< 2 Petili 3 >

1 Ashaambwiga ajangunji, jejino bhaluwa jabhili ngunakunnjandishilanga mmanganya. Kwa bhaluwa inabhili njilinga kuiimuya ng'aniyo ya mmbone kwa kunkumbushiyanga gegano.
THIS second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I rouse up your sincere mind by awakening your recollection
2 Kupinga nkumbushilanje gene malobhe gabheleketwe bhukala na ashinkulondola bha ukonjelo na malajilo ga Bhakulungwa gumpegwilenje kupitila kwa ashimitume bhenunji gala.
to remember the words, that have been spoken aforetime by the holy prophets, and the injunction of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
3 Ntandubhanje kumumanya kuti mobha ga kumpelo shibhajiyangane bhandunji na mbetepete yabhonji, bhandunji bha petekuya, bhandunji bhakaguyanga ilokoli yabhonji yangali ya mmbone,
knowing this principally, that in the last of the days there will come scoffers, walking after their own lewd passions,
4 bhalinkutinji. “Pubhalajile kuti shibhaishe! Igala, bhali kwei? Pabha, kutandubhila pubhawilenje ashinakulu bhetu indu yowe pwiili nneila peila, malinga shiyapengenywe kundandubho!”
and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue in the same state as from the beginning of the creation.
5 Bhashilibhalilanga meelepe kuti kwa lilobhepe, a Nnungu bhashinkupanganya kunnungu na shilambolyo kuumila bhukala kwa nneyo shilambolyo mushakoposhele mmashi na kwa mashi.
For this they chuse to keep out of sight, that by the word of God the heavens were created of old, and the earth rising out of the water and subsisting amidst the water;
6 Kwa mashi pego shilambolyo sha bhukala shashinkutolwa na ndanje jikulu shikuobhaga.
whence the world then existing, being deluged by water, was destroyed;
7 Ikabheje kwa lilobhe lyolyo, kunnungu na shilambolyo sha nnaino, inagoywa nkupinga kwiitiniywe moto. Inagoywa mpaka lyubha lya ukumu, na bhandunji bhakakwajogopanga a Nnungu shibhatitimiywanje.
but the present heavens and earth by the same word are treasured up, reserved for fire at the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 Ikabheje ashaambwiga ajangunji, nnalibhalilanje shindu shimo! Kuti ku Bhakulungwa lyubha limo ni malinga yaka elupu, na yaka elupu ni malinga lyubha limo.
But let not this particular be concealed from you, beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 Bhakulungwa bhakakabha kutenda ibhalajile malinga bhandunji bhana shibhaganishiyanga kuti bhanakabhiya. Bhenebho bhanakwiipililila kwa ligongo lyenunji, pabha bhakaapinga mundu jojowe aobhe, ikabhe bhowe bhaipetanje.
The Lord doth not delay the promise (as some count it delay); but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should have space for repentance.
10 Ikabheje lyubha lya Bhakulungwa shiliishe malinga nngwii. Lyene lyubhalyo kunnungu kupinga obha kwa nng'indo gwa nkulungwa, indu yowe ya tangu na tangu ipinga tiniywa na moto na angabhanywa na shilambolyo na indu yowe ili nkati jakwe ipingatiniywa.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief by night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a rushing noise, and the first principles of matter in flames dissolve, and the earth and all the works upon it be burnt up.
11 Indu yowe ipinga angabhanywa, bhai ibhaga nneyo, mmanganya punkupinjikwanga mmanganje bhandu bhashi? Nnapinjikwanga mmanganje bhandunji bha ukonjelo na kwaajogopa a Nnungu,
Seeing then that all these things must be dissolved, what manner of persons ought we to be in a course of holy conduct and acts of piety,
12 akuno nnikulilolelanga lyubha lya a Nnungu na nnijuganga liishe shangu. Lyubha lya tiniywa kunnungu na moto na angabhanywa, na indu yakwe ya tangu na tangu ipinga tiniywa na moto.
expecting and hastening towards the coming of God’s day, at which the heavens on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements in flames be melted as wax?
13 Ikabheje uwe, kwa malagano gabho tunalindilila kunnungu kwa ambi na shilambolyo sha ambi, shigumbele aki.
But we expect according to his promise new heavens and a new earth in which dwelleth righteousness.
14 Kwa nneyo ashaambwiga ajangunji, akuno nnikulilolelanga lyene lyubhalyo, ntamangane ukoto kwa ulele na a Nnungu, nnakolanje ilebho wala sha gambwa.
Wherefore, beloved, seeing ye are expecting these things, be diligent to be found of him in peace, spotless and blameless.
15 Nnapinjikwanga nkubhonanje kwiipililila kwa Bhakulungwa kuti ntapulo gwetu, malinga apwetu a Pauli shibhashite kunnjandishilanga kwa lunda lubhapegwilwe na a Nnungu.
And account the long suffering of our Lord conducive to salvation; as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, hath written unto you;
16 Genego ni gubhaakumbushiya mmalua yabho yowe. Mmalua yabhomo ipali indu ina ya ukomu kwiimanya, indu ipuganywa na bhandunji bhangalinginji lunda na bhangaishimilikanga, malinga shibhapuganyanga malobhe gana ga Mmajandiko. Kwa nneyo bhanakwiiangabhanyanga ashaayenenji.
as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, of which some are difficult to be understood, which the uninstructed and the unstable torture, as indeed they do the rest of the scriptures unto their own destruction.
17 Bhai mmanganya ashaambwiga ajangunji, mwiimanyinji yenei. Mwiiteiganje nnapuganywanje na bhene bhatendanga yangali ya mmbonebho, nnaagwanganga nileka kuishimilika kwenunji.
Ye therefore, beloved, knowing this before, be on your guard, that ye be not carried away with the delusion of these lawless men, and fall from your own stedfastness.
18 Ikabheje mpundanje kukula nnema na nkwaamanya Bhakulungwa bhetu na Bhaatapula a Yeshu Kilishitu. Ukonjelo ubhe na bhenebho, nnaino na piti piti! Amina. (aiōn g165)
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and unto the day of eternity. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Petili 3 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood