< Waiata 74 >

1 He Makiri na Ahapa. E te Atua, he aha i panga ai matou e koe ake ake? He aha i pongere ai tou riri ki nga hipi o tau mara?
“A psalm of Asaph.” O God! why hast thou cast us off for ever? Why doth thine anger smoke against the flock of thy pasture?
2 Mahara ki tau whakaminenga i hokona e koe i mua, i utua e koe hei iwi mo tou kainga tupu; a ki tenei Maunga Hiona i nohoia nei e koe.
Remember the people which thou didst purchase of old; Thine own inheritance, which thou didst redeem; That Mount Zion, where thou once didst dwell!
3 Hiki ake ou waewae ki nga whakangaromanga e mau tonu nei, ki nga mahi kino katoa a te hoariri ki te wahi tapu.
Hasten thy steps to those utter desolations! Every thing in the sanctuary hath the enemy abused!
4 Kua hamama nei ou hoariri i waenganui i au whakaminenga, kua whakaturia e ratou a ratou kara hei tohu.
Thine enemies roar in the place of thine assemblies; Their own symbols have they set up for signs.
5 E rite ana ratou ki nga tangata e hapai ana i te titaha ki te puia rakau.
They appear like those who raise the axe against a thicket;
6 Inaianei ia e tukitukia ana e ratou ona mea whakairo, pakaruhia iho ana ki te titaha, ki te hama.
They have broken down the carved work of thy temple with axes and hammers;
7 Kua toua tou wahi tapu ki te kapura, kua noa i a ratou te nohoanga o tou ingoa, kei te whenua e takoto ana.
They have cast fire into thy sanctuary; They have profaned, and cast to the ground, the dwelling-place of thy name.
8 I mea to ratou ngakau, Me whakangaro ratou a poto ake: kua tahuna e ratou nga whare huihui katoa o te Atua i te whenua.
They said in their hearts, “Let us destroy them all together!” They have burned all God's places of assembly in the land.
9 Kahore matou e kite i o matou tohu, kahore atu he poropiti, kahore hoki tetahi o matou e matau ana kia pehea ake te roa.
We no longer see our signs; There is no prophet among us, Nor any one that knoweth how long this desolation shall endure.
10 E te Atua, kia pehea ake te roa o te tawai a te hoariri? Ka kohukohu tonu ranei te hoariri ki tou ingoa ake ake?
How long, O God! shall the adversary revile? Shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?
11 He aha i pepeke ai tou ringa, tou matau? Unuhia i roto i tou uma, whakamotitia ratou.
Why withdrawest thou thy hand, even thy right hand? Take it from thy bosom, and destroy!
12 Ko te Atua ia toku Kingi o tua iho, e mahi whakaora ana i waenganui i te whenua.
Yet God was our king of old, Working salvation in the midst of the earth.
13 Nau, na tou kaha i wawae te moana: pakaru ana i a koe nga matenga o nga tarakona i nga wai.
Thou didst divide the sea by thy power; Thou didst crush the heads of the sea-monsters in the waters.
14 Mongamonga noa i a koe nga matenga o rewiatana: a hoatu ana ia e koe hei kai ma te iwi o te koraha.
Thou didst break in pieces the head of the crocodile; Thou gavest him for food to the inhabitants of the desert.
15 I wahia e koe te puna me te roma; mimiti ake i a koe nga awa nunui.
Thou didst cleave forth the fountain and the stream; Thou didst dry up perennial rivers.
16 Nau te ao, nau hoki te po; nau i whakarite te marama me te ra.
Thine is the day, and thine the night; Thou didst prepare the light and the sun.
17 Nau i whakatu nga rohe katoa o te whenua: te raumati me te hotoke, he mea whakarite ena nau.
Thou didst establish all the boundaries of the earth; Thou didst make summer and winter.
18 Kia mahara ki tenei, kua tawai te hoariri, e Ihowa: kua kohukohu te hunga poauau ki tou ingoa.
O remember that the enemy hath reviled Jehovah; That an impious people hath blasphemed thy name!
19 Kaua e tukua te wairua o tau kukupa ki te kirehe: kei wareware ake ake ki te whakaminenga o au rawakore.
Give not up the life of thy turtle-dove to the wild beast; Forget not for ever thine afflicted people!
20 Whakaaroa te kawenata; kua kiki hoki nga wahi pouri o te whenua i nga nohoanga nanakia.
Have regard to thy covenant! For all the dark places of the land are full of the abodes of cruelty.
21 Kei hoki whakama mai te tangata e tukinotia ana: kia whakamoemititia tou ingoa e te ware, e te rawakore.
O let not the afflicted go away ashamed! Let the poor and needy praise thy name!
22 E ara, e te Atua, tohea tau tohe: mahara ki ta te tangata poauau tawai ki a koe a pau noa te ra.
Arise, O God! maintain thy cause! Remember how the impious revileth thee daily!
23 Kei wareware ki te reo o ou hoariri: e kake tonu ana te ngangau a te hunga e whakatika ana ki a koe.
Forget not the clamor of thine adversaries, —The noise of thine enemies, which continually increaseth!

< Waiata 74 >