< मार्क 16 >
1 १ शब्बाथाचा दिवस संपला तेव्हा मग्दालीया नगराची मरीया, याकोबाची आई मरीया आणि सलोमी यांनी त्यास लावण्याकरिता सुगंधी तेल विकत आणले.
[On Saturday evening] when (the Sabbath/the Jewish day of rest) had ended, Mary [from] Magdala, Mary the mother of the [younger] James, and Salome bought fragrant ointment. [The Jews had a custom of] anointing bodies [before they buried them, and the women wanted to follow this custom].
2 २ आणि आठवड्याच्या पहिल्या दिवशी, अगदी पहाटे सूर्योदयाच्या वेळी त्या कबरेकडे गेल्या.
So very early on Sunday, [just after] the sun rose, they [took the fragrant ointment] and started toward the tomb.
3 ३ त्या एकमेकीस म्हणत होत्या की, कबरेच्या तोंडावरून आपणासाठी धोंड कोण बाजूला लोटील?
[While they were going there], they were saying to each other, “Who will roll away for us the stone [that blocks] the entrance of the tomb?”
4 ४ नंतर त्यांनी वर पाहिले आणि त्यांना धोंड दूर लोटलेली आढळली. ती फारच मोठी होती.
[After they arrived], they looked up and saw that the stone had [already] been rolled away {that someone had [already] rolled away the stone}. [They were surprised because it] would have been difficult to move such a huge stone.
5 ५ त्या कबरेत आत गेल्या तेव्हा त्या चकित झाल्या. त्यांना एक तरुण पुरूष उजव्या बाजूस बसलेला आढळला. त्याने पांढरा शुभ्र झगा घातला होता.
They entered the tomb and saw [an angel who looked like] a young man. He was sitting at the right side [of the cave]. He was wearing a [shining] white robe. As a result, they were astonished.
6 ६ तो त्यांना म्हणाला, भयभीत होऊ नका, तुम्ही नासरेथकर येशू जो वधस्तंभावर खिळला होता त्याचा शोध करीत आहात. पण तो उठला आहे. येथे नाही. त्यांनी त्यास ठेवले होते ती जागा पाहा.
The young man said to them, “Do not be astonished! I [know that] you are looking for Jesus, the man from Nazareth, who was nailed to a cross {whom they nailed to a cross}. But he has become alive again! He is not here! Look! [Here is] the place where they placed his [body].
7 ७ जा आणि त्याच्या शिष्यांना व पेत्रालाही सांगा की, तो तुमच्या अगोदर गालील प्रांतात जात आहे, त्याने तुम्हास सांगितल्याप्रमाणे तेथे तो तुम्हास दृष्टीस पडेल.
But, instead [of remaining here], go and tell his disciples. Particularly [be sure] that you tell Peter. Tell them, ‘[Jesus] is going ahead of you to Galilee [district], and you will see him there, just like he told you [previously’]!”
8 ८ मग त्या बाहेर गेल्या आणि भीतीमुळे कबरेपासून पळाल्या. त्यांना आश्चर्य वाटले. त्यांनी कोणाला काहीही सांगितले नाही कारण त्या भयभीत झाल्या होत्या.
The women went outside and ran from the tomb. They were trembling [because they were afraid], and they were astonished. But they did not say anything to anyone [about this] while they were going, because they were afraid.
9 ९ (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) आठवड्याच्या पहिल्या दिवशी येशू उठल्यावर त्याने प्रथम मग्दालीया नगराची मरीयाला, जिच्यातून त्याने सात भूते काढली होती, तिला दर्शन दिले.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) [When Jesus became alive [again] early on Sunday morning, he appeared first to Mary [from] Magdala [town]. She was the woman from whom he had [previously] expelled seven evil spirits.
10 १० ती गेली आणि रडून शोक करणाऱ्या त्याच्या अनुयायांना तिने हे वृत्त सांगितले.
She went to those who had been with [Jesus], while they were mourning and crying. She told them [what she had seen].
11 ११ त्यांनी ऐकले की तो जिवंत आहे व तिने त्यास पाहिले आहे. तेव्हा त्यांनी तिच्या म्हणण्यावर विश्वास ठेवला नाही.
But when she told them that Jesus was alive again and that she had seen him, they refused to believe it.
12 १२ यानंतर त्यांच्यापैकी दोघे उघड्या माळरानावर चालले होते. गावाकडे जात असता येशू त्यांना दुसऱ्या रुपाने प्रकट झाला.
Later [that day], Jesus appeared to two of [his disciples] while they were walking [from Jerusalem to their homes in] the [surrounding] area. [But they did not recognize him quickly because] he looked very different.
13 १३ ते परत आले व इतरांना त्याविषयी सांगितले परंतु त्यांनी त्यांच्यावरही विश्वास ठेवला नाही.
[After they recognized him], those two went back [to Jerusalem. They told his other followers what had happened], but they did not believe it.
14 १४ नंतर अकरा शिष्य जेवत बसले असता येशू त्यांना प्रकट झाला. त्याने शिष्यांच्या अविश्वासाबद्दल आणि त्यांच्या अंतःकरणाच्या कठोरतेबद्दल त्यांना समज दिली कारण ज्यांनी त्यास उठल्यावर पाहिले होते त्यांच्यावर त्यांनी विश्वास ठेवला नाही.
Later he appeared to the eleven [apostles] while they were eating. He rebuked them because they had stubbornly refused to believe [the reports of] those who saw him after he had become alive again.
15 १५ तो त्यांना म्हणाला, “सर्व जगात जा आणि सर्व सृष्टीला सुवार्तेची घोषणा करा.
[Later] he said to them, “Go into the whole world and preach the good message to everyone!
16 १६ जो कोणी विश्वास ठेवतो आणि बाप्तिस्मा घेतो त्याचे तारण होईल, परंतु जो विश्वास ठेवत नाही तो शिक्षेस पात्र होईल.
Everyone who believes [your message] and who is baptized will be saved {[God] will save}. But everyone who does not believe it will be condemned {[God] will condemn}.
17 १७ परंतु जे विश्वास ठेवतील त्यांच्याबरोबर ही चिन्हे असतील, ते माझ्या नावाने भूते काढतील, ते नव्या नव्या भाषा बोलतील.
Those who believe [my good message] will perform miracles. Specifically, by my power they will expel evil spirits. They will speak in languages that they have not learned.
18 १८ ते आपल्या हातांनी साप उचलतील आणि ते कोणतेही प्राणघातक पदार्थ प्याले तरी ते त्यांना कदापि बाधणार नाही. ते आजाऱ्यांवर हात ठेवतील आणि ते बरे होतील.”
If they pick up snakes [accidentally] or if they drink any poisonous [liquid accidentally], they will not be hurt. [Whenever] they put their hands on sick [people in order that God will heal them], those sick people will become well.”
19 १९ मग प्रभू येशू त्यांच्याबरोबर बोलल्यानंतर तो स्वर्गात घेतला गेला आणि देवाच्या उजव्या बाजूस जाऊन बसला.
After the Lord Jesus had said this to [the disciples, he was taken] {[God] took him} up into heaven. Then he sat down on his throne beside God [to rule with him].
20 २० शिष्य बाहेर गेले आणि त्यांनी प्रत्येक ठिकाणी सुवार्तेची घोषणा केली. प्रभूने त्यांच्याबरोबर कार्य केले व त्याने वचनाबरोबर असणाऱ्या चिन्हांनी त्याची खात्री केली.
[As for the disciples], they went out [from Jerusalem, and then they preached everywhere. Wherever they went], the Lord enabled them to perform miracles. [By doing that], he showed people that God’s message is true.