< Waiata 55 >
1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi Nekinoto. He Makiri, na Rawiri. E te Atua, tahuri mai tou taringa ki taku inoi: kei whakangaro atu koe, ina tangi ahau.
For the leader. With stringed instruments. A maskil of David. Listen, God, to my prayer. Don’t hide yourself from my pleading.
2 Anga mai ki ahau, whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau: pokaikaha noa iho ahau i ahau e tangi nei, e hamama nei;
Hear me, and answer; for bitter is my lament.
3 I te reo hoki o te hoariri, i te tukino a te tangata kino: no te mea e utaina ana e ratou he hara ki runga ki ahau, a e kino ana ki ahau, e riri ana.
I am wild with the noise of the foe, with the clamour of the ungodly; for they hurl disaster upon me, and attack me with fury.
4 Mamae pu toku ngakau i roto i ahau: kua taka ki runga ki ahau nga wehi whakamate.
My heart shudders within me, terrors of deaths press on me,
5 Kua pa ki ahau te wehi me te wiri: a pokia iho ahau e te whakamataku.
fear and trembling attack me, and horror wraps me round.
6 Na ko taku meatanga, Aue, te whai pakau ahau me he kukupa; penei ka rere atu ahau, a ka whai okiokinga.
O for the wings of a dove: I would fly away and rest.
7 Katahi ahau ka rere ki tawhiti; a noho rawa atu i te koraha. (Hera)
I would wander far away, find refuge in the wilderness. (Selah)
8 Ka hohoro toku rere atu i te hau, i te awha.
I would find myself a shelter from raging wind and tempest.
9 Whakangaromia, e te Ariki, wehia o ratou arero; kua kitea hoki e ahau te tukino me te tutu o roto o te pa.
Confuse them, Lord, upset their plans; for I see violence and strife in the city.
10 Haereere ana ratou i te ao, i te po, i runga i ona taiepa, a tawhio noa: he kino kei roto, he hianga.
By day and by night they make their rounds on the city walls, while within is crime and trouble,
11 He hara kei waenganui ona: kahore ona ara e mahue i te tinihanga, i te hianga.
within is ruin. Her market-place is never free of deceit and tyranny.
12 Ehara hoki i te hoariri nana ahau i tawai; penei e taea e ahau te whakaririka: ehara hoki i te hoa whawhai noku i whakakake ki ahau; penei kua piri ahau, kei kitea e ia.
The taunts were not those of a foe that I could have borne; the disdain was not that of an enemy I could have shunned them:
13 Nau ia, na te tangata i rite ki ahau, na toku takahoa, na taku i mohio ai.
but it was you, my equal, my dear and familiar friend.
14 Ahuareka tonu ta taua korerorero; haere tahi ana hoki taua i roto i te ropu ki te whare o te Atua.
We used to be so close, together we walked in God’s house with the crowd.
15 Kia mau ohorere ratou i te mate, kia heke ora ki te reinga: he hara hoki kei o ratou nohoanga, kei waenganui i a ratou. (Sheol )
May death suddenly take them, may they go down to Sheol alive, for evil lives in their homes and their hearts. (Sheol )
16 Ko ahau, ka karanga ahau ki te Atua: a ma Ihowa ahau e whakaora.
But I will call on God, the Lord will save me.
17 I te ahiahi, i te ata, i te poutumarotanga, ka inoi ahau, ka tangi: a ka whakarongo ia ki toku reo.
Evening and morning and noon I lament and moan. He will hear my voice;
18 Whakaorangia ana e ia toku wairua i runga i te rangimarie i ahau e whakaekea ana: he tokomaha hoki oku hoa whawhai.
though I am attacked by many he will rescue me, unharmed from the war.
19 Ka whakarongo te Atua, no tua iho nei tona nohoanga, a ka whakahoki i ta ratou. (Hera) Ko te hunga kahore o ratou whakawhitiwhitinga, a kahore o ratou wehi ki te Atua.
God, who sits on his ancient throne will hear and will humble them, for they never change, they never fear God. (Selah)
20 Kua totoro ona ringa ki te hunga kua mau nei ta ratou rongo ki a ia; kua whakataka e ia tana kawenata.
My friend turned against me, betrayed his word.
21 Maeneene atu tona mangai i te pata, he whawhai ia kei roto i tona ngakau: ngawari atu ana kupu i te hinu, kahore, he hoari kua oti te unu.
His mouth was smoother than butter, but war filled his heart. His words were softer than oil, but sharper than swords.
22 Maka ki runga ki a Ihowa tau pikaunga, a mana koe e whakau ake: e kore e tukua e ia te hunga tika kia whakangaueuetia ake ake.
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken.
23 Mau ia ratou e mea, e te Atua, kia heke ki te poka o te pirau: e kore nga tangata toto, nga tangata hianga e tutuki ki te hawhe o o ratou ra; ko ahau ia, ka whakawhirinaki ki a koe.
But you, God, will hurl them down to the deepest pit. Bloody and treacherous people will not live out half their days; but I will trust you.