< Waiata 52 >

1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He Makiri; na Rawiri, i a Roeke Eromi i haere, i whakaatu ki a Haora, i mea ki a ia, Kua tae a Rawiri ki te whare o Ahimereke. He aha koe ka whakapakari ai ki te kino, e te tangata nui? He pumau tonu te atawhai o te Atua.
To the chief music-maker. Maschil. Of David. When Doeg the Edomite came to Saul saying, David has come to the house of Ahimelech. Why do you take pride in wrongdoing, lifting yourself up against the upright man all the day?
2 E whakatakoto ana tou arero i nga mea nanakia, e mahi hianga ana, ano he heu koi.
Purposing destruction, using deceit; your tongue is like a sharp blade.
3 E arohaina rawatia ana e koe te kino i te pai, te teka i te korero tika. (Hera)
You have more love for evil than for good, for deceit than for works of righteousness. (Selah)
4 E te arero hianga, e arohaina ana e koe nga kupu horomiti katoa.
Destruction is in all your words, O false tongue.
5 Ka whakangaro hoki te Atua i a koe ake tonu atu; ka tangohia atu koe e ia, ka takiritia atu i tou nohoanga, ka hutia atu hoki koe i te whenua o te ora. (Hera)
But God will put an end to you for ever; driving you out from your tent, uprooting you from the land of the living. (Selah)
6 E kite hoki te hunga tika, a ka wehi; ka kata hoki ki a ia, ka mea,
The upright will see it with fear, and will say, laughing at you:
7 Inana, ko te tangata tenei kihai nei i waiho e ia te Atua hei kaha mona; otiia, whakawhirinaki ana ki te tini o ana taonga, whakapakari ana i runga i tana mahi kino.
See, this is the man who did not make God his strength, but had faith in his goods and his property, and made himself strong in his wealth.
8 Ko ahau ia, e rite ana ki te oriwa matomato i roto i te whare o te Atua: ka whakawhirinaki ahau ki te mahi tohu a te Atua ake ake.
But I am like a branching olive-tree in the house of God; I have put my faith in his mercy for ever and ever.
9 Ka whakamoemiti tonu ahau ki a koe, nau hoki tenei i mea: ka tumanako ano ki tou ingoa; he mea pai hoki, ki te aroaro o tau hunga tapu.
I will give you praise without end for what you have done; I will give honour to your name before your saints, for it is good.

< Waiata 52 >