< Tauanga 20 >

1 Na ka tae nga tama a Iharaira, ara te whakaminenga katoa, ki te koraha o Hini i te marama tuatahi: a ka noho te iwi ki Karehe; na ka mate a Miriama ki reira, a tanumia ana ki reira.
And the sons of Israel, even the whole congregation, came into the wilderness of Zin in the first month, and the people abode in Kadesh. And Miriam died there, and was buried there.
2 A kahore he wai mo te whakaminenga: a ka huihui ki te ngangare ki a Mohi raua ko Arona.
And there was no water for the congregation, and they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron.
3 Na ka ngangau te iwi ki a Mohi, ka korero, ka mea, Aue, me i mate matou i te matenga o o matou tuakana i te aroaro o Ihowa!
And the people strove with Moses, and spoke, saying, Would that we had died when our brothers died before Jehovah!
4 He aha hoki i kawea mai ai e korua te whakaminenga a Ihowa ki tenei koraha, kia mate tahi matou me a matou kararehe ki konei?
And why have ye brought the assembly of Jehovah into this wilderness, that we should die there, we and our beasts?
5 He aha hoki matou i meinga ai e korua kia haere mai i Ihipa, kia kawea mai matou ki tenei wahi kino? ehara nei i te wahi purapura, i te wahi piki, waina, pamekaranete; kahore ano hoki he wai hei inu.
And why have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us in to this evil place? It is no place of seed, or of figs, or of vines, or of pomegranates, neither is there any water to drink.
6 Na ka haere a Mohi raua ko Arona i te aroaro o te whakaminenga ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, a ka kupapa iho o raua mata: na ko te putanga mai o te kororia o Ihowa ki a raua.
And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces. And the glory of Jehovah appeared to them.
7 A ka korero a Ihowa ki a Mohi, ka mea,
And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
8 Maua atu te tokotoko, huihuia mai ano te whakaminenga e korua ko tou tuakana, ko Arona, ka korero ai korua ki te kamaka i mua i o ratou kanohi, kia tukua mai tona wai; a ka whakaputaina mai e koe he wai mo ratou i roto i te kamaka: a ka meinga e koe te whakaminenga me a ratou kararehe kia inu.
Take the rod, and assemble the congregation, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye to the rock before their eyes, that it give forth its water, and thou shall bring forth water to them out of the rock. So thou shall give the congregation and their cattle drink.
9 Na ka maua e Mohi te tokotoko i te aroaro o Ihowa, pera ana ia me tana i whakahau ai.
And Moses took the rod from before Jehovah, as he commanded him.
10 I huihuia hoki te whakaminenga e Mohi raua ko Arona ki mua o te kamaka, a ka mea ia ki a ratou, Whakarongo mai, e te hunga tutu; me whakaputa mai ranei e maua he wai mo koutou i roto i tenei kamaka?
And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, Hear now, ye rebels. Shall we bring forth water to you out of this rock?
11 Na ka ara te ringa o Mohi, a e rua ana patunga i te kamaka ki tana tokotoko; ko te tino putanga mai o te wai, tona nui, a inu ana te iwi me a ratou kararehe.
And Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice, and water came forth abundantly. And the congregation drank, and their cattle.
12 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi raua ko Arona, Kahore nei korua i whakapono ki ahau, kia whakatapu i ahau i te tirohanga a nga tama a Iharaira, mo reira e kore korua e kawe i tenei whakaminenga ki te whenua e hoatu nei e ahau ki a ratou.
And Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron, Because ye did not believe in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.
13 Ko te wai tena o Meripa; i ngangau hoki nga tama a Iharaira ki a Ihowa ki reira, a meinga ana ratou hei whakatapu mona.
These are the waters of Meribah, because the sons of Israel strove with Jehovah, and he was sanctified in them.
14 Na ka unga tangata a Mohi i Karehe ki te kingi o Eroma, Ko te kupu tenei a tou teina, a Iharaira, E mohio ana koe ki nga he katoa i pono mai ki a matou;
And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom, Thus says thy brother Israel, Thou know all the travail that has befallen us,
15 Ki te hekenga o o matou matua ki Ihipa, ki to matou nohoanga hoki i Ihipa, a maha noa nga ra; a ka tukino nga Ihipiana i a matou ko o matou matua:
how our fathers went down into Egypt, and we dwelt in Egypt a long time. And the Egyptians dealt ill with us and our fathers.
16 A, i ta matou karangatanga atu ki a Ihowa, na ka rongo ia ki to matou reo, a unga ana e ia he anahera hei whakaputa mai i a matou i Ihipa: na, kei Karehe tenei matou, kei te pa whakamutunga o tou rohe:
And when we cried to Jehovah, he heard our voice, and sent an agent, and brought us forth out of Egypt. And, behold, we are in Kadesh, a city in the outermost of thy border.
17 Tena, tukua atu matou ma tou whenua: e kore matou e haere na nga mara, na nga mara waina ranei, e kore ano matou e inu i te wai o nga puna: ka haere matou i te huanui o te kingi, e kore matou e peka ki matau, ki maui, kia pahemo ra ano i a matou ou rohe.
Let us pass, I pray thee, through thy land. We will not pass through field or through vineyard, neither will we drink of the water of the wells. We will go along the king's highway. We will not turn aside to the right hand nor to the left, until we have passed thy border.
18 Na ka mea a Eroma ki a ia, E kore koe e tika na toku wahi, kei haere ahau me te hoari ki te tu i a koe.
And Edom said to him, Thou shall not pass through me, lest I come out with the sword against thee.
19 Na ka mea nga tama a Iharaira ki a ia, Ka haere matou na te huanui: a ki te inu ahau me aku kahui i tou wai, me utu e ahau: heoi rawa taku e mea ai, ko te haere kau o oku waewae na kona.
And the sons of Israel said to him, We will go up by the highway. And if we drink of thy water, I and my cattle, then will I give the price of it. Only let me, without doing anything, pass through on my feet.
20 Na ka mea ia, E kore koe e haere ra konei. A ka puta a Eroma me te ope nui, me te ringa kaha, ki te tu i a ia.
And he said, Thou shall not pass through. And Edom came out against him with many people, and with a strong hand.
21 Heoi kihai a Eroma i pai ki te tuku i a Iharaira kia haere na tona rohe: na peka ke ana a Iharaira i a ia.
Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his border. Therefore Israel turned away from him.
22 Na ka turia atu e ratou i Karehe: a ka tae nga tama a Iharaira, ara te whakaminenga katoa ki Maunga Horo.
And they journeyed from Kadesh, and the sons of Israel, even the whole congregation, came to mount Hor.
23 Na ka korero a Ihowa ki a Mohi raua ko Arona i Maunga Horo, i te rohe o te whenua o Eroma, ka mea,
And Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, by the border of the land of Edom, saying,
24 Ka kohia atu a Arona ki tona iwi; e kore hoki ia e tae ki te whenua ka hoatu nei e ahau ki nga tama a Iharaira, mo korua i whakatoi ki taku kupu i te wai o Meripa.
Aaron shall be gathered to his people, for he shall not enter into the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because ye rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah.
25 Tangohia a Arona raua ko Ereatara, ko tana tama, kawea hoki raua ki runga ki Maunga Horo:
Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up to mount Hor,
26 Unuhia hoki nga kakahu o Arona, ka whakakakahu ai ki tana tama, ki a Ereatara: a ka kohia atu a Arona ki tona iwi, ka mate hoki ki reira.
and strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son. And Aaron shall be gathered, and shall die there.
27 Na ka pera a Mohi me ta Ihowa i whakahau ai, a haere ana ratou ki runga ki Maunga Horo i te tirohanga a te whakaminenga katoa.
And Moses did as Jehovah commanded. And they went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation.
28 Na ka unuhia e Mohi nga kakahu o Arona, a whakakakahuria ana e ia ki tana tama, ki a Ereatara; a ka mate a Arona ki reira, ki te tihi o te maunga: a ka heke iho a Mohi raua ko Ereatara i runga i te maunga.
And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son. And Aaron died there on the top of the mount, and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount.
29 A, no te kitenga o te whakaminenga katoa kua mate a Arona, e toru tekau nga ra i tangihia ai a Arona e ratou, e te whare katoa o Iharaira.
And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they wept for Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel.

< Tauanga 20 >