< Whakatauki 25 >

1 He whakatauki ano enei na Horomona, he mea tuhi e nga tangata a Hetekia kingi o Hura.
These also are proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah, collected.
2 Ko to te Atua whakakororia, he hunga mea; ko to nga kingi whakakororia he rapu mea.
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing; But it is the glory of kings to search out a matter.
3 Ko te rangi mo te tiketike, ko te whenua mo te hohonu, a ko te ngakau o nga kingi, te taea te rapu.
As the heavens for their height, And as the earth for its depth, So is the heart of kings unsearchable!
4 Tahia atu te para i te hiriwa, a ka puta mai he oko ma te kaitahi para:
Take away the dross from the silver, And there will come forth a vessel for the founder;
5 Tangohia atu te tangata kino i te aroaro o te kingi, a ka u tona torona i runga i te tika.
Take away the wicked man from the presence of the king, And his throne will be established by righteousness.
6 Kei whakaputa i a koe ki mua i te aroaro o te kingi, kei tu hoki ki te wahi o nga metararahi.
Put not thyself forth in the presence of the king, Nor set thyself in the place of the great;
7 He pai he hoki kia kiia mai ki a koe, Haere mai ki runga nei; i te mea kia whakahokia iho koe ki raro i te aroaro o te rangatira i kitea nei e ou kanohi.
For better is it that one should say to thee, “Come up hither!” Than that he should put thee in a lower place, In the presence of the prince whom thine eyes behold.
8 Kei hohoro te haere ki te ngangare, kei kore e kitea e koe tau e mea ai i tona mutunga iho, ina meinga koe e tou hoa kia whakama.
Go not forth hastily to engage in a suit, Lest thou know not what to do in the end of it, When thine adversary hath put thee to shame.
9 Tohea tau tohe ki tou hoa tonu, a kaua e whakina te mea hunga a tetahi:
Maintain thy cause with thine adversary, But reveal not another's secret;
10 Kei kohukohutia koe e te tangata i rongo, a kore ake tou ingoa kino e tahuri atu.
Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, And thy infamy depart not from thee.
11 He kupu i tika te korero, ko tona rite kei nga a poro koura i roto i nga kete hiriwa.
A word spoken in season Is like apples of gold in figured-work of silver.
12 He pera i te whakakai koura, i te whakapaipai koura parakore koia ano te ako a te whakaaro nui ki te taringa rongo.
As a ring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, So is a wise reprover to an attentive ear.
13 Rite tonu ki te matao o te hukarere i te kotinga witi te karere pono ki ona kaingare; ka ora hoki i a ia te ngakau o ona ariki.
As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, So is a faithful messenger to them that send him; For he refresheth the spirit of his masters.
14 He pera i nga kapua me te hau uakore, koia ano te rite o te tangata e whakamanamana ana ki ana hakari horihori.
As clouds and wind without rain, So is the man that boasteth falsely of giving.
15 Ma te roa e whakamanawanui ana ka whakaae mai ai te kingi, a ma te arero ngawarika mangungu ai te wheua.
By long forbearing is a prince appeased; And a soft tongue breaketh bones.
16 Kua kitea e koe he honi? Kainga ko te wahi e makona ai koe; kei ki rawa koe i taua mea, ka ruakina e koe.
Hast thou found honey? eat what is sufficient for thee, Lest thou be surfeited with it, and vomit it up.
17 Kia takitahi tou waewae ki te whare o tou hoa; kei hoha ia ki a koe, a ka kino ki a koe.
Let thy foot be seldom in the house of thy friend, Lest he be surfeited with thee and hate thee.
18 Ko te tangata e whakaatu teka ana mo tona hoa, he patu ia, he hoari, a he pere koi.
A battle-hammer, and a sword, and a sharp arrow, Is the man who beareth false witness against his neighbor.
19 Ko te whakawhirinaki ki te tangata tinihanga i te wa o te raru, e rite ana ki te niho whati, ki te waewae kua takoki.
As a broken tooth, and a wavering foot, So is trust in an unfaithful man in time of trouble.
20 Ko te tangata e waiata ana ki te ngakau pouri, e rite ana ki te tangata e whakarere ana i te kakahu i te rangi maeke, ki te winika hoki i runga i te houra.
As he that taketh off a garment on a cold day, As vinegar upon nitre, So is he that singeth songs to a heavy heart.
21 Ki te matekai tou hoariri whangaia ki te taro; ki te matewai whakainumia ki te wai;
If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; And if he be thirsty, give him water to drink;
22 Ka purangatia hoki e koe he waro kapura ki tona mahunga, a ka utua tau e Ihowa.
For thou wilt heap coals of fire upon his head, And the LORD will reward thee.
23 E mauria ana mai e te hauraro he ua: e peratia ana hoki e te arero ngautuara, he kanohi pukuriri.
As the north wind bringeth forth rain, So a backbiting tongue maketh an angry countenance.
24 He pai ke te noho i te kokonga o te tuanui, i te noho tahi me te wahine ngangare i roto i te whare mahorahora.
Better is it to dwell in a corner of the housetop, Than with a quarrelsome woman in a large house.
25 He rongo pai no te whenua tawhiti, tona rite kei nga wai matao ki te wairua matewai.
As cold water to the thirsty, So is good news from a far country.
26 Me te manawa whenua i takatakahia, me te puna i whakaparuparutia, koia ano te tangata tika e hinga ana i te aroaro o te tangata kino.
As a troubled fountain, and as a corrupted spring, So is a righteous man falling before the wicked.
27 Ehara i te mea pai te kai nui i te honi; waihoki ko a te tangata rapu i to ratou ake kororia ehara i te kororia.
To eat much honey is not good; So the search of high things is weariness.
28 Ko te tangata e kore nei e pehi i tona wairua, e rite ana ki te pa kua pakaru, kahore ona taiepa.
As a city broken through and without a wall, So is he that hath no rule over his spirit.

< Whakatauki 25 >