< Bhagalatia 3 >
1 Mmanganyanji Bhaghalatia mmangumba! Gani ampugenyenje? Mmanganyanji mwabhalanjilwenje indu yowe gwangali nng'iyo, itaya kuti a Yeshu Kilishitu bhashinkukomelwa munshalabha.
O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you not be persuaded by the Truth—Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as having been crucified, before your very eyes!
2 Ngunapinga mmalanjilanje shindu shimo. Bhuli, Mbumu jwa a Nnungu mwashinkumposhelanga kwa kagulila Shalia ja a Musha? Eu kwa ngulupai ya nkupilikana Ngani ja Mmbone?
Just tell me one thing: Did you receive the Spirit by works of law, or by hearing of faith?
3 Bhuli mmanganyanji mwangalinginji lunda nnei? Pumwatandubhenje mwashinkulongoywanga naka Mbumu jwa a Nnungu, nnaino nnapinganga maliya kwa mashili genunji?
Can you be so foolish? Having begun in spirit, do you finish in flesh?
4 Bhuli, indu yowe yankoposhelenje ila ibhe yayoyope? Nnganong'a!
Have you suffered so much for nothing—if it really was for nothing?
5 Igala a Nnungu bhakumpanganga Mbumu jwabho na ilangulo ibhoneka punkukamulanga liengo, bhuli bhanatenda nneyo kwa itendi ya Shalia ja a Musha? Eu kwa ngulupai ya nkupilikana Ngani ja Mmbone?
Furthermore, He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, is He activated by works of law, or by hearing of faith?—
6 Bhai malinga a Bhulaimu shibhabhoneshe kuti bhakwete aki kwa ligongo lya kwaakulupalila a Nnungu.
just as Abraham ‘believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.’
7 Bhai nnaino, mmumanyanje kuti, “Bhakwetenje aki, ni bhalinginji bhana bha a Bhulaimu.”
Now you must know that only those who are of faith are ‘sons’ of Abraham.
8 Numbe Majandiko ga a Nnungu galugwile koposhela bhukala kuti, “Bhalinginji nngabha Bhayaudi, shibhapegwanje aki na a Nnungu kwa ligongo lya ngulupai yabhonji.” Pabha a Nnungu bhukala bhaabhalanjile a Bhulaimu Ngani ja Mmbone kuti, “Kwa ligongo lyenu mmwe a Nnungu shibhaapanganje mboka bhandu bhailambolyo yowe.”
Further, the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the nations by faith, proclaimed the Gospel in advance to Abraham: “All the nations will be blessed through you.”
9 Kwa nneyo bhowe bhalinginji na ngulupai bhanapegwanga mboka pamo na a Bhulaimu bhandu bhakwete ngulupai.
So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the faithful.
10 Pabha bhowe bhaakulupalilanga kukagulila Shalia ja a Musha mubhalinginji mmalosho. Pabha ishijandikwa kuti, “Ashiloshwa mundu jojowe akakagulila Shalia yowe ya a Musha ijandikwe nshitabhu sha Shalia.”
Now as many as are ‘by works of law’ are under a curse; because it stands written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things written in the Book of the Law, to do them.”
11 Ilimanyikana kuti mundu akapegwa aki na a Nnungu kwa Shalia ja a Musha. Pabha Majandiko gakuti, “Akwete ngulupai shaatame kwa ngulupai.”
Further, it is evident that no one is justified by law before God, because “the righteous one will live by faith.”
12 Ikabheje Shalia ja a Musha jikakuntenda mundu akole ngulupai, ikabhe Majandiko gakuti, “Akugakagulila genego shaatame kwa genego.”
While the law is not of faith but, “the man who does them will live by them.”
13 A Kilishitu bhashikututapula nkuloshwa na Shalia ja a Musha, bhashinkuloshwa kwa ligongo lyetu uwe, pabha ishijandikwa, “Jojowe akomelwa munkongo ashiloshwa.”
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse in our place—because it stands written, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree”—
14 Lyeneli lishinkutendeka nkupinga mboka ibhapegwilwe a Bhulaimu yaishilanje bhandu bhananji bhalinginji nngabha Bhayaudi kwa kwakulupalila a Yeshu Kilishitu, nkupinga tuposhele malagano ga a Nnungu ga Mbumu jwa Mmbone kwa ngulupai.
so that the blessing of Abraham might come to the nations/Gentiles through Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through the faith.
15 Ashaalongo ajangunji Mmakilishitu, shinintashiyanje lutango lwangali ukomu. Malinga mundu abhika malagano nikong'ondela, jwakwa mundu jwa tauka eu kujenjesheya shindu.
Brothers: as a man I speak a covenant; though only of a man, once it has been ratified no one annuls or adds to it.
16 Bhai a Nnungu bhashinkwapa miadi jabho a Bhulaimu na lubheleko lwabho. Majandiko gakataya, “Na bha ibheleko yabho,” nkupinga kulanguya kuti yaigwinji, ikabhe ganataya ga “lubheleko,” yani “Jumo” malombolelo gakwe a Kilishitu.
But to Abraham were spoken the promises, and to his Seed. He does not say “and to seeds,” as about many, but “and to your seed,” as about one, who is Christ.
17 Shingulugula ni ashino, a Nnungu bhashinkubhika Shalia ja Musha nikong'ondela. Shalia ja a Musha jikakombola kulekanya Malagano ga a Nnungu na a Bhulaimu, ikapiteje yaka miya pasheshe na makumi gatatu.
Further, I say this: a covenant confirmed beforehand by God in Christ cannot be annulled by the law that came four hundred and thirty years later, so as to make the promise of no effect.
18 Pabha upo ya a Nnungu ibhaga kwa Shalia, bhai nngabha kabhili kwa miadi. Ikabheje a Nnungu bhashinkwapa upo a Bhulaimu kwa miadi.
For if the inheritance were of law, it would no longer be of promise, but God granted it to Abraham by promise.
19 Bhai shalia ni nndi? Jashinkubhikwa nkupinga kulanguya ilebho, mpaka pushaishe jwa lubheleko lwa a Bhulaimu jubhammishile miadi jila. Shalia pujaishe na malaika kupitila kuka mundu mbuti muntenga.
Why then the law? It was added on account of the transgressions, until the Seed should come to whom the inheritance had been promised; and it was ordered through angels by the hand of a mediator.
20 Bhai kwa nneyo nkupatanisha akapinjikwa, monaga shindu shiyene sha upande gumo, na a Nnungu ni bhamo.
(Now that mediator is not for just one, but God is one.)
21 “Bhai, bhuli shalia ja a Musha jinataukangana na miadi ja a Nnungu? Nng'oope! Monaga jikapali Shalia ja kombola kwaapanganga bhandunji gumi, bhai tukakwete aki kwa Shalia ja a Musha.
Is the law then against the promises of God? Of course not! Rather, if a law had been given that was capable of imparting life, truly righteousness would have been by the law.
22 Ikabheje majandiko ga a Nnungu ganalugula kuti, shilambolyo showe mushili mmashili ga yambi, nkupinga bhowe shibhaakulupalilanje a Yeshu Kilishitu, bhapegwanje miadi jibhabhishile a Nnungu.”
But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
23 “Ikabheje tukanabhepegwa ngulupai, mutwaliji mmashili ga Shalia ja a Musha, tutabhilwe nkulindilila pushijiishe jene ngulupaijo.
Now before this faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, in confinement until the coming faith was revealed.
24 Kwa nneyo Shalia ja a Musha jatendaga kutulela mpaka pushibhaishe a Yeshu Kilishitu, nkupinga tupegwe aki kupitila ngulupai yetu.
So then, the law became our guardian until Christ, so that we might be justified by faith.
25 Kwa nneyo pakubha ngulupai jiishe, uwe twanngabha kabhili nkulelwa na Shalia.”
Now that the faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.
26 “Pabha mmowenji nshibhanganga bhana bha a Nnungu kwa ngulupai, kwa lundana na a Yeshu Kilishitu.
So all of you are sons of God through the faith in Christ Jesus.
27 Pabha mmowenji mmatishwenje na lundana na a Kilishitu mbuti nshikwawalanga a Kilishitu.
As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ
28 Kwa nneyo shakwa shakuti nne na Nnyaudi eu Ngiliki eu ntumwa eu nngabha ntumwa wala jwannume eu jwankongwe, pabha mmowenji mmamo kwa a Yeshu Kilishitu.
—there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no ‘male and female’; all of you are one in Christ Jesus—
29 Bhai monaga mmanganyanji mmandunji bha a Kilishitu, nshibhanganga mmalubheleko lwa a Bhulaimu, kwa nneyo shimposhelanje malinga miadi jibhalugwile a Nnungu.”
so if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.