< Whakakitenga 18 >
1 A muri iho i enei mea ka kite ahau i tetahi atu anahera e heke iho ana i te rangi, he mana nui tona; marama tonu hoki te ao i tona kororia.
And after that I sawe another angell come from heven havinge gret power and the erth was lyghtned with hys bryghtnes.
2 He nui hoki tona reo ki te karanga, ki te mea, Kua horo, kua horo a Papurona nui, kua meinga hei kainga rewera, hei whare herehere hoki mo nga wairua poke katoa, hei whare herehere mo nga manu poke katoa, mo nga manu whakarihariha.
And he cryed myghtyly with a stronge voyce sayinge: Great Babilon is fallen ys fallen and ys become the habitation of devels and the holde of all fowle sprettes and a cage of all vnclene and hatefull byrdes
3 Na te waina hoki o te riri o tona moepuku i horo ai nga tauiwi katoa; i moepuku hoki nga kingi o te whenua ki a ia, a kua whiwhi nui nga kaihoko o te ao i te taonga i te nui o ana mea whakaahuareka.
for all nacions have dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her fornycacion. And the kynges of the erth have committed fornicacion with her and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundance of her pleasures.
4 I rongo ano ahau i tetahi atu reo i te rangi, e mea ana, Puta mai koutou i roto i a ia, e toku iwi, kei uru tahi koutou ki ona hara, kei pangia koutou e ona whiu:
And I herde another voyce from heven saye: come a waye from her my people that ye be not parttakers in her synnes that ye receave not of her plages.
5 Kua tutuki hoki ona hara ki te rangi, kua mahara te Atua ki ana mahi he.
For her synnes are gon vp to heven and God hath remembred her wyckednes.
6 Hoatu ki a ia tana i homai ai ki a koutou, takiruatia nga mea mona, kia rite ki ana mahi: ko te kapu i whakakiia e ia kia rua a koutou whakakinga mona.
Rewarde her even as she rewarded you and geve her dubble accordynge to her workes. And poure in dubble to her in the same cuppe which she fylled vnto you.
7 Na kia rite ki tana whakanuinga i a ia, ki tona toreretanga ki ana mea whakaahuareka, kia pera ano te mamae me te pouri e hoatu e koutou ki a ia: e mea ana hoki ia i tona ngakau, E noho ana ahau hei kuini, ehara hoki ahau i te pouaru, e kore ano hoki ahau e kite i te pouri.
And as moche as she gloryfied her silfe and lyved wantanly so moche poure ye in for her of punysshment and sorowe for she sayde in her herte: I sytt beinge a quene and am no wyddowe and shall se no sorowe.
8 Mo konei ano ka tae mai ona whiu i te ra kotahi, te mate, te pouri, te matekai; a ka tahuna ia kia pau rawa i te ahi: he kaha hoki te Ariki, te Atua, e whakawa nei i a ia.
Therfore shall her plages come at one daye deeth and sorowe and honger and she shallbe brent with fyre: for stronge ys the lorde god which iudgeth her.
9 A, ko nga kingi o te ao i moepuku nei ki a ia, i torere ngatahi nei ki ana mea whakaahuareka, tera e tangi ki a ia, e aue ki a ia, ina kite ratou i te paoa o tona tahunga;
And the kynges of the erth shalbe wepe her and wayle over her which have committed fornicacion with her and have lyved wantanly with her when they shall se the smoke of her burnynge
10 Ka tu mai ratou i tawhiti i te wehi ki tona whakamamae, ka mea, Aue, aue, te pa nui, Papurona, te pa kaha! kua tae mai hoki tou whakawa i te haora kotahi.
and shall stonde a farre of for feare of her punnysshment sayinge: Alas Alas that gret cite Babilon that myghty cite: For at won houre is her iudgment come.
11 Ka tangi ano hoki nga kaihoko o te whenua, ka aue ki a ia; no te mea kahore atu he tangata hei hoko i ta ratou utanga;
And the marchauntes of the erth shall wepe and wayle in them selves for no man wyll bye their ware eny more
12 I te utanga o te koura, o te hiriwa, o te kohatu utu nui, o te peara, o te rinena pai, o te papura, o te hiraka, o te kahu whero; me nga rakau taina katoa, me nga tini oko rei, me nga tini oko rakau utu nui whakaharahara, oko parahi, rino, maper e,
the ware of golde and silver and precious stones nether of pearle and raynes and purple and skarlet and all thyne wodde and almanner vessels of yvery and almanner vessels of most precious wodde and of brasse and of yron
13 Me te hinamona, me nga mea kakara, me te hinu kakara, me te parakihe, me te waina, me te hinu, me te paraoa pai, me te witi, me nga kararehe, me nga hipi; me te utanga o nga hoiho, o nga hariata, o nga pononga; me nga wairua tangata.
and synamon and odours and oyntmentes and frankynsence and wyne and oyle and fyne floure and wheate bestes and shepe and horsys and charrettes and boddyes and soules of men.
14 Heoi ko nga hua i matea nuitia e tou ngakau kua mawehe atu i a koe, a kua mahue hoki koe i nga mea reke katoa, i nga mea papai, a heoi ano te kitenga o aua mea e te tangata.
And the apples that thy soule lusted after are departed fro the. And all thynges which were deyntie and had in pryce ar departed fro the and thou shalt fynde them no more.
15 Ko nga kaihoko o enei mea, kua whai taonga nei i a ia, ka tu mai ratou i tawhiti i te wehi ki tona whakamamae, me te tangi, me te aue ano ratou,
The marchauntes of these thynges which were wexed ryche shall stonde a farre of from her for feare of the punyshment of her wepynge and waylynge
16 Me te ki, Aue, aue, te pa nui, i kakahuria ki te rinena pai, ki te papaura, ki te whero, i tataitia ki te koura, ki te kohatu utu nui, ki nga peara!
and saying: alas alas that grett cite that was clothed in raynes and purple and scarlett and decked with golde and precious stone and pearles:
17 Kotahi tonu hoki te haora a moti rawa iho taua taonga nui. Na ko nga rangatira kaipuke katoa, ko te hunga katoa e rere ana ra te kaipuke ki ia wahi, ko nga kaiwhakatere kaipuke, me te hunga katoa ano kei te moana a ratou mahi, tu mai ana ratou i tawhiti,
for at one houre so great ryches ys come to nought And every shippe governer and all they that occupied shippes and shippmen which worke in the see stode a farre of
18 Me te karanga ano ratou i to ratou kitenga i te paoa o tona tahunga, me te ki, Ko tehea pa i rite ki tenei pa nui?
and cryed when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge sayinge what cite is lyke vnto this grett cite?
19 Opehia ana hoki e ratou he puehu ki a ratou mahunga, kei te karanga ratou, me te tangi, me te aue, kei te mea, Aue, aue, te pa nui, i whai taonga ai i ona utu nui te hunga katoa he kaipuke a ratou i te moana! kotahi tonu nei hoki te haora a moti rawa iho.
And they cast dust on their heddes and cryed wepynge and waylinge and sayed: Alas Alas yt greate cite wherin were made ryche all that had shyppes in the see by the reason of her costlynes for atone houre is she made desolate
20 Kia hari ki a ia, e te rangi, e te hunga tapu, e nga apotoro, e nga poropiti ano hoki; kua whakaritea nei hoki e te Atua ta koutou whakawa i a ia.
Reioyce over her thou heven and ye holy Apostles and prophetes: for god hath geven youre iudgment on her.
21 Katahi ka hapaingia ake e tetahi anahera kaha he kamaka i rite nei ki tetahi kamaka rahi no te mira, a maka ana e ia ki te moana, me te ki ano ia, Ka peneitia a Papurona, te pa nui, ka maka whakareretia atu, e kore ano hoki e kitea i muri nei.
And a myghty angell toke vp a stone lyke a grett mylstone and cast it into the see sayinge: with suche violence shall that gret cite Babilon be cast and shallbe founde no more.
22 Na heoi ano rongonga i roto i a koe ki te reo o nga kaiwhakatangi hapa, o nga kaiwhakatakoto rangi waiata, o nga kaiwhakatangi i nga putorino, i nga tetere; e kore ano hoki e kitea i nga wa i muri nei tetahi kaimahi o nga tini mahi i roto i a ko e; e kore ano hoki e rangona i nga wa i muri nei te haruru o te kohatu mira i roto i a koe;
And the voyce of harpers and musicions and of pypers and trompetters shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man of whatsoever craft he be shalbe founde eny more in the. and the soude of a myll shalbe herde no more in the
23 E kore ano hoki e whiti i nga wa i muri nei te marama o te rama i roto i a koe; e kore ano hoki e rangona i nga wa i muri nei te reo o te tane marena hou, o te wahine marena hou, i roto i a koe: ou kaihokohoko hoki ko nga tangata nunui o te ao; na au mahi makutu ano hoki i pohehe ai nga iwi katoa.
and the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde shalbe herde no more in the: for thy marchauntes were ye grett men of ye erth. And with thyne inchantment were deceaved all nacions:
24 I kitea ano hoki i roto i a ia nga toto o nga poropiti, o te hunga tapu, o te hunga katoa hoki i whakamatea ki runga ki te whenua.
and in her was founde the bloude of the prophettes and of ye saynctes and of all that were slayne apon ye erth.