< Whakatauki 19 >

1 He pai ke te rawakore e haere ana i runga i tona tapatahi, i te ngutu whanoke, i te whakaarokore.
Better to be poor but honest than stupid and tell lies.
2 Na ehara hoki i te mea pai kia kaua he matauranga mo te wairua; a, ko te tangata e hohoro ana ona waewae, ka hara.
It's not good to be someone who doesn't think. If you rush, things go wrong.
3 E whakaparoritia ana te ara o te tangata e tona wairangi: e amuamu ana hoki tona ngakau ki a Ihowa.
People mess up their lives by their own stupidity, and then get angry with the Lord.
4 Ma te rawa ka tokomaha atu ai nga hoa aroha: e wehea atu ana ia te rawakore i tona hoa aroha.
If you're rich, you get a lot of friends, but if you're poor, you lose any friends you had.
5 E kore te kaiwhakapae teka e whakaharakoretia; e kore hoki e mawhiti te tangata korero teka.
A false witness will be punished; liars won't get away with their lies.
6 He tokomaha e whai kia manakohia e te tangata ringa mahora; he hoa aroha hoki nga tangata katoa no te tangata e homai mea ana.
Many ask favors from important people, and everyone's a friend of the generous.
7 E kino ana nga teina katoa o te rawakore ki a ia: na nui ke atu te mataratanga atu o ona hoa i a ia! Whai noa ana kupu i a ratou, heoi kua riro ratou.
If a poor man's relatives can't stand him, how much more will his friends avoid him! He tries to talk with them but they don't listen.
8 Ko te tangata e mea ana ki te whakaaro nui mona, e aroha ana ki tona wairua ake: ko te tangata e pupuri ana i te matauranga, ka tutaki ki te pai.
If you become wise, you have good self-esteem; if you learn good sense you'll be successful.
9 E kore te kaiwhakapae teka e whakaharakoretia; ka huna hoki te tangata korero teka.
A false witness will be punished; people who tell lies will perish.
10 E kore e tau te noho rangatira ki te whakaarokore; he makere rawa te noho ko te pononga hei rangatira mo nga rangatira.
It's not right for stupid people to live in luxury, and it's even worse for a slave to rule over leaders.
11 Ko te ngarahu tupato ka pupuri i tona riri; a hei whakakororia mona te whakarere noa iho i te he.
If you have good sense you'll be slow to get angry; you gain respect by forgiving wrongs.
12 Ko te riri o te kingi rite tonu ki te hamama o te raiona; ko tana manako ia ano he tomairangi i runga i te tarutaru.
When a king gets angry, he sounds like a roaring lion; but his kindness is as soft as dew on the grass.
13 He aitua mo tona papa te tamaiti whakaarokore: a, ko nga ngangare a te wahine, me te maturuturu puputu tonu.
A stupid son makes his father miserable, and an argumentative wife is like dripping that never stops.
14 He whare, he taonga i tuku iho i nga matua: ko te hoa wahine mahara i a Ihowa.
You inherit a house and wealth from your father, but a sensible wife is a gift from the Lord.
15 Ma te mangere e mea kia moe i te moe reka; ka matekai hoki te wairua o te rora.
Lazy people are often fast asleep, but idleness means they're hungry.
16 Ko te tangata e pupuri ana i te whakahau e pupuri ana i tona wairua: engari ko te tangata kore whakaaro ki ona ara ka mate.
Keep the commandments, and you'll live; despise them and you'll die.
17 Ko te tangata e ohaoha ana ki te rawakore e whakatarewa moni ana ki a Ihowa, a ka utua ki a ia tana mahi atawhai.
If you're kind to the poor, you're lending to the Lord, and he will repay you well for what you've done.
18 Pakia tau tama, i te mea kua whai manakohanga; kaua hoki tou ngakau e whai tonu i te whakangaromanga mona.
Discipline your son while there's still hope, but don't kill him.
19 Ko te tangatariri nui mana e waha tona he: ki te whakaora hoki koe i a ia, ka waiho tonu tena hei mahi mau.
People who often get angry have to pay the penalty; if you help them, you'll have to do it again.
20 Whakarongo ki te kupu tohutohu, tahuri mai hoki ki te ako, kia whai whakaaro ai koe i tou mutunga iho.
Listen to advice and accept instruction so that you'll eventually become wise.
21 He maha nga whakaaro i roto i te ngakau o te tangata; e tu tonu ana ia ta Ihowa tikanga.
Human beings make many plans in their minds, but the final decision is the Lord's.
22 Ko te hiahia o te tangata te aronga o tana atawhai: engari te rawakore i te tangata teka.
The most desirable thing in anyone is trustworthy love; it is better to be poor than a liar.
23 Ko te wehi ki a Ihowa te ara ki te ora: a, ko te tangata kei a ia tera, ka noho makona; e kore tetahi he e pa ki a ia.
Honoring the Lord is life, and you will rest contentedly, safe from harm.
24 E kuhua ana e te mangere tona ringa ki te rihi, e kore rawa nei e whakahokia e ia ki tona mangai.
Lazy people put their hands in a dish, and won't even lift the food to their mouths.
25 Pakia te tangata whakahi, a ka tupato nga kuware: akona hoki te tangata mahara, a ka mohio ia ki te matauranga.
If you punish someone who mocks, you may help an immature person to learn. Correct the wise, and they become wiser.
26 Ko te tangata e pahua ana i tona papa, e pei atu ana hoki i tona whaea, he tama ia e whakama ai, e ingoa kino ai hoki.
A son who abuses his father and chases away his mother brings shame and disgrace.
27 Kati, e taku tama, te whakarongo ki te ako hei mea kau e kotiti atu ai i nga kupu o te matauranga.
My son, stop listening to my instruction and you'll soon give up following wisdom.
28 E whakahi ana te kaiwhakaatu he ki te whakawa; e horomia ana hoki te kino e te mangai o te hunga kino.
A crooked witness makes a mockery of justice; and the wicked wolf down evil.
29 Kua rite he whakawa mo nga whakahi, he whiu mo te tuara o nga whakaarokore.
Punishment is ready for those who mock; flogging is ready for the backs of the stupid.

< Whakatauki 19 >