< Waiata 7 >

1 He Hikaiono na Rawiri, tana i waiata ai ki a Ihowa mo nga kupu a Kuhu Pineamine. E Ihowa, e toku Atua, kei a koe toku whakawhirinakitanga: kia ora ahau i te hunga katoa e aru ana i ahau, kia mawhiti atu hoki ahau:
A psalm (shiggaion) of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Cush, from the tribe of Benjamin. Lord my God, you are my protection. Save me from those who persecute me; please rescue me!
2 Kei haehae ia i toku wairua, ano he raiona, a titaritari noa, i te mea kahore he kaiarai.
Otherwise they will tear me apart like a lion, ripping me to pieces with no one to save me.
3 E Ihowa, e toku Atua, ki te mea naku tena mahi, ki te mea he hara kei oku ringa;
If I have done what I'm accused of, if my hands are guilty,
4 Ki te mea i whakahokia e ahau he kino ki te tangata kua mau nei ta maua rongo; i whakaora nei hoki ahau i te tangata i kino noa mai ki ahau:
If I have paid back a friend with evil, if I have robbed my enemy for no reason,
5 Kia arumia toku wairua e te hoariri, a kia mau; kia takahia hoki toku ora e ia ki te whenua, kia whakatokotoria ano toku kororia ki te puehu. (Hera)
Then let my enemies chase me down; let them trample me in the dust and drag my reputation through the dirt. (Selah)
6 E Ihowa, whakatika, kia riri koe, ara ake, e nana nei hoki oku hoa whawhai: kia oho ake hoki koe moku; kua kiia e koe te whakawa.
Stand up, Lord, in your anger, rise up against the fury of my enemies; wake up, Lord, and bring me justice!
7 Tukua kia karapotia koe e te whakaminenga o nga iwi: ma runga atu i a ratou tou hokinga atu ki runga.
Bring together the nations before you; rule them from your throne on high.
8 Ko Ihowa e whakarite whakawa ana mo nga iwi; kia rite, e Ihowa, tau whakawa moku ki taku mahi tika, ki te tapatahi hoki o oku whakaaro.
The Lord judges all people. Defend me, Lord, because I do what is right, because of my integrity.
9 Kia whakamutua te kino o te hunga kino: whakaukia hoki te tangata tika: e whakamatautau ana hoki te Atua tika i nga ngakau, i nga whatumanawa.
Please bring an end to the evil done by the wicked; vindicate those who do good, for you are the God of right who examines hearts and minds.
10 Kei te Atua toku whakangungu rakau, mana e whakaora te hunga ngakau tika.
The Most High God is my defense, the one who saves those who live right.
11 He kaiwhakawa tika te Atua, ae ra, he Atua e riri ana i tenei ra, i tenei ra.
God is a fair judge who is always hostile to evil.
12 Ki te kore tetahi e tahuri, ka whakakoia e ia tana hoari; kua whakapikoa e ia tana kopere, a oti rawa te whakapai.
If people do not change their minds, he will sharpen his sword. He has bent and strung his bow.
13 Oti rawa ano ana mea whakamate te whakapai e ia; kua meinga e ia ana pere ano he ahi.
He has prepared weapons of death, he has his flaming arrows ready.
14 Nana, he kino te mea e whakamamae nei ia; he whanoke te mea i hapu ki roto ki a ia, a whanau ake he teka.
See how the wicked conceive evil! They are pregnant with trouble. They give birth to dishonesty.
15 I pokaia e ia he poka, he mea keri nana, taka iho ia ki roto ki te rua i mahia e ia.
They dig a deep hole to catch people, but then fall into it themselves.
16 Ka hoki tona whanoke ki tona matenga, a ka tau iho tana tukino ki tona tumuaki.
The trouble they cause rebounds to hit them on the head; their violence against others comes down on their own skulls.
17 Ka rite ki tona tika taku whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa: ka himene atu hoki ahau ki te ingoa o Ihowa, o te Runga Rawa.
I will thank the Lord because he does what is right; I will sing praises to the name of the Lord Most High.

< Waiata 7 >