< Waiata 69 >
1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Hohanimi. Na Rawiri. Whakaorangia ahau e te Atua, ka tae mai hoki nga wai ki roto ki toku wairua.
Unto the end, for them that shall be changed; for David. SAVE me, O God: for the waters are come in even unto my soul.
2 Ka tapoko ahau ki te oru hohonu, ki te wahi kahore nei he tunga: kua tae ahau ki nga wai hohonu, ngaro iho ahau i nga waipuke.
I stick fast in the mire of the deep: and there is no sure standing. I am come into the depth of the sea: and a tempest hath overwhelmed me.
3 Kua ruwha ahau i taku tangi; kua maroke toku korokoro: pakoko kau oku kanohi i ahau e tatari nei ki toku Atua.
I have laboured with crying; my jaws are become hoarse: my eyes have failed, whilst I hope in my God.
4 Tini ke i nga makawe o toku matenga te hunga e kino noa ana ki ahau: he kaha rawa te hunga e mauahara noa ana ki ahau, e mea nei kia whakamatea ahau; utua ana e ahau i reira nga mea kihai i tangohia e ahau.
They are multiplied above the hairs of my head, who hate me without cause. My enemies are grown strong who have wrongfully persecuted me: then did I pay that which I took not away.
5 E te Atua, e matau ana koe ki toku kuware; kahore hoki oku he e ngaro i a koe.
O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my offences are not hidden from thee:
6 E te Ariki, e Ihowa o nga mano kaua te hunga e tatari ana ki a koe e whakama i ahau: e te Atua o Iharaira, kei numinumi kau i ahau te hunga e rapu ana i a koe.
Let not them be ashamed for me, who look for thee, O Lord, the Lord of hosts. Let them not be confounded on my account, who seek thee, O God of Israel.
7 Mou hoki ahau i waiho ai hei tawainga: ngaro iho toku mata i te whakama.
Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.
8 He tangata ke ahau ki oku hoa ake: hei tautangata ki nga tama a toku whaea.
I am become a stranger to my brethren, and an alien to the sons of my mother.
9 Ka pau hoki ahau i te aroha ki tou whare: kua tau ano ki ahau nga tawai a te hunga e tawai ana ki a koe.
For the zeal of thy house hath eaten me up: and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.
10 I ahau i tangi, i whakatiki hei whiu i toku wairua, ka waiho tena hei tawainga moku.
And I covered my soul in fasting: and it was made a reproach to me.
11 I kakahu hoki ahau i te kakahu taratara moku, a i waiho hei whakatauki ma ratou.
And I made haircloth my garment: and I became a byword to them.
12 Kei te korero kino moku te hunga e noho ana i te kuwaha: waiatatia ana ahau e te hunga haurangi waina.
They that sat in the gate spoke against me: and they that drank wine made me their song.
13 Ko ahau ia, ki a koe taku inoi, e Ihowa, i te wa e manakohia ai: whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau, e te Atua, i runga i te nui o tou aroha, o te pono o tau whakaoranga.
But as for me, my prayer is to thee, O Lord; for the time of thy good pleasure, O God. In the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.
14 Whakaorangia ahau i roto i te oru, kei toremi: kia ora ahau i te hunga e kino ana ki ahau, i nga wai hohonu ano hoki.
Draw me out of the mire, that I may not stick fast: deliver me from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.
15 Kei ngaro ahau i te waipuke, kei horomia e te rire; kei kopia ano te waha o te poka ki runga ki ahau.
Let not the tempest of water drown me, nor the deep swallow me up: and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.
16 E Ihowa whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau; he pai hoki tou atawhai: tahuri mai ki ahau, kia rite ki te nui o au arohatanga.
Hear me, O Lord, for thy mercy is kind; look upon me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
17 A kaua e huna tou mata ki tau pononga; e pouri ana hoki ahau: hohoro te whakahoki kupu mai ki ahau.
And turn not away thy face from thy servant: for I am in trouble, hear me speedily.
18 Whakatata mai ki toku wairua, hokona: whakaorangia ahau, e mahi nei oku hoariri.
Attend to my soul, and deliver it: save me because of my enemies.
19 E matau ana koe ki toku tawainga, ki toku whakama, ki toku numinumi: kei tou aroaro oku hoariri katoa.
Thou knowest my reproach, and my confusion, and my shame.
20 Maru noa toku ngakau i te tawai; a ki tonu ahau i te pouri: i titiro ahau ki tetahi hei aroha mai, a kore ake; ki etahi hei whakamarie, a kihai i kitea.
In thy sight are all they that afflict me; my heart hath expected reproach and misery. And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none.
21 I homai he au hei kai maku: i toku matewaitanga ano i whakainumia ahau ki te winika.
And they gave me gall for my food, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
22 Kia meinga ta ratou tepu i to ratou aroaro hei mahanga; hei rore hoki i to ratou wa rangimarie.
Let their table become as a snare before them, and a recompense, and a stumblingblock.
23 Kia whakapouritia o ratou kanohi, kei kite ratou: kia wiri tonu hoki o ratou hope.
Let their eyes be darkened that they see not; and their back bend thou down always.
24 Ringihia atu tou riri ki runga ki a ratou, kia mau hoki ratou i tou arita, i tou weriweri.
Pour out thy indignation upon them: and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.
25 Kia ururuatia to ratou nohoanga: kaua tetahi e noho ki o ratou teneti.
Let their habitation be made desolate: and let there be none to dwell in their tabernacles.
26 Mo ratou i tukino i te tangata i whiua nei e koe; a korerotia ana e ratou te pouri o te hunga i werohia e koe.
Because they have persecuted him whom thou hast smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.
27 Tapiritia he kino ki runga ki to ratou kino; kaua hoki ratou e tukua kia tomo ki tou tika.
Add thou iniquity upon their iniquity: and let them not come into thy justice.
28 Kia murua atu ratou i te pukapuka o te ora, kaua ano e tuhituhia ki roto ki te hunga tika.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living; and with the just let them not be written.
29 Ko ahau ia, he rawakore, he pouri; kia whakateiteitia ake ahau, e te Atua, e tau whakaoranga.
But I am poor and sorrowful: thy salvation, O God, hath set me up.
30 Ka whakamoemiti taku waiata ki te ingoa o te Atua, ka whakanui ano taku whakawhetai i a ia.
I will praise the name of God with a canticle: and I will magnify him with praise.
31 Pai rawa tenei ki a Ihowa i te puru i te kau, i te mea whai haona, whai maikuku.
And it shall please God better than a young calf, that bringeth forth horns and hoofs.
32 Kua kite te hunga mahaki, kua hari: ka ora ano o koutou ngakau, e te hunga e rapu nei i te Atua.
Let the poor see and rejoice: seek ye God, and your soul shall live.
33 No te mea ka rongo a Ihowa ki nga rawakore, e kore ano e whakahawea ki ana herehere.
For the Lord hath heard the poor: and hath not despised his prisoners.
34 Kia whakamoemiti te rangi me te whenua ki a ia, nga moana, me nga mea katoa e tere ana i roto.
Let the heavens and the earth praise him; the sea, and every thing that creepeth therein.
35 No te mea tera e whakaorangia e te Atua a Hiona, ka hanga ano e ia nga pa o Hura; a ka noho ratou ki reira, ka riro hoki a reira i a ratou.
For God will save Sion, and the cities of Juda shall be built up. And they shall dwell there, and acquire it by inheritance.
36 A ka nohoia a reira e nga uri o ana pononga: hei kainga tupu ano a reira mo te hunga e aroha ana ki tona ingoa.
And the seed of his servants shall possess it; and they that love his name shall dwell therein.