< Hakaraia 9 >

1 Ko te poropititanga o te kupu a Ihowa i te whenua o Hararaka. Na, ko tona taunga atu kei Ramahiku; e whai kanohi ana hoki te tangata me nga hapu katoa o Iharaira ki a Ihowa.
The burden of the word of Jehovah, in the land of Hadrach, and [on] Damascus shall it rest; (for Jehovah hath an eye upon men, and upon all the tribes of Israel; )
2 Kei Hamata ano e tata ra ki reira; kei Taira, kei Hairona no te mea he pa whakaaro nui rawa ia.
and also [on] Hamath [which] bordereth thereon; on Tyre and Zidon, though she be very wise.
3 I hanga ano e Taira he pa kaha mona, i opehia e ia te hiriwa, ano he puehu, te koura parakore, ano ko te paru o nga waharoa.
And Tyre hath built herself a stronghold, and hath heaped up silver as the dust, and fine gold as the mire of the streets.
4 Nana, ma te Ariki ia e pei, ka patua hoki e ia tona kaha i te moana; ka pau ia i te ahi.
Behold, the Lord will take possession of her, and he will smite her power in the sea; and she shall be devoured with fire.
5 Ka kite a Ahakerono, a ka wehi, a Kaha, nui atu te mamae, me Ekerono ano; no te mea he whakama to tana i tumanako ai; ka kore hoki to Kaha kingi; e kore ano a Ahakerono e nohoia.
Ashkelon shall see [it], and fear; Gazah also, and she shall be greatly pained; Ekron also, for her expectation shall be put to shame: and the king shall perish from Gazah, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.
6 A ka nohoia a Aharoro e te poriro, ka hatepea atu ano e ahau te whakapehapeha o nga Pirihitini.
And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines;
7 Ka kore ano i ahau ona toto i roto i tona mangai, me ana mea whakarihariha i waenganui i ona niho; na, hei morehu ia mo to tatou Atua, ka rite ano ki te kawana i roto i a Hura, ka rite ano a Ekerono ki te Iepuhi.
and I will take away his blood out of his mouth, and his abominations from between his teeth; but he that remaineth, he also shall belong to our God, and shall be as a leader in Judah, and Ekron as a Jebusite.
8 Ka nohoia ano e ahau nga taha o toku whare, hei arai mo te taua, mo te tangata ano e tika ana na reira, mo te tangata e hoki ana; e kore ano te kaitukino e tika na waenga i a ratou a muri ake nei: kua kite nei hoki oku kanohi inaianei.
And I will encamp about my house because of the army, because of those that pass by and that return; and the exactor shall not pass through them any more: for now have I seen [it] with mine eyes.
9 Kia nui te whakamanamana, e te tamahine a Hiona, hamama, e te tamahine a Hiruharama, nana, ko tou Kingi e haere na ki a koe: he tika ia, he whakaora, he ngakau mahaki, e noho ana i runga i te kaihe, i te kuao ano, i te tama a te kaihe.
Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion; shout, daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, thy King cometh to thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly and riding upon an ass, even upon a colt the foal of an ass.
10 A ka hatepea atu e ahau te hariata o Eparaima, me te hoiho o Hiruharama; ka hatepea atu ano te kopere o te whawhai: mo te rongo mau hoki ana kupu ki nga tauiwi; ka kingi ano ia i tetahi moana a tae noa ki tetahi moana, i te awa a tae noa ki nga pito o te whenua.
And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem; and the battle-bow shall be cut off. And he shall speak peace unto the nations; and his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.
11 Me koe ano, na te toto o tau kawenata i unga atu ai e ahau ou herehere i roto i te poka kahore nei ona wai.
As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant, I will send forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.
12 Tahuri ki te pa kaha, e nga herehere, e te hunga e tumanako ana: i tenei ra nei me whakaatu e ahau e rua aku whakautu ki a koe:
Turn again to the stronghold, prisoners of hope! even to-day do I declare I will render double unto thee.
13 Kua piko hoki i ahau a Hura maku, kua whakakiia te kopere ki a Eparaima; a ka oho i ahau au tama, e Hiona, ki te whawhai ki au tama, e Kariki, ka meinga hoki koe e ahau kia rite ki te hoari a te marohirohi.
For I have bent Judah for me, I have filled the bow with Ephraim; and I will raise up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and make thee like the sword of a mighty man.
14 A ka kitea a Ihowa i runga i a ratou, ka puta atu ano tana pere ano he uira: ka tangi hoki te tetere a te Ariki, a Ihowa, a ka haere ia i runga i nga tukauati o te tonga.
And Jehovah shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning; and the Lord Jehovah will blow the trumpet, and will march with whirlwinds of the south.
15 Ma Ihowa o nga mano ratou e tiaki; a ka kai ratou, a ka takahi i nga kohatu o te kotaha; ka inu ano ratou, ka hamama me te mea na te waina; ka ki ratou ano he peihana, ano ko nga koki o te aata.
Jehovah of hosts will defend them; and they shall devour, and shall tread down the sling-stones; and they shall drink, [and] make a noise as from wine; and they shall be filled like a bowl, like the corners of the altar.
16 Na ka whakaora a Ihowa, to ratou Atua, i a ratou i taua ra, me he kahui no tana iwi: ka rite hoki ratou ki nga kohatu o te karauna, maiangi rawa i runga i tona whenua.
And Jehovah their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people; for [they shall be as] the stones of a crown, lifted up upon his land.
17 Na koia ano tona pai, koia ano tona ataahua! ka tupu nga tama i te witi, nga kotiro i te waina hou.
For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! Corn shall make the young men flourish, and new wine the maidens.

< Hakaraia 9 >