< Waiata 145 >

1 Na Rawiri, he whakamoemiti. Ka whakanui ahau i a koe, e toku Atua, e te Kingi: ka whakapai ki tou ingoa ake ake.
A Psalm of Praise. David’s. I will extol thee, my God, O King, and will bless thy Name, to times age-abiding and beyond:
2 Ka whakapai ahau ki a koe i nga ra katoa: ka whakamoemiti ki tou ingoa ake ake.
Every day, will I bless thee, and praise thy Name, to times age-abiding and beyond.
3 He nui a Ihowa, kia nui ano te whakamoemiti ki a ia: e kore e taea tona nui te rapu.
Great is Yahweh—and worthy to be heartily praised, And, his greatness, is unsearchable.
4 Ma tetahi whakatupuranga e whakamoemiti au mahi, tae noa atu ki tetahi whakatupuranga; e korero hoki au mahi nunui.
Generation unto generation, shall celebrate thy works, and, thy mighty deeds, shall they tell:
5 Ka korerotia e ahau te kororia, te honore o tou nui, me au mahi whakamiharo.
The splendour of the glory of thy majesty, shall they speak, and, thy wonders, will I utter.
6 Ka korerotia ano e te tangata te kaha o au mahi whakamataku: maku ano e korero tou nui.
And, the might of thy terrible acts, shall men speak, and, as for thy greatness, I will recount it.
7 Ka whakapuakina e ratou te mahara ki te nui o tou pai: ka waiatatia ano tou tika.
The memory of thy great goodness, shall men pour forth, and, thy righteousness, shall they shout aloud.
8 He atawhai a Ihowa, he aroha: he puhoi ki te riri, he nui tana mahi tohu.
Gracious and compassionate, is Yahweh, —slow to anger, and of great lovingkindness.
9 He pai a Ihowa ki nga mea katoa; kei runga ano tona aroha i ana mahi katoa.
Good is Yahweh to all, and, his tender compassions, are over all his works.
10 E whakamoemititia koe, e Ihowa, e au mahi katoa: e whakapaingia e tou hunga tapu.
All thy works, O Yahweh, will give thanks unto thee, —and, thy men of lovingkindness, will bless thee:
11 Ma ratou e korero te kororia o tou kingitanga, e kauwhau hoki tou kaha;
The glory of thy kingdom, will they tell, —and, thy power, will they speak.
12 Kia mohiotia ai e nga tama a te tangata ana mahi nunui, me te kororia o te maruwehi o tona kingitanga.
To make known to the sons of men, his mighty deeds, and the splendid glory of his kingdom.
13 He kingitanga mutungakore tou kingitanga; kei nga whakatupuranga katoa tou rangatiratanga.
Thy kingdom, is a kingdom of all ages, —and, thy dominion, is over generation after generation.
14 E tautokona ana e Ihowa te hunga katoa e hinga ana: e whakaarahia ake ana hoki e ia te hunga katoa kua whakapikoa iho.
Yahweh is ready to uphold all who are falling, and to raise all who are laid prostrate.
15 E tatari ana ki a koe nga kanohi o te katoa; a e hoatu ana e koe ki a ratou ta ratou kai i te wa e tika ai.
The eyes of all, for thee, do wait, and, thou, givest them their food in its season.
16 E whakatuwhera ana koe i tou ringa, a makona iho i a koe te hiahia o nga mea ora katoa.
Thou, openest thy hand, and fillest every living thing with gladness.
17 He tika nga ara katoa o Ihowa: he tapu hoki ana mahi katoa.
Righteous is Yahweh in all his ways, and kind in all his works.
18 E tata ana a Ihowa ki te hunga katoa e karanga ana ki a ia: ki te hunga katoa e karanga pono ana ki a ia.
Near is Yahweh to all who call upon him, —to all them who call upon him in faithfulness.
19 Ka whakamana e ia te hiahia o te hunga e wehi ana i a ia: e whakarongo hoki ia ki ta ratou tangi, a ka whakaora i a ratou.
The desire of them who revere him, will he fulfil, and, their cry, will he hear, and will save them.
20 Ko Ihowa hei tiaki i te hunga katoa e aroha ana ki a ia: ko te hunga kino katoa ia e ngaro i a ia.
Yahweh preserveth all who love him, but, all the lawless, will he destroy.
21 Ma toku mangai e korero te whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa: kia whakapai ano hoki nga kikokiko katoa ki tona ingoa tapu ake ake.
The praise of Yahweh, my mouth shall speak, That all flesh may bless his holy Name, Unto times age-abiding and beyond.

< Waiata 145 >