< Waiata 34 >

1 Na Rawiri, i tona ahua i rere ke ra i te aroaro o Apimereke; na pei ana ia, a haere ana. Ka whakapaingia e ahau a Ihowa i nga wa katoa; he whakamoemiti tonu ta toku mangai ki a ia.
David’s. When he disguised his sanity before Abimelech, —who dismissed him, and he departed. [An Alphabetical Psalm.] Let me bless Yahweh at all times, Continually be his praise in my mouth.
2 Ka whakamanamana toku wairua ki a Ihowa: ka rongo te hunga mahaki, a ka hari.
In Yahweh, boasteth my soul, The patient oppressed-ones shall hear and be glad.
3 Kia whakanui tahi tatou i a Ihowa, kia whakateitei tahi hoki i tona ingoa.
Ascribe ye greatness unto Yahweh with me, and let us exalt his Name together.
4 I rapu ahau i a Ihowa, a rongo mai ana ia ki ahau, whakaorangia ana ahau e ia i oku wehi katoa.
I enquired of Yahweh, and he hath answered me, And, out of all my terrors, hath he rescued me.
5 I titiro ratou ki a ia, a kua marama: a kahore rawa he whakama o o ratou mata.
They looked unto him and were radiant, And, as for their faces, let them not be abashed.
6 I karanga tenei tangata iti, a whakarongo ana a Ihowa, whakaora ana i a ia i ona whakapawera katoa.
This, oppressed one cried, and, Yahweh, heard—and, out of all his distresses, saved him.
7 E noho ana te anahera a Ihowa i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, o te hunga e wehi ana i a ia, a e whakaora ana i a ratou.
The messenger of Yahweh encampeth around them who revere him, Thus hath he delivered them.
8 Whakamatauria, kia kite ai koutou i te pai o Ihowa: ka hari te tangata e whakawhirinaki ana ki a ia.
Oh taste and see, that good is Yahweh, —How happy the man who seeketh refuge in him!
9 Kia wehi ki a Ihowa, e tona hunga tapu: e kore hoki e hapa nga tangata e wehi ana i a ia.
Revere Yahweh, ye his holy ones, For there is no want to them who revere him.
10 E hapa ana nga kuao raiona, e mate ana i te kai: ko te hunga ia e rapu ana ki a Ihowa, e kore e hapa i tetahi mea pai.
Young lions, have come short, and suffered hunger, but, they who seek Yahweh, shall not lack any good thing.
11 Haere mai, e nga tamariki, whakarongo ki ahau: maku koutou e ako kia wehi ki a Ihowa.
Come, ye children! hearken unto me, The reverence of Yahweh, will I teach you.
12 Ko wai te tangata e hiahia ana ki te ora, e whai ana kia maha nga ra, kia kite i te pai?
Who is the man that desireth life, Loving days, that he may see good?
13 Tiakina tou arero kei kino, ou ngutu kei korero hianga.
Keep thy tongue from wickedness, And thy lips from speaking deceit:
14 Mawehe atu i te kino, mahia te pai; rapua te ata noho, whaia hoki.
Depart from wickedness and do good, Aim at well-being, and pursue it.
15 E tau ana nga kanohi o Ihowa ki te hunga tika; me ona taringa ki ta ratou karanga.
The eyes of Yahweh, are towards the righteous, And, his ears, towards their cry for help:
16 E he ana te mata o Ihowa ki nga kaimahi i te kino, hei hatepe i a ratou i te whenua kei maharatia.
the face of Yahweh, is against such as do wickedness, To cut off, from the earth, their memory.
17 I karanga te hunga tika, a i whakarongo a Ihowa, whakaorangia ana ratou e ia i o ratou whakapawera katoa.
They made outcry, and Yahweh heard, And, out of all their straits, hath he rescued them.
18 E tata ana a Ihowa ki te hunga ngakau maru: ka whakaorangia ano e ia te hunga wairua iro.
Near is Yahweh, to the broken in heart, And, the crushed in spirit, will he save.
19 He tini nga mate o te tangata tika: otiia e whakaorangia ana ia e Ihowa i roto i era katoa.
Many are the misfortunes of the righteous, But, out of them all, doth Yahweh rescue him.
20 E tiakina ana e ia ona wheua katoa: e kore tetahi e whati.
Keeping all his bones, Not, one from among them, is broken.
21 Ka mate i te kino te tangata hara; a ka he te hunga e kino ana ki te tangata tika.
Misfortune shall be the death of the lawless one, And, the haters of the righteous man, shall be held guilty.
22 E hokona ana e Ihowa te wairua o ana pononga, e kore ano e he tetahi o te hunga e whakawhirinaki ana ki a ia.
Yahweh ransometh the soul of his servants, And none shall be held guilty, who seek refuge in him.

< Waiata 34 >