< Waiata 36 >

1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Na te pononga a Ihowa, na Rawiri. E mea ana te mahi kino a te tangata hara i roto i toku ngakau, Kahore he wehi ki te Atua i mua i ona kanohi.
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David, the servant of the Lord.” To speak of the ungodliness of the wicked is in my heart. He hath no fear of God before his eyes.
2 E whakapai ana hoki ona kanohi ake ki a ia ano, e kore e kitea tona hara, e kore e kinongia.
For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, Till his iniquity is found out and hated.
3 He kino nga kupu a tona mangai he rauhanga hoki, kua mahue i a ia te mahara, te mahi i te pai.
The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit; He neglecteth to be wise and to do good.
4 He mahi nanakia tana e whakaaro ai i runga i tona moenga; ehara i te pai te ara e turia ana e ia, kahore ona whakarihariha ki te kino.
He deviseth mischief upon his bed; He persevereth in an evil way; He abhorreth not sin.
5 Kei nga rangi, e Ihowa, tau mahi tohu: tutuki noa atu tou pono ki nga kapua.
Thy goodness, O LORD! reacheth to the heavens, And thy faithfulness to the clouds;
6 Rite tonu tou tika ki nga maunga o te Atua; he rire nui au whakaritenga: ko koe, e Ihowa, te kaiwhakaora i te tangata, i te kararehe.
Thy righteousness is like the high mountains; Thy judgments are a great deep; Thou, O LORD! preservest man and beast!
7 Ano te pai o tou aroha, e te Atua: ka okioki nga tama a te tangata i raro i te taumarumarutanga iho o ou pakau.
How precious is thy loving-kindness, O God! Yea, the sons of men seek refuge under the shadow of thy wings.
8 Ka makona ratou i nga mea momona o tou whare: ka whakainumia ano e koe ki te awa o au mea whakahari.
They are satisfied with the abundance of thy house, And thou causest them to drink of the full stream of thy pleasures.
9 Kei a koe hoki te puna o te ora; ma tou marama ka kite ai matou i te marama.
For with thee is the fountain of life; Through thy light we see light.
10 Kia roa tou aroha ki te hunga e matau ana ki a koe, tou tika hoki ki te hunga ngakau tika.
O continue thy loving-kindness to them that know thee, And thy favor to the upright in heart!
11 Kei puta mai ki ahau te waewae whakapakari; kei aia atu ahau e te ringa o te hunga hara.
Let not the foot of the proud come upon me, Nor the hand of the wicked remove me!
12 Hinga iho i reira nga kaimahi i te kino: kua turakina iho, te ahei te ara ake.
Lo! already are the workers of iniquity fallen; They are cast down; they are unable to rise!

< Waiata 36 >