< Waiata 89 >
1 He Makiri na Etana Eterahi. Ka waiatatia e ahau nga mahi tohu a Ihowa ake ake: ka whakapuakina e toku mangai tou pono ki nga whakatupuranga katoa.
[A Psalm] of instruction for Aetham the Israelite. I will sing of your mercies, O Lord, for ever: I will declare your truth with my mouth to all generations.
2 I mea hoki ahau, Ka hanga ake te mahi tohu mo ake tonu atu: ka whakapumautia e koe tou pono ki nga tino rangi ra ano.
For you have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: your truth shall be established in the heavens.
3 Kua whakarite kawenata ahau ki taku i whiriwhiri ai: kua oati ki taku pononga ki a Rawiri;
I made a covenant with my chosen ones, I sware to David my servant.
4 Ka pumau i ahau ou uri ake ake: ka hanga tou torona ki nga whakatupuranga katoa. (Hera)
I will establish your seed for ever, and build up your throne to all generations. (Pause)
5 Ka whakamoemiti ano nga rangi, e Ihowa, ki au mahi whakamiharo; ki tou pono hoki i roto i te whakaminenga o te hunga tapu.
The heavens shall declare your wonders, O Lord; and your truth in the assembly of the saints.
6 Ko wai oti i nga rangi hei rite mo Ihowa? Ko wai i roto i nga tama a te hunga nunui e rite ana ki a Ihowa?
For who in the heavens shall be compared to the Lord? and who shall be likened to the Lord amongst the sons of God?
7 He Atua whakamataku rawa i roto i te whakaminenga o te hunga tapu, e wehingia ana i runga ake i a ratou katoa i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha ona?
God is glorified in the council of the saints; great and terrible towards all that are round about him.
8 E Ihowa, e te Atua o nga mano, ko wai te mea kaha hei rite mou, e IHA? Hei rite ranei mo tou pono i tetahi taha ou, i tetahi taha?
O Lord God of hosts, who is like to you? you are mighty, O Lord, and your truth is round about you.
9 Ko koe te kingi o te huamo o te moana: ka oho ona ngaru, ko koe hei whakamarino.
You rule the power of the sea; and you calm the tumult of its waves.
10 Mongamonga noa i a koe a Rahapa ano he tangata i patua: marara ana i a koe, i tou ringa kaha ou hoariri.
You has brought down the proud as one that is slain; and with the arm of your power you has scattered your enemies.
11 Nau nga rangi, nau te whenua: te ao me ona mea e hua ana i runga, nau ena i pumau ai.
The heavens are your, and the earth is your: you have founded the world, and the fullness of it.
12 Ko te raki me te tonga nau ena i hanga: ka hari a Taporo raua ko Heremona ki tou ingoa.
You have created the north and the west: Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in your name.
13 He takakau marohirohi tou: he pakari tou ringa, rewa tonu tou matau ki runga.
Your is the mighty arm: let your hand be strengthened, let your right hand be exalted.
14 Ko te tika me te whakawa te turanga o tou torona: e haere ana te mahi tohu me te pono i mua i tou aroaro.
Justice and judgement are the establishment of your throne: mercy and truth shall go before your face.
15 Ka hari te iwi e mohio ana ki te tangi whakahari: e haere ana ratou, e Ihowa, i te marama o tou mata.
Blessed is the people that knows the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance.
16 E hari ana ratou ki tou ingoa i te roa o te ra: a ma tou tika ka kake ai ratou.
And in your name shall they rejoice all the day: and in your righteousness shall they be exalted.
17 Ko koe hoki te kororia o to ratou kaha: ma tau manako ano ka ara ai to matou haona.
For you are the boast of their strength; and in your good pleasure shall our horn be exalted,
18 Na Ihowa hoki to matou whakangungu rakau: a na te Mea Tapu o Iharaira to tatou kingi.
for [our] help is of the Lord; and of the Holy One of Israel, our king.
19 I korero moemoea koe i reira ki tau Mea Tapu, i mea, Kua hoatu e ahau he kaha ki runga ki tetahi marohirohi; kua whakanuia e ahau tetahi i whiriwhiria i roto i te iwi.
Then you spoke in vision to your children, and said, I have laid help on a mighty one; I have exalted one chosen out of my people.
20 Kua kitea e ahau taku pononga, a Rawiri: kua whakawahia ia e ahau ki taku hinu tapu:
I have found David my servant; I have anointed him by [my] holy mercy.
21 Ka u atu toku ringa hei awhina mona: ma toku takakau ano ia e whakakaha.
For my hand shall support him; and mine arm shall strengthen him.
22 E kore te hoariri e whai wahi ki a ia: e kore ano hoki te tama a te kino e tukino i a ia.
The enemy shall have no advantage against him; and the son of transgression shall not hurt him again.
23 Maku e tukituki ona hoariri ki tona aroaro: ka whiua e ahau te hunga e kino ana ki a ia.
And I will hew down his foes before him, and put to flight those that hate him.
24 Otira ka mau ki a ia toku pono me taku mahi tohu: a ma toku ingoa ka ara ai tona haona.
But my truth and my mercy shall be with him; and in my name shall his horn be exalted.
25 Maku ano tona ringa ka pa ai ki te moana: tona matau ki nga awa.
And I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
26 Ka karanga ia ki ahau, Ko koe toku Papa, toku Atua, te kohatu o toku whakaoranga.
He shall call upon me, [saying], You are my Father, my God, and the helper of my salvation.
27 Ka waiho ano ia hei matamua maku ki runga ake i nga kingi o te whenua.
And I will make him [my] firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.
28 Ka rongoatia e ahau taku mahi tohu mona ake tonu atu: ka mau tonu taku kawenata ki a ia.
I will keep my mercy for him for ever, and my covenant [shall be] firm with him.
29 Ka meinga hoki e ahau ona uri kia mau tonu ake ake, tona torona ano ko nga ra o te rangi.
And I will establish his seed for ever and ever, and his throne as the days of heaven.
30 Ki te whakarerea e ana tamariki taku ture, a kahore e haere i aku whakaritenga;
If his children should forsake my law, and walk not in my judgements;
31 Ki te takahi ratou i aku tikanga; a kahore e pupuri i aku whakahau;
if they should profane my ordinances, and not keep my commandments;
32 Katahi ka whaia ta ratou mahi tutu e taku rakau, o ratou kino e te whiu.
I will visit their transgressions with a rod, and their sins with scourges.
33 Otira e kore e tangohia rawatia e ahau taku mahi tohu i a ia, e tuku ranei i toku pono kia he.
But my mercy I will not utterly remove from him, nor wrong my truth.
34 E kore taku kawenata e takahia e ahau, e kore ano e whakarereketia te mea i puta i oku ngutu.
Neither will I by any means profane my covenant; and I will not make void the things that proceed out of my lips.
35 Kotahi aku oatitanga i toku tapu; e kore ahau e teka ki a Rawiri.
Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie to David.
36 Ka mau tonu tona uri ake ake; a ka rite tona torona ki te ra i toku aroaro.
His see shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me;
37 Ka rite tona pumau ki to te marama ake ake: hei kaiwhakaatu pono ano i runga i te rangi. (Hera)
and as the moon [that is] established for ever, and as the faithful witness in heaven. (Pause)
38 Na kua panga nei koe, kua whakarihariha, kua riri ki tau i whakawahi ai.
But you have cast off and set at nothing, you has rejected your anointed.
39 Kua weriweri koe ki te kawenata ki tau pononga: kua whakanoaia e koe tona karauna, taka noa ki te whenua.
You have overthrown the covenant of your servant; you has profaned his sanctuary, [casting it] to the ground.
40 Kua pakaruhia e koe ona taiepa katoa; whakamotitia iho e koe ona pa kaha.
You have broken down all his hedges; you have made his strong holds a terror.
41 E pahua ana i a ia nga tangata katoa e tika ana i te ara: he tawainga ia na ona hoa tata.
All that go by the way have spoiled him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 Kua whakarewaina e koe te ringa matau o ona hoa whawhai: kua meinga e koe kia hari ona hoa whawhai katoa.
You have exalted the right hand of his enemies; you have made all his enemies to rejoice.
43 Ae, e ngore ana i a koe te mata o tana hoari: kihai ano koe i tautoko i a ia ki te tatauranga.
You have turned back the help of his sword, and have not helped him in the battle.
44 Kua whakamutua e koe tona kororia, kua maka tona torona ki raro ki te whenua.
You have deprived him of glory: you have broken down his throne to the ground.
45 Kua poroa e koe nga ra o tona taitamarikitanga: kua hipokina ia e koe ki te whakama. (Hera)
You have shortened the days of his throne: you have poured shame upon him. (Pause)
46 Kia pehea te roa, e Ihowa, e whakangaro ai koe i a koe, ake tonu atu? Kia pehea te roa e toro ana tou riri ano he ahi?
How long, O Lord, will you turn away, for ever? shall your anger flame out as fire?
47 Kia mahara ki te poto rawa o toku taima: he aha i hanga ai e koe nga tangata katoa hei kore noa iho?
Remember what my being is: for have you created all the sons of men in vain?
48 Ko wai tena tangata e ora nei, a e kore e kite i te mate? E mawhiti koia i a ia tona wairua i te kaha o te reinga? (Hera) (Sheol )
What man is there who shall live, and not see death? shall [any one] deliver his soul from the hand of Hades? (Pause) (Sheol )
49 E te Ariki, kei hea au arohatanga o mua i oatitia ai e koe ki a Rawiri i runga i tou pono?
Where are your ancient mercies, O Lord, which you sware to David in your truth?
50 Maharatia, e te Ariki, te tawai ki au pononga; e mau nei ki toku uma te tawai a nga iwi nunui katoa:
Remember, O Lord, the reproach of your servants, which I have borne in my bosom, [even the reproach] of many nations;
51 Te tawai a ou hoariri, e Ihowa, ta ratou tawai nei ki nga hikoinga o tau i whakawahi ai.
wherewith your enemies have reviled, O Lord: wherewith they have reviled the recompense of your anointed.
52 Kia whakapaingia a Ihowa ake ake. Amine, ae Amine.
Blessed be the Lord for ever. So be it, so be it.