< Waiata 22 >

1 Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Airete Hahara. He himene na Rawiri. E toku Atua, e toku Atua, he aha koe i whakarere ai i ahau? he aha koe i matara atu ai ki te whakaora i ahau i nga kupu hoki o taku hamama?
To the choirmaster on [the] doe of the dawn a psalm of David. O God my God my why? have you forsaken me [are] far from deliverance my [the] words of cry of distress my.
2 E toku Atua, e karanga nei ahau i te awatea, heoi kahore koe e rongo, i te po ano kahore ahau e wahangu.
O God my I call out by day and not you answer and night and not repose [belongs] to me.
3 Otiia he tapu koe, kei nga whakamoemiti a Iharaira tou nohoanga.
And you [are] holy sitting [the] praises of Israel.
4 I whakawhirinaki o matou matua ki a koe, i whakawhirinaki, a whakaorangia ana e koe.
In you they trusted ancestors our they trusted and you delivered them.
5 I karanga ratou ki a koe, a kua ora; i whakawhirinaki ki a koe, a kihai i whakama.
To you they cried out and they were delivered in you they trusted and not they were ashamed.
6 Ko ahau ia he toke, ehara i te tangata: e tawaia ana e te tangata, e whakahaweatia ana e te iwi.
And I [am] a worm and not a man a reproach of humankind and despised of a people.
7 Kataina iho ahau e te hunga katoa e kite ana i ahau, ko ana o ratou ngutu, ruru ana o ratou matenga, e ki mai ana,
All [those who] see me they mock me they make a separation with a lip they shake a head.
8 Tukua atu koe ki a Ihowa, mana ia e whakaora: mana ia e whakaora, e pai ana hoki ia ki a ia.
Roll to Yahweh let him rescue him let him deliver him for he delights in him.
9 Nau ia ahau i whakawhanau mai i roto i te kopu, i mea hoki kia tumanako, i ahau i nga u o toku whaea.
For you [were] drawing forth me from [the] belly [were] making trust me on [the] breasts of mother my.
10 He mea whakarere atu ahau ki runga ki a koe no te kopu mai; ko koe toku Atua no te kopu mai ano o toku whaea.
On you I was cast from [the] womb from [the] belly of mother my [have been] God my you.
11 Kei mamao atu i ahau, e tata ana hoki te he, kahore hoki he kaiawhina.
May not you be far from me for trouble [is] near for there not [is] a helper.
12 He tini nga puru e karapoti nei i ahau: e whakapaea ana ahau e nga mea kaha o Pahana.
They have surrounded me bulls many mighty [bulls] of Bashan they have encircled me.
13 E hamama ana o ratou mangai ki ahau, ano he raiona e haehae ana, e hamama ana.
They have opened on me mouth their a lion tearing and roaring.
14 Kua ringihia ahau, ano he wai, kua takoki katoa oku iwi; me te ware pi toku ngakau, e rewa ana i waenganui i oku whekau.
Like water I have been poured out and they have become dislocated all bones my it has become heart my like wax it has melted in [the] midst of inward parts my.
15 Kua maroke toku kaha, ano he maramara rihi, piri tonu toku arero ki oku kauae; kua whakatakotoria ano ahau e koe ki te puehu o te mate.
It has dried up like earthenware - strength my and tongue my [has been] made to cling to jaws my and to [the] dust of death you put me.
16 Kua karapotia nei hoki ahau e te kirehe, kua muia e te whakaminenga o nga tangata hara: kua pokaia e ratou oku ringa me oku waewae.
For they have surrounded me dogs a company of evil-doers they have encircled me (like a lion *L(D)*) hands my and feet my.
17 E taea e ahau te tatau oku iwi katoa: e titiro mai ana ratou, e matakitaki ana ki ahau.
I count all bones my they they look they look on me.
18 E wehewehea ana oku kakahu mo ratou, e maka rota ana mo toku weruweru.
They distribute clothes my to themselves and on clothing my they cast a lot.
19 Kaua ra ia koe e matara atu, e Ihowa; e toku kaha, hohoro mai hei awhina moku.
And you O Yahweh may not you be distant O strength my to help my make haste!
20 Whakaorangia toku wairua i te hoari, taku hoki e matenui nei i te kuri.
Deliver! from [the] sword life my from [the] hand of a dog only [life] my.
21 Whakaorangia ahau i te mangai o te raiona: ae, i nga haona o nga kau maka kua whakahokia mai e koe he kupu ki ahau.
Save me from [the] mouth of a lion and from [the] horns of wild oxen you have answered me.
22 Ka korerotia e ahau tou ingoa ki oku teina, ka whakamoemititia koe e ahau i waenganui i te whakaminenga.
I will recount name your to brothers my in among [the] assembly I will praise you.
23 E te hunga e wehi ana ki a Ihowa, whakamoemiti ki a ia; whakakororiatia ia, e te uri katoa o Hakopa, kia wehi hoki ki a ia, e te uri katoa o Iharaira.
O [those] fearing Yahweh - praise him O all [the] offspring of Jacob honor him and be afraid from him O all [the] offspring of Israel.
24 Kihai hoki ia i whakahawea, kihai i whakarihariha ki te aue o te ngakau mamae; kihai ano i huna i tona mata ki a ia, engari i tana karangatanga ki a ia i whakarongo ia.
For not he has despised and not he has detested [the] affliction of an afflicted [person] and not he has hidden face his from him and when cried for help he to him he heard.
25 Ko koe taku e whakamoemiti ai i waenganui o te whakaminenga nui, ka whakamana e ahau aku kupu taurangi ki te aroaro o te hunga e wehi ana ki a ia.
[is] from With you praise my in [the] assembly great vows my I will pay before [those] fearing him.
26 Ka kai te hunga mahaki, a ka makona: ka whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa te hunga e rapu ana ki a ia; kia ora tonu o koutou ngakau, ake, ake.
They will eat humble [people] - so they may be satisfied they will praise Yahweh [those who] seek him may it live heart your for ever.
27 E mahara nga pito katoa o te whenua, a ka tahuri ki a Ihowa: ka koropiko ano nga hapu katoa o nga iwi ki tou aroaro.
They will remember - and they may turn to Yahweh all [the] ends of [the] earth so they may bow down before you all [the] clans of [the] nations.
28 No Ihowa hokite rangatiratanga, ko ia ano te kawana i waenganui o nga iwi.
For [belongs] to Yahweh the kingship and [he is] ruling over the nations.
29 Ka kai, a ka koropiko nga tangata tetere katoa o te whenua: ka tuohu ki tona aroaro te hunga katoa e heke ana ki te puehu; tae no ki te tangata kahore e ora i a ia tona wairua.
They have eaten and they have bowed down - all [the] fat [people] of [the] earth before him they will bow down all [those who are] about to go down of dust and life his not he has preserved alive.
30 Tera e mahi tetahi uri ki a ia; ka waiho ki te Ariki hei whakatupuranga.
Offspring it will serve him it will be recounted of [the] Lord to the generation.
31 E haere mai ratou, e kauwhau i tona tika ki te iwi e whanau a mua, he meatanga tenei nana.
They will come and they may declare righteousness his to a people about to be born that he has acted.

< Waiata 22 >