan ke tai mora pichete Egypt pora tai laga hardi khan loi kene Israel te rakhibole nimite koise.
faith Joseph to decease about the/this/who departure the/this/who son Israel to remember and about the/this/who bone it/s/he to order
23 Biswas pora Moses, jitia jonom loise le, tai laga baba ama pora tin mohina tak taike lukai kene rakhise, kelemane tai sabole bisi sundur thakise, aru raja pora ki hukum dise etu nimite taikhan bhoi kora nai.
faith Moses to beget to hide three months by/under: by the/this/who father it/s/he because to perceive: see beautiful the/this/who child and no to fear the/this/who edict the/this/who king
24 Biswas pora Moses, jitia tai dangor hoi jaise, tai nijorke Pharoah laga chukri laga chokra kobole nimite mana korise.
faith Moses great to be to deny to say: call son daughter Pharaoh
25 Kintu, tai nijorke Isor manu khan karone dukh pabole nimite basi loise, mangso laga itcha sob chari kene Isor ke sewa korise.
more: rather to choose to suffer with the/this/who a people the/this/who God or temporary to have/be sin enjoyment
26 Tai koise Jisu Khrista laga dhun to Egypt laga dhun pora bhi bisi dangor ase. Kelemane tai suku to tai inam pabole thaka ke sai thakise.
great riches to govern the/this/who (in/on/among *k*) (Egypt *N(k)O*) treasure the/this/who reproach the/this/who Christ to look ahead for toward the/this/who recompense
27 Biswas pora Moses Egypt chari kene jaise. Tai raja laga ghusa ke eku hisab kora nai, tai dukh pa-a homoi te, nadikha ekjon ke saithaka nisena bhabona kori kene dhorjo kori loise.
faith to leave behind Egypt not to fear the/this/who wrath the/this/who king the/this/who for invisible as/when to see: see to endure
28 Biswas pora tai Israel manu khan ke Nistar aru khun hali diya din manaise, etu pora prothom jonom kora bacha khan ke morai diya laga atma ahi kene namorabo nimite.
faith to do/make: do the/this/who Passover lamb and the/this/who sprinkling the/this/who blood in order that/to not the/this/who to destroy the/this/who firstborn to touch it/s/he
29 Biswas pora Yehudi khan dangor samundar to ekta sukha matite jai thaka nisena paar kori bole parise. Jitia Egypt khan eneka kori bole bisarise, taikhan ke pani pora khai loise.
faith to cross the/this/who Red (Sea) sea as/when through/because of dried up/withered (earth: country *no*) which test to take the/this/who Egyptian to swallow
30 Biswas pora Jericho sheher laga dewar khan giri jaise, jitia Israel manu khan sath din tak ta te ghuri kene thakise.
faith the/this/who wall Jericho (to collapse *N(k)O*) to surround upon/to/against seven day
31 Biswas pora Rahab, ekjon bebichari, tai dusra biya kaam kori kene thaka khan nisena mora nai, kelemane tai shanti pora jasus kori kene sipahi khan ke modot korise.
faith Rahab the/this/who prostitute no to die/destroy with the/this/who to disobey to receive the/this/who spy with/after peace
32 Etu pora aru moi bisi ki kobo? Jodi moi Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephtath, David, Samuel aru dusra bhabobadi khan laga kotha kore titia hoile homoi pora eitu khan laga sob kotha kori bole naponchibo.
and which? still to say be insufficient me for to relate fully the/this/who time about Gideon Barak (and/both and *k*) Samson (and *k*) Jephthah David and/both and Samuel and the/this/who prophet
33 Biswas pora taikhan rajyo to jiti loise, niyai laga kaam korise, aru asirbad paise. Taikhan bagh laga mukh bhi bondh kori dise,
which through/because of faith to conquer kingdom to work righteousness to obtain promise to stop mouth lion
34 jui laga takot to bhujai dise, aru talwar laga dhar pora polabole parise, bemar pora bhal hoi jaise, lorai kora homoi te takot hoi jaise, aru dusra desh laga sipahi khan ke harai dise.
to extinguish power fire to flee mouth sword (to empower *N(k)O*) away from weakness: weak to be strong in/on/among war barracks to bow/lay down another’s
35 Biswas pora mahila khan punoruthan pora taikhan nijor khandan morija khan paise. Kintu dusra khan ke dukh dise, taikhan ke chari dibo koi kene asha thaka nai, aru etu pora taikhan aru bhi bhal ula punoruthan pabo bhabise.
to take woman out from resurrection the/this/who dead it/s/he another then to torture no to wait for/welcome the/this/who redemption in order that/to greater resurrection to obtain/happen
36 Aru dusra kunba khan to ninda kori kene pitise aru luha rusi pora bandhi kene bondhi ghor te rakhidise.
other then jeering and whip test to take still then chain and prison/watch: prison
37 Kunba khan ke pathor marise, aru kati kene dui tukra korise, taikhan ke porikha korise, aru taikhan ke talwar pora morai dise. Taikhan saguli aru mer laga chamra pindhise, aru bisi gorib hoi jaise, chinta bhabona bisi hoi jaise, aru manu khan pora taikhan ke biya kori thakise.
to stone to saw (in two) (to test/tempt: test *KO*) in/on/among murder sword to die to go around in/on/among sheepskin in/on/among goat's leather to lack to press on to torment
38 Etu duniya to taikhan nimite eku yogya nathaka hoi jaise. Taikhan jongol aru pahar khan te berai thakise, aru mati laga nichete jai kene thakise.
which no to be worthy the/this/who world (upon/to/against *N(k)O*) desert to lead astray and mountain and cave and the/this/who hole the/this/who earth: planet
39 Taikhan laga biswas nimite manu khan pora mohima dise, hoile bhi taikhan Isor laga vachan panai.
and this/he/she/it all to testify through/because of the/this/who faith no to bring/be repaid the/this/who promise
40 Isor he amikhan nimite kiba ekta bhal bhabona kori kene ase, aru amikhan nathakile, taikhan sob to thik hobole na paribo.
the/this/who God about me greater one to foresee/plan in order that/to not without me to perfect

< Hebrews 11 >