< Waiata 115 >

1 Aua ki a matou, e Ihowa, aua ki a matou, engari me hoatu te kororia ki tou ingoa: whakaaroa tou aroha, tou pono.
Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to you all glory should be given, because of your trustworthy love and faithfulness.
2 Kia mea koia nga tauiwi: Kei hea ianei to ratou Atua?
Why should the heathen nations ask, “Where is your God?”
3 Kei te rangi ia to matou Atua; kua meatia e ia nga mea katoa i pai ai ia.
Our God is in heaven, and he does whatever he wants.
4 He hiriwa a ratou whakapakoko, he koura, he mahi na te ringa tangata.
Their idols are just things of silver and gold made by human hands.
5 He mangai o ratou, a kahore e korero: he kanohi o ratou, a kahore e kite:
They have mouths, but can't speak. They have eyes, but can't see.
6 He taringa o ratou, a kahore e rongo: he ihu o ratou, a kahore e hongi:
They have ears, but can't hear. They have noses, but can't smell.
7 He ringa o ratou, a kahore e whawha: he waewae o ratou, a kahore e haere: kahore hoki o ratou korokoro e korero.
They have hands, but can't feel. They have feet, but can't walk. No sound comes from their throats.
8 Ka rite ki a ratou o ratou kaihanga; ae ra, te hunga katoa ano e whakawhirinaki ana ki a ratou.
Those who make idols become just like them, and so does everyone who trusts in them.
9 E Iharaira, whakawhirinaki ki a Ihowa: ko ia to ratou awhina, to ratou whakangungu rakau.
Israel, trust in the Lord! He is the one who helps you and protects you.
10 E te whare o Arona, whakawhirinaki ki a Ihowa: ko ia to ratou awhina, to ratou whakangungu rakau.
Descendants of Aaron, trust in the Lord! He is the one who helps you and protects you.
11 E te hunga e wehi ana i a Ihowa, whakawhirinaki ki a Ihowa: ko ia to ratou awhina, to ratou whakangungu rakau.
Those who honor the Lord, trust in the Lord! He is the one who helps you and protects you.
12 Kua mahara a Ihowa ki a tatou, mana tatou e manaaki: mana e manaaki te whare o Iharaira, mana e manaaki te whare o Arona.
The Lord keeps us in mind and will be good to us. He will bless Israel, he will bless the descendants of Aaron.
13 Ka manaakitia e ia te hunga e wehi ana ki a Ihowa, te iti, te rahi.
The Lord will bless all those who worship him, whoever they are.
14 Ka tapiritia ano e Ihowa ki a koutou, ki a koutou tahi ko a koutou tamariki.
May the Lord be good to you, you and your children.
15 He manaakitanga koutou na Ihowa, na te kaihanga o te rangi, o te whenua.
May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth.
16 Ko nga rangi, he rangi no Ihowa; ko te whenua ia, he mea homai nana ki nga tama a te tangata.
The heavens belong to the Lord, but he has given the earth to humankind.
17 E kore nga tupapaku e whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa: me te hunga katoa ano e heke ana ki te wahangutanga.
The dead do not praise the Lord, those who have gone down into the silence of the grave.
18 Ko matou ia ka whakapai ki a Ihowa aianei a ake ake. Whakamoemititia a Ihowa.
But we the living will always praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

< Waiata 115 >