< Whakatauki 13 >

1 Ko te tama whakaaro nui ka rongo ki ta tona papa ako: ko te tangata whakahi ia e kore e rongo ki te riri.
A wise son, [cometh of] a father’s correction, but, a scoffer, heareth not a rebuke.
2 E kai te tangata i te pai i te hua o tona mangai: ka kai ia te wairua o te hunga wanoke i te tutu.
Of the fruit of his mouth, shall a man eat what is good, but, the soul of the treacherous, [shall be sated with] violence.
3 Ko te tangata e tiaki ana i tona mangai e pupuri ana i tona ora: ko te tangata ia e hamama nui ana ona ngutu, ko te whakangaromanga mona.
He that watcheth his mouth, guardeth his soul, He that openeth wide his lips, [it shall be] his ruin.
4 E hiahia ana te wairua o te tangata mangere, a kahore he mea mana: ka meinga ia kia momona te wairua o te hunga uaua.
The sluggard, desireth, but his soul hath, nothing. But, the soul of the diligent, shall be enriched.
5 E kino ana te tangata tika ki te korero teka: he mea whakarihariha ia te tangata kino, a whakama noa iho.
A word of falsehood, the righteous man, hateth, but, the lawless, causeth shame and disgrace.
6 Ko te tika hei kaitiaki mo te tangata e tapatahi ana te ara: ka whakataka ano te tangata kino e te hara.
Righteousness, guardeth the man of blameless way, but, lawlessness, overthroweth the sinner.
7 Tera tetahi kei te amene taonga mona, heoi kahore rawa he mea i a ia: tera tetahi kei te whakarawakore i a ia, heoi nui atu ona rawa.
There is who feigneth himself rich, yet hath nothing at all, who pleadeth poverty, yet hath great substance.
8 Ko nga utu mo te tangata kia ora, ko ona rawa: tena ko te rawakore, e kore e rongo i te riri.
The ransom of a man’s life, is his wealth, but, the poor, heareth not rebuke.
9 E koa ana te marama o te hunga tika: ka keto ia te rama o te hunga kino.
The light of the righteous, rejoiceth, but, the lamp of the lawless, goeth out.
10 He totohe anake i ahu mai i te whakapehapeha: he whakaaro nui ia kei te hunga i nga kupu tika.
Only by pride, doth one cause contention, but, with the well-advised, is wisdom.
11 Ko nga taonga i puta mai i te whakamanamana ka iti haere: ko ta te tangata i whakaemi ai, he mea mahi, ka tupu haere.
Wealth gotten by greed, diminisheth, but, he that gathereth by little, increaseth.
12 He manako taringa roa, he patu ngakau: ka tae te koronga, ko te rakau ia o te ora.
Hope deferred, sickeneth the heart, —but, a tree of life, is desire fulfilled.
13 Ko te tangata e whakahawea ana ki te kupu, ka ngaro i a ia ano; ko te tangata ia e wehi ana i te whakahau, ka whiwhi ki te utu.
He that despiseth a matter, shall get pledged thereto, but, he that revereth a commandment, the same shall be recompensed.
14 Ko te ture o te hunga whakaaro nui, he puna no te ora, e puta ai i nga reti o te mate.
the instruction of the wise, is a well-spring of life, by departing from the snares of death.
15 Ko to te ngarahu pai he homai atawhai; he taikaha ia te ara o te hunga nanakia.
Sound discretion, yieldeth favour, but, the way of the treacherous, is rugged.
16 He mahi mohio ta te tangata tupato; ko ta te wairangi he hora i te kuwaretanga.
Every prudent man, maketh use of knowledge, but, a dullard, spreadeth folly.
17 Ka hinga te karere kino ki te kino; ko te karere pono ia, ano he rongoa.
A lawless messenger, falleth into mischief, but, a faithful herald, bringeth healing.
18 Ko te tangata kahore e pai ki te papaki, mana te rawakore, te whakama; engari ko te tangata e whai mahara ana ki te ako, ka whakahonoretia.
Poverty and contempt, are for him that neglecteth correction, but, he that regardeth reproof, shall be honoured.
19 Ko te hiahia kua rite, he reka ki te wairua: he whakarihariha ia ki nga kuware te whakarere i te kino.
A desire fulfilled, is sweet to the soul, but it is, an abomination to the lawless, to depart from evil.
20 Haere i te taha o te hunga whakaaro nui, a ka whai whakaaro koe: ko te takahoa ia o nga kuware, ka mamae.
He that walketh with the wise, becometh wise, but, the friend of dullards, becometh foolish.
21 Ka whai te kino i te hunga hara; ko te utu ia ki te hunga tika, he pai.
Evil pursueth, sinners, but, unto the righteous, shall good be recompensed.
22 He whakarerenga iho ta te tangata pai mo nga tamariki a nga tamariki; kei te rongoa mo te tangata tika nga taonga o te tangata hara.
A good man, leaveth an inheritance to children’s children, but, laid up for the righteous, is the wealth of the sinner.
23 He nui te kai kei te ngakinga a nga rawakore; tera ia te mea e ngaro ana i te kore o te tikanga pai.
Much food, is in the fallow ground of the poor, but there is that is swept away, for want of justice.
24 Ko te tangata e kaiponu ana i tana whiu, e kino ana ia ki tana tama; ko te tangata ia e aroha ana ki a ia, ka papaki wawe i a ia.
He that withholdeth his rod, hateth his son, —but, he that loveth him, carefully correcteth him.
25 Kai ana te tangata tika, makona ana tona wairua; ka hapa ia te kopu o te tangata kino.
The righteous, eateth to satisfy his appetite, but, the belly of the lawless, shall want.

< Whakatauki 13 >