< Whakatauki 11 >

1 He mea whakarihariha ki a Ihowa te pauna he; engari te taimaha tika tana i pai ai.
The Lord hates dishonest scales, but accurate weights please him.
2 Ka tae te whakapehapeha, ka tae ano te whakama; kei te hunga whakaiti ia te whakaaro nui.
With pride comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
3 Ko to ratou ngakau tapatahi hei arahi i te hunga tika; ka ai ano ko te whanoke ia o te hunga poka ke hei whakangaro mo ratou.
Honesty guides the good, but deceit destroys liars.
4 E kore te taonga e whai mana i te ra o te riri: kei te tika ia he oranga ake i te mate.
Wealth won't help you on judgment day, but goodness saves you from death.
5 Ma te tika o te ngakau tapatahi ka tika ai tona ara; ka hinga ia te tangata kino i runga i tona kino.
The goodness of the innocent keeps them on track, but the wicked fall by their own wickedness.
6 Ma te tika o te hunga tika ka mawhiti ai ratou; ka mau ia nga poka ke i runga i to ratou kino.
The goodness of those who live right will save them, but the dishonest are trapped by their own desires.
7 I te matenga o te tangata kino, kore iho ana mea i tumanako atu ai: kahore noa iho he tumanakohanga ma te hunga he.
When a wicked person dies, their hopes die with them; what the godless look forward to is gone.
8 Ka mawhiti te tangata tika i roto i te raru, a ka riro te tangata kino hei whakakapi mo tona turanga.
The good are saved from trouble, while the wicked get into trouble.
9 Hei huna mo tona hoa te mangai o te tangata whakaponokore; na ma te mohio te hunga tika ka mawhiti ai.
Godless people mouth off and destroy their neighbors, but the good are saved by wisdom.
10 Ka pai te hunga tika, ka hari te pa: ka whakangaromia te hunga kino, ka tangi te umere.
The whole town celebrates when good people are successful; they also shout for joy when the wicked die.
11 Ma te manaaki o te hunga tika ka kake ai te pa; ka pakaru ia i te mangai o te hunga kino.
Ethical people are a blessing to a town, but what the wicked say destroys it.
12 Ko te tangata e whakahawea ana ki tona hoa he maharakore: tena ko te tangata matau, whakarongo puku ana.
People who run down their neighbors have no sense; someone who's sensible keeps quiet.
13 Ko te tangata haere, ka kawekawe korero e whaki ana i nga mea ngaro: ko te tangata i te wairua pono, e hipoki ana i te korero.
A gossip goes around telling secrets, but trustworthy people keep confidences.
14 Ki te kahore he mohio hei arahi, ka hinga te iwi: he ora ia kei nga kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro tokomaha.
A nation falls without good guidance, but they are saved through much wise counsel.
15 Ko te tangata ko tana nei hei whakakapi mo ta te tangata ke, ka mamae; kei te ora ia te tangata e kino ana ki te tikanga whakakapi turanga.
You'll get into trouble if you guarantee a stranger's loans—you're far safer if you refuse to make such pledges.
16 Ka mau te kororia i te wahine tikanga pai; ka mau hoki te taonga i nga tangata taikaha.
A gracious woman holds on to her honor just as ruthless men hold on to their wealth.
17 He atawhai i tona wairua ta te tangata atawhai; a he whakararu i ona kikokiko ta te tangata nanakia.
If you're kind, you'll be rewarded; but if you're cruel, you'll hurt yourself.
18 Ko te mahi a te tangata kino e utua ana ki te teka: ko te utu ia mo te kaiwhakatakoto i te tika, u rawa.
The wicked earn wages that cheat them, but those who sow goodness reap a genuine reward.
19 Ko te tangata u ki te tika, ka whiwhi ki te ora: a, ko te tangata e whai ana i te kino e mea ana i te mate mona.
Do what's right, and you will live; chase after evil and you will die.
20 Ko ta Ihowa e whakarihariha ai he ngakau whanoke; ko tana e ahuareka ai ko te hunga e tika ana to ratou ara.
The Lord hates perverted minds, but is happy with those who live moral lives.
21 Ahakoa awhi nga ringa ki a raua, e kore te tangata kino e waiho kia kore e whiua; ka mawhiti ia te uri o te hunga tika.
You can be certain of this: the wicked won't go unpunished, but the good will be saved.
22 Rite tonu ki te whakakai koura i te ihu o te poaka te wahine ataahua kahore nei ona ngarahu pai.
A beautiful woman who lacks good judgment is like a gold ring in a pig's snout.
23 Ko ta te hunga tika e minamina ai, ko te pai anake; ko te tumanako ia a te hunga kino, ko te riri.
Good people want what's best, but what the wicked hope for ends in death.
24 Tera tetahi kei te rui, a tapiritia mai ana ano; tera tetahi kei te kaiponu i te mea e tika ana, heoi rawakore noa iho.
If you give generously you receive more, but if you keep back what you should give, you end up poor.
25 Ko te wairua ohaoha ka momona: ko te tangata e whakamakuku ana, ka whakamakukuria ano ia.
If you're generous, you'll become rich; give someone a drink of water, and you'll be given one in return.
26 Ko te tangata e kaiponu ana i te witi, ka kanga tera e te nuinga; ka tau ia te manaaki ki runga ki te mahunga o te tangata e hoko atu ana.
People curse those who hoard grain; but they bless those who sell.
27 Ko te tangata e ata rapu ana i te pai, e rapu ana i te whakapai: ko te tangata ia e rapu ana i te he, ka tae tera ki a ia.
If you look to do good, you'll be appreciated; but if you look for evil, you'll find it!
28 Ko te tangata e whakawhirinaki ana ki ona taonga, ka taka: na, ko te hunga tika ka rite to ratou tupu ki to te rau matomato.
If you trust in your riches, you'll fall; but if you do good, you'll flourish like green leaves.
29 Ko te tangata e whakararu ana i tona whare, he hau te taonga e whakarerea iho mona: hei pononga ano te kuware ma te ngakau whakaaro nui.
If you cause trouble in your family, you'll inherit nothing but air. Stupid people end up as servants to those who think wisely.
30 Ko nga hua o te tangata tika he rakau no te ora; ka hopu wairua ano te tangata whakaaro tika.
The fruit of the good is a tree of life, and the wise person saves people.
31 Nana, he utu ano to te tangata tika i runga i te whenua: nui atu ia to te tangata kino raua ko te tangata hara.
If the good are repaid here on earth, how much more will the wicked who sin be repaid!

< Whakatauki 11 >