< Whakatauki 7 >
1 E taku tama, puritia aku kupu, huna aku whakahau ki roto ki a koe.
My son! keep my sayings, And my commands lay up with thee.
2 Puritia aku whakahau, a ka ora; taku ture, ano ko te whatupango o tou kanohi.
Keep my commands, and live, And my law as the pupil of thine eye.
3 Herea ki ou maihao; tuhituhia, ko tou ngakau ano hei papa.
Bind them on thy fingers, Write them on the tablet of thy heart.
4 Ki atu ki te whakaaro nui, He tuahine koe noku; kiia hoki te matauranga ko tou whanaunga wahine:
Say to wisdom, 'My sister Thou [art].' And cry to understanding, 'Kinswoman!'
5 Kia ai enei hei tiaki i a koe kei he i te wahine ke, i te wahine ke, he korero whakapati nei ana.
To preserve thee from a strange woman, From a stranger who hath made smooth her sayings.
6 I titiro atu hoki ahau i te matapihi o toku whare i roto i toku whakakahokaho;
For, at a window of my house, Through my casement I have looked out,
7 A i matakitaki ahau i roto i nga kuware, i kite i roto i nga taitama, i tetahi tamaiti kahore rawa he whakaaro,
And I do see among the simple ones, I discern among the sons, A young man lacking understanding,
8 E haere ana i te ara i te wahi tata e piko atu ai ki a ia, a haere ana ia i te ara ki tona whare.
Passing on in the street, near her corner, And the way [to] her house he doth step,
9 I te kakarauritanga, i te ahiahi o te ra, i te titiwhatanga o te po, i te pouri kerekere.
In the twilight — in the evening of day, In the darkness of night and blackness.
10 Na, kua tutaki tetahi wahine ki a ia, he kakahu puremu tona, he ngakau hianga.
And, lo, a woman to meet him — (A harlot's dress, and watchful of heart,
11 He mangai koroki tona, he tohetohe; ko ona waewae, kahore e tau ki tona whare:
Noisy she [is], and stubborn, In her house her feet rest not.
12 Inaianei kei nga ara ia, inamata kei nga waharoa, e tauwhanga ana i nga kokinga katoa.
Now in an out-place, now in broad places, And near every corner she lieth in wait) —
13 Koia i hopukia ai ia e ia, kei te kihi i a ia, a ka mea atu ki a ia, me te whakatoi ano i tona mata,
And she laid hold on him, and kissed him, She hath hardened her face, and saith to him,
14 He patunga mo te pai kei ahau; no tenei ra nei ahau i whakamana ai i aku kupu taurangi;
'Sacrifices of peace-offerings [are] by me, To-day I have completed my vows.
15 Koia ahau i haere mai ai ki te whakatau i a koe, ki te ata rapu i tou mata, a ka kitea nei koe e ahau.
Therefore I have come forth to meet thee, To seek earnestly thy face, and I find thee.
16 Ko toku moenga kua horahia e ahau, whakapaipai rawa ki te kaitaka, ki nga kakahu purepure no te rinena o Ihipa.
[With] ornamental coverings I decked my couch, Carved works — cotton of Egypt.
17 Kua ruia e ahau toku moenga ki nga mea whakakakara, ki te maira, ki te aroe, ki te hinamona.
I sprinkled my bed — myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Haere mai, kia whaowhina taua ki te aroha, a ao noa; kia ora o taua ngakau i te aroha.
Come, we are filled [with] loves till the morning, We delight ourselves in loves.
19 Kahore hoki taku tane i te whare: kua riro ia, he haere tawhiti:
For the man is not in his house, He hath gone on a long journey.
20 I maua atu e ia he putea moni i tona ringa; ka hoki mai ano ia i te kowhititanga o te marama.
A bag of money he hath taken in his hand, At the day of the new moon he cometh to his house.'
21 He maha no ana korero whakawai, riro ana ia i a ia ki tana; na te whakapati a ona ngutu ka kumea atu ia e ia.
She turneth him aside with the abundance of her speech, With the flattery of her lips she forceth him.
22 Haere tonu ia i muri i a ia, ano he kau e haere ana kia patua, he kuware ranei e haere ana ki nga rakau here waewae e whiua ai te he;
He is going after her straightway, As an ox unto the slaughter he cometh, And as a fetter unto the chastisement of a fool,
23 A tu noa te tao ki tona ate puta rawa; rite tonu ia ki te manu e hohoro ana ki te mahanga, te mohio he matenga tera mona.
Till an arrow doth split his liver, As a bird hath hastened unto a snare, And hath not known that it [is] for its life.
24 No reira, e aku tamariki, whakarongo ki ahau, maharatia nga kupu a toku mangai.
And now, ye sons, hearken to me, And give attention to sayings of my mouth.
25 Kei peau ke tou ngakau ki ona ara, kei kotiti ke ki ona huarahi.
Let not thy heart turn unto her ways, Do not wander in her paths,
26 He tokomaha hoki nga tangata i tu, i hinga i a ia, ae ra, he ope nui rawa tana i patu ai.
For many [are] the wounded she caused to fall, And mighty [are] all her slain ones.
27 He huarahi tona whare ki te reinga, e anga ana ki raro ki nga ruma o te mate. (Sheol )
The ways of Sheol — her house, Going down unto inner chambers of death! (Sheol )