< Tepania 3 >

1 Aue te mate mo tenei e whakakeke nei, kua poke nei, mo te pa tukino!
What disaster is coming to corrupted, rebellious Jerusalem, you who oppress people!
2 Kihai ia i whakarongo ki te reo, kihai i pai ki te ako; kihai i whakawhirinaki ki a Ihowa, kihai i whakatata ki tona Atua.
You don't listen to anybody, you don't accept correction, you don't trust in the Lord, you don't ask for God's help.
3 He raiona e hamama ana ona rangatira i roto i a ia, he wuruhi i te ahiahi ona kaiwhakarite, kahore a ratou toenga mo te ata.
Your leaders are as greedy as roaring lions; your judges are ravenous wolves that leave nothing behind by morning.
4 Ko ona poropiti, he wairangi, he hunga tinihanga: kua whakapokea te wahi tapu e ona tohunga, kua tukinotia e ratou te ture.
Your prophets are arrogant, deceitful men who defile what is sacred and who openly break the law.
5 He tika a Ihowa i roto i a ia; kahore ana mahi he: i tenei ata, i tenei ata, e puta ana tana whakawakanga ki te marama, e kore tana e ngaro atu; na, ko te kaimahi i te he, e kore ia e mohio ki te whakama.
But the Lord who does right is still among you, he does no wrong. Every morning he gives his judgment, every day without fail. But those who act unjustly have no shame.
6 Kua oti nga iwi te hatepe atu e ahau; tu kau ana o ratou taumaihi; kua ururua i ahau o ratou ara, kahore e haerea: kua ngaro o ratou pa, kahore he tangata, kahore he kainoho.
I have destroyed nations. Their fortresses are deserted; their streets are empty; their cities are destroyed—there are no survivors, not one.
7 I ki ahau, He pono ka wehi koe i ahau, ka pai ki te ako; penei kihai i hatepea atu tona nohoanga, kihai i pera me aku whiunga katoa i a ia: heoi moata tonu to ratou maranga, he iho a ratou mahi katoa.
I told myself, “Surely they will respect me now and accept my correction. Then their homes would not be destroyed to teach them a lesson.” But instead you're just as eager to go on doing evil.
8 Mo reira tatari mai ki ahau, e ai ta Ihowa, ki te ra e whakatika ai ahau ki te taonga parakete: ko taku tikanga hoki tenei, kia huihuia mai nga tauiwi, kia tawhiua mai nga kingitanga, kia ringihia ki runga ki a ratou toku riri, toku aritarita kat oa, mura tonu: ka pau hoki te whenua katoa i te ahi, ara i toku hae.
You just wait, declares the Lord. The day is coming when I will rise to give evidence. For I have decided to gather together all the nations and kingdoms and to pour out on them my anger, my fury and my rage. The whole earth will be burned up by the fire of my jealous anger.
9 Ka puta he hoki i ahau i reira he reo tino tika mo nga iwi, e karanga ai ratou katoa ki te ingoa o Ihowa, e kotahi tonu ai te whakaaro e mahi ai ki a ia.
For then I will give the nations pure speech so they can all pray and worship the Lord together.
10 Ka kawea mai he whakahere ki ahau e te hunga e inoi ana ki ahau, ara e te tamahine a aku whati, i tera taha o nga awa o Etiopia.
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my scattered people, my worshipers, will come to bring their offerings to me.
11 I taua ra e kore koe e whakama ki tetahi o au mahi, o ou he ki ahau: no te mea ka tangohia atu e ahau i roto i a koe te hunga e whakamanamana ana, e whakapehapeha ana, e kore ano koe e whakakake a muri ake nei i runga i toku maunga tapu.
On that day you won't be ashamed because of what you did in rebelling against me, for I will remove from among you those who are proud and boastful. Never again will you be conceited on my holy mountain.
12 Ka whakatoea ano e ahau etahi i roto i a koe, he ware, he rawakore, a ka whakawhirinaki ratou ki te ingoa o Ihowa.
I will leave among you those who are meek and humble, those who trust in the name of the Lord.
13 E kore nga toenga o Iharaira e mahi he, e korero teka ranei; e kore ano e kitea he arero teka i roto i o ratou mangai; ka kai hoki ratou, ka takoto, te ai he kaiwhakawehi.
The people of Israel who remain will not act wickedly nor will they tell lies. They will not deceive one another. They will be able to eat in peace and sleep in safety for there will be nothing to frighten them.
14 Waiata, e te tamahine a Hiona; hamama, e Iharaira; whakapaua te ngakau ki te koa ki te whakamanamana, e te tamahine a Hiruharama.
Sing out, Jerusalem! Shout aloud, Israel! Jerusalem, be happy and celebrate with all your heart!
15 Kua kore i a Ihowa nga whakawa mou, kua peia e ia tou hoariri; kei roto i a koe te kingi o Iharaira, ara a Ihowa; e kore koe e kite i te kino a muri ake nei.
For the Lord has turned aside from punishing you, and he has turned back your enemies. The Lord, the king of Israel, is with you, and you will never again have to fear disaster.
16 Ko te korero tenei ki Hiruharama i taua ra, Kaua e wehi; e Hiona, kei ruha ou ringa.
On that day the message to the people of Jerusalem will be, “Don't be afraid; don't be discouraged!”
17 Kei roto a Ihowa, tou Atua, i a koe, a he nui ia, mana e whakaora; ka koa ia, ka hari ki a koe; ka ata noho ia i runga i tona aroha, ka whakamanamana ia, ka waiata ki a koe.
The Lord your God is among you as a mighty warrior who saves. He will be so happy with you. He will renew his love for you. He will celebrate over you with loud singing.
18 Ka whakaminea e ahau te hunga e pouri ana ki te huihuinga nui, era i roto i a koe, era e mau na tona ingoa kino ki a ratou.
I will gather those of you who mourn for the religious festivals—you will no longer have to bear the disgrace.
19 Nana, i taua wa, ka mahi ahau ki te hunga katoa e whakatupu kino ana i a koe: ka whakaora i te wahine e totitoti ana; ka kohikohi i te mea i peia atu, a hei whakamoemititanga ratou, hei ingoa i nga whenua katoa i whakama ai ratou.
Look at what I am going to do! At that time I am going to deal with all those who have oppressed you. I will save those who are helpless and bring back those who were scattered, and I will turn their shame into praise, and all the world will respect them.
20 I taua wa ka kawea mai koutou e ahau, a i taua wa ka whakaminea mai koutou e ahau: a hei ingoa koutou, hei whakamoemititanga i roto i nga iwi katoa o te whenua, ina whakahokia koutou e ahau i te whakarau me te titiro ano koutou, e ai ta Ihowa.
At that time I will bring you home, gathering you together. I will give you a good reputation, and you will be praised by all the peoples of the earth when I restore your status before your very eyes, says the Lord.

< Tepania 3 >