< Waiata 145 >

1 Na Rawiri, he whakamoemiti. Ka whakanui ahau i a koe, e toku Atua, e te Kingi: ka whakapai ki tou ingoa ake ake.
A Psalme of David of Praise. O my God and King, I will extold thee, and will blesse thy Name for euer and euer.
2 Ka whakapai ahau ki a koe i nga ra katoa: ka whakamoemiti ki tou ingoa ake ake.
I will blesse thee dayly, and prayse thy Name for euer and euer.
3 He nui a Ihowa, kia nui ano te whakamoemiti ki a ia: e kore e taea tona nui te rapu.
Great is the Lord, and most worthy to be praysed, and his greatnes is incomprehensible.
4 Ma tetahi whakatupuranga e whakamoemiti au mahi, tae noa atu ki tetahi whakatupuranga; e korero hoki au mahi nunui.
Generation shall praise thy works vnto generation, and declare thy power.
5 Ka korerotia e ahau te kororia, te honore o tou nui, me au mahi whakamiharo.
I wil meditate of the beautie of thy glorious maiestie, and thy wonderfull workes,
6 Ka korerotia ano e te tangata te kaha o au mahi whakamataku: maku ano e korero tou nui.
And they shall speake of the power of thy fearefull actes, and I will declare thy greatnes.
7 Ka whakapuakina e ratou te mahara ki te nui o tou pai: ka waiatatia ano tou tika.
They shall breake out into the mention of thy great goodnes, and shall sing aloude of thy righteousnesse.
8 He atawhai a Ihowa, he aroha: he puhoi ki te riri, he nui tana mahi tohu.
The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great mercie.
9 He pai a Ihowa ki nga mea katoa; kei runga ano tona aroha i ana mahi katoa.
The Lord is good to all, and his mercies are ouer all his workes.
10 E whakamoemititia koe, e Ihowa, e au mahi katoa: e whakapaingia e tou hunga tapu.
All thy workes prayse thee, O Lord, and thy Saints blesse thee.
11 Ma ratou e korero te kororia o tou kingitanga, e kauwhau hoki tou kaha;
They shewe the glory of thy kingdome, and speake of thy power,
12 Kia mohiotia ai e nga tama a te tangata ana mahi nunui, me te kororia o te maruwehi o tona kingitanga.
To cause his power to be knowen to the sonnes of men, and the glorious renoume of his kingdome.
13 He kingitanga mutungakore tou kingitanga; kei nga whakatupuranga katoa tou rangatiratanga.
Thy kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome, and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages.
14 E tautokona ana e Ihowa te hunga katoa e hinga ana: e whakaarahia ake ana hoki e ia te hunga katoa kua whakapikoa iho.
The Lord vpholdeth all that fall, and lifteth vp all that are ready to fall.
15 E tatari ana ki a koe nga kanohi o te katoa; a e hoatu ana e koe ki a ratou ta ratou kai i te wa e tika ai.
The eyes of all waite vpon thee, and thou giuest them their meate in due season.
16 E whakatuwhera ana koe i tou ringa, a makona iho i a koe te hiahia o nga mea ora katoa.
Thou openest thine hand, and fillest all things liuing of thy good pleasure.
17 He tika nga ara katoa o Ihowa: he tapu hoki ana mahi katoa.
The Lord is righteous in all his wayes, and holy in all his workes.
18 E tata ana a Ihowa ki te hunga katoa e karanga ana ki a ia: ki te hunga katoa e karanga pono ana ki a ia.
The Lord is neere vnto all that call vpon him: yea, to all that call vpon him in trueth.
19 Ka whakamana e ia te hiahia o te hunga e wehi ana i a ia: e whakarongo hoki ia ki ta ratou tangi, a ka whakaora i a ratou.
He wil fulfill the desire of them that feare him: he also wil heare their cry, and wil saue them.
20 Ko Ihowa hei tiaki i te hunga katoa e aroha ana ki a ia: ko te hunga kino katoa ia e ngaro i a ia.
The Lord preserueth all them that loue him: but he will destroy all the wicked.
21 Ma toku mangai e korero te whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa: kia whakapai ano hoki nga kikokiko katoa ki tona ingoa tapu ake ake.
My mouth shall speake the prayse of the Lord, and all flesh shall blesse his holy Name for euer and euer.

< Waiata 145 >