< Waiata 69 >

1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Hohanimi. Na Rawiri. Whakaorangia ahau e te Atua, ka tae mai hoki nga wai ki roto ki toku wairua.
For the music director. To the tune “Lilies.” A psalm of David. God, please save me, because the water is up to my neck!
2 Ka tapoko ahau ki te oru hohonu, ki te wahi kahore nei he tunga: kua tae ahau ki nga wai hohonu, ngaro iho ahau i nga waipuke.
I'm sinking deeper into the mud—there's no solid ground for me to stand. I find myself in deep water; floods wash over me.
3 Kua ruwha ahau i taku tangi; kua maroke toku korokoro: pakoko kau oku kanohi i ahau e tatari nei ki toku Atua.
I'm so tired of screaming out for help my throat is totally raw. My eyes are worn out looking for my God to help me.
4 Tini ke i nga makawe o toku matenga te hunga e kino noa ana ki ahau: he kaha rawa te hunga e mauahara noa ana ki ahau, e mea nei kia whakamatea ahau; utua ana e ahau i reira nga mea kihai i tangohia e ahau.
Those who hate me for no reason are more than the number of hairs on my head. Many enemies try to destroy me by telling lies. How can I give back what I didn't steal?
5 E te Atua, e matau ana koe ki toku kuware; kahore hoki oku he e ngaro i a koe.
God, you know how foolish I am! My sins are not hidden from you.
6 E te Ariki, e Ihowa o nga mano kaua te hunga e tatari ana ki a koe e whakama i ahau: e te Atua o Iharaira, kei numinumi kau i ahau te hunga e rapu ana i a koe.
Don't let those who trust you be ashamed because of me, Lord God Almighty. Don't let those who follow you be disgraced because of me, God of Israel.
7 Mou hoki ahau i waiho ai hei tawainga: ngaro iho toku mata i te whakama.
For your sake I put up with the insults; my face shows my embarrassment.
8 He tangata ke ahau ki oku hoa ake: hei tautangata ki nga tama a toku whaea.
I have become a foreigner to my brother Israelites; a stranger to my very own brothers.
9 Ka pau hoki ahau i te aroha ki tou whare: kua tau ano ki ahau nga tawai a te hunga e tawai ana ki a koe.
My devotion for your house is burning me up inside; the insults of those who insulted you have fallen on me.
10 I ahau i tangi, i whakatiki hei whiu i toku wairua, ka waiho tena hei tawainga moku.
I wept and I fasted, but they mocked me;
11 I kakahu hoki ahau i te kakahu taratara moku, a i waiho hei whakatauki ma ratou.
I mourned in sackcloth, but they laughed at me.
12 Kei te korero kino moku te hunga e noho ana i te kuwaha: waiatatia ana ahau e te hunga haurangi waina.
People sitting by the town gate gossip about me. I'm the subject of rude songs sung by drunks.
13 Ko ahau ia, ki a koe taku inoi, e Ihowa, i te wa e manakohia ai: whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau, e te Atua, i runga i te nui o tou aroha, o te pono o tau whakaoranga.
But my prayer is to you, Lord, believing this is a good time to respond to me. God, in your wonderful trustworthy love, answer me with your sure salvation.
14 Whakaorangia ahau i roto i te oru, kei toremi: kia ora ahau i te hunga e kino ana ki ahau, i nga wai hohonu ano hoki.
Please rescue me from the mud—don't let me sink! Save me from those who hate me and from drowning in the deep waters!
15 Kei ngaro ahau i te waipuke, kei horomia e te rire; kei kopia ano te waha o te poka ki runga ki ahau.
Don't let the flood waters wash over me. Don't let the deep waters pull me down. Don't let the grave close over me.
16 E Ihowa whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau; he pai hoki tou atawhai: tahuri mai ki ahau, kia rite ki te nui o au arohatanga.
Please answer my prayers, Lord, for you are good and love me with your trustworthy love; because of your kindness, please help me.
17 A kaua e huna tou mata ki tau pononga; e pouri ana hoki ahau: hohoro te whakahoki kupu mai ki ahau.
Don't turn away from me, your servant. Please answer me quickly because I'm in trouble.
18 Whakatata mai ki toku wairua, hokona: whakaorangia ahau, e mahi nei oku hoariri.
Come here and rescue me; set me free from my enemies.
19 E matau ana koe ki toku tawainga, ki toku whakama, ki toku numinumi: kei tou aroaro oku hoariri katoa.
You—you know my shame, my disgrace, my humiliation. You see everything my enemies are doing.
20 Maru noa toku ngakau i te tawai; a ki tonu ahau i te pouri: i titiro ahau ki tetahi hei aroha mai, a kore ake; ki etahi hei whakamarie, a kihai i kitea.
Insults have broken my heart—I am so sick there is no cure. I looked for some sympathy, but there was no one! Nobody showed me any compassion.
21 I homai he au hei kai maku: i toku matewaitanga ano i whakainumia ahau ki te winika.
Instead they gave me bitter herbs to eat and vinegar to drink.
22 Kia meinga ta ratou tepu i to ratou aroaro hei mahanga; hei rore hoki i to ratou wa rangimarie.
May the table set before them become a trap for them, a net that catches them, bringing punishment.
23 Kia whakapouritia o ratou kanohi, kei kite ratou: kia wiri tonu hoki o ratou hope.
May their eyes become blind so they cannot see, and may their backs always be bent low in dejection.
24 Ringihia atu tou riri ki runga ki a ratou, kia mau hoki ratou i tou arita, i tou weriweri.
Pour out your judgment on them; chase them down in your fierce anger.
25 Kia ururuatia to ratou nohoanga: kaua tetahi e noho ki o ratou teneti.
Let the places where they live be deserted. Let their homes be abandoned.
26 Mo ratou i tukino i te tangata i whiua nei e koe; a korerotia ana e ratou te pouri o te hunga i werohia e koe.
For they persecute those you have punished, and make it even more painful for those you have disciplined.
27 Tapiritia he kino ki runga ki to ratou kino; kaua hoki ratou e tukua kia tomo ki tou tika.
Punish them for the evil they have done. Don't acquit them.
28 Kia murua atu ratou i te pukapuka o te ora, kaua ano e tuhituhia ki roto ki te hunga tika.
Blot out their names from the Book of Life. Don't let them be listed with those who do right.
29 Ko ahau ia, he rawakore, he pouri; kia whakateiteitia ake ahau, e te Atua, e tau whakaoranga.
But I am suffering and in physical pain. God, please save me and keep me safe.
30 Ka whakamoemiti taku waiata ki te ingoa o te Atua, ka whakanui ano taku whakawhetai i a ia.
I will praise God's character in song; I will say how incredible he is and how thankful I am.
31 Pai rawa tenei ki a Ihowa i te puru i te kau, i te mea whai haona, whai maikuku.
The Lord is happier with this than with offering animals as sacrifices: cattle, or bulls with horns and hooves.
32 Kua kite te hunga mahaki, kua hari: ka ora ano o koutou ngakau, e te hunga e rapu nei i te Atua.
The humble will see this and be happy. May God encourage everyone who comes to him.
33 No te mea ka rongo a Ihowa ki nga rawakore, e kore ano e whakahawea ki ana herehere.
God hears the poor, and he does not ignore his people who are in prison.
34 Kia whakamoemiti te rangi me te whenua ki a ia, nga moana, me nga mea katoa e tere ana i roto.
Praise him heaven and earth, the seas and everything that lives in them!
35 No te mea tera e whakaorangia e te Atua a Hiona, ka hanga ano e ia nga pa o Hura; a ka noho ratou ki reira, ka riro hoki a reira i a ratou.
For God will save Zion, and rebuild the cities of Judah. They will live there and own the land.
36 A ka nohoia a reira e nga uri o ana pononga: hei kainga tupu ano a reira mo te hunga e aroha ana ki tona ingoa.
The descendants of those who follow him will inherit the land, and those who love him will live there.

< Waiata 69 >