< 1 Timoteo 3 >

1 Ni kweli kuti, mundu apinga kubha kalongolele jwa likanisha, anapinga liengo lya mmbone.
Faithful is the saying, If a man seeketh the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
2 Bhai inapinjikwa kalongolele abhe mundu anakole ilebho ku bhandunji, na analombe matala, na abhe jwa kwiiluma na jwa ishimika, na jwa lunda, na jwa mituka na akombola kujiganya,
The bishop therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, soberminded, orderly, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
3 nngabha mundu jwa kolelwa na nngomo, ikabhe abhe jwa kwitimalika na jwangali mitau, na anabhe mundu jwa kunnonyela mbiya,
no brawler, no striker; but gentle, not contentious, no lover of money;
4 mundu akombola kulongoya ukoto bhandu bha likaja lyakwe, na akombola kwaatendanga bhaanagwe bhampilikananje na bhakolanje ishima.
one that ruleth well his own house, having [his] children in subjection with all gravity;
5 Pabha monaga mundu akakombola kwaalongoyanga ukoto bhandu bha likaja lyakwe, shakombole bhuli kulilongoya likanisha lya a Nnungu?
(but if a man knoweth not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
6 Na kabhili mundu akanabhe kwiishimilika ukoto nngulupai, anaagulwe kubha kalongolele, nngakabha anakwiipuna niukumulwa malinga shatendilwe Lishetani.
not a novice, lest being puffed up he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
7 Abhe mundu jwa shuma uguja kubhandunji bha kunyenje, nkupinga anagambwe nitanjila nniyau lika Lishetani.
Moreover he must have good testimony from them that are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
8 Nneyo peyo na mashemashi nnikanisha bhabhanganje bhandunji bha ishimika, na bhanabhanganje bha malobhe malobhe, na bhanabhanganje bha kolelwa, na bhapinganga mmbiya ya tokomaya,
Deacons in like manner [must be] grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
9 bhabhanganje bhaakagulilanga ngulupai ya kweli.
holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
10 Kwa nneyo bhatandubhanje kulingwa, kungai bhatendanje liengo lya jangutila nnikanisha, bhabhonekangaga kuti bhangalinji itendi ya nyata.
And let these also first be proved; then let them serve as deacons, if they be blameless.
11 Nneyo peyo na ashaakongo bhabhonji, bhabhanganje bhaishimikanga, bhanabhanganje bha lung'wenyi, bhabhanganje bhakwiitimalika, na bhaakulupalikanga kwa kila shindu.
Women in like manner [must be] grave, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.
12 Mashemashi bhanalombanje matala, numbe bhakombolanje kulongoya ashibhana bhabhonji na makaja gabhonji ukoto.
Let deacons be husbands of one wife, ruling [their] children and their own houses well.
13 Pabha bhatendanga liengo ukoto nnikanisha, bhanapatanga kushimilika ukoto, nikola mashili ga bheleketa kwa makangala, ga ngulupai yabhonji nkulundana na a Yeshu Kilishitu.
For they that have served well as deacons gain to themselves a good standing, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
14 Ngunakunnjandishila gegano, akuno nguliganishiya kuti ngakabha kwiya kweneko.
These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly;
15 Ikabheje monaga ngabhaga kwiya, bhai mmumanyanje shiikupinjikwa bhandu kutama nnikaja lya a Nnungu, yani nnikanisha lya a Nnungu bhakwete gumi, bhali lipoto, na nshingi gwa kweli.
but if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how men ought to behave themselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
16 Bhai, pangali lipamba lyolyowe ga shinjubhi shikulu sha dini jetu, A Kilishitu bhakoposhele kwa shiilu sha shigundu, gubhakong'ondelwe naka Mbumu jwa Ukonjelo kuti bhakwete aki, gubhabhoneshe na ashimalaika. Gubhalungwiywe ku bhandu bha ilambo ina. Gubhakulupalilwe pa shilambolyo, nigubhanyakwilwe kunani muukonjelo.
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, received up in glory.

< 1 Timoteo 3 >