< Tauanga 14 >

1 Na ka hamama te reo o te whakaminenga katoa; a ka tangi te iwi i taua po.
All the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night.
2 A amuamu ana nga tama katoa a Iharaira ki a Mohi raua ko Arona: a ka mea te whakaminenga katoa ki a raua, Aue, me i mate tatou ki te whenua o Ihipa! aue, me i mate ranei tatou ki tenei koraha!
All the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron. The whole congregation said to them, “We wish that we had died in the land of Egypt, or that we had died in this wilderness!
3 He aha tatou i kawea mai ai e Ihowa ki tenei whenua, kia hinga i te hoari: ka waiho a tatou wahine, a tatou tamariki hei taonga parau: ehara ianei te hoki ki Ihipa i te mea pai mo tatou?
Why does the LORD bring us to this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will be captured or killed! Wouldn’t it be better for us to return into Egypt?”
4 A ka mea ratou tetahi ki tetahi, Me whakatu he upoko mo tatou, ka hoki ki Ihipa.
They said to one another, “Let’s choose a leader, and let’s return into Egypt.”
5 Na ka tapapa a Mohi raua ko Arona ki te aroaro o te huihui katoa o te whakaminenga o nga tama a Iharaira.
Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the children of Israel.
6 A ka haehae a Hohua, tama a Nunu, raua ko Karepe, tama a Iepune, i o raua kakahu; ko raua hoki etahi o nga kaitutei o te whenua:
Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were of those who spied out the land, tore their clothes.
7 A ka korero raua ki te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira, ka mea, He whenua pai rawa te whenua i haerea nei, i tuteia nei e matou.
They spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, “The land, which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land.
8 Ki te aro mai a Ihowa ki a tatou, ka kawea tatou e ia ki taua whenua, ka homai ano e ia ki a tatou; he whenua e rerengia ana e te waiu, e te honi.
If the LORD delights in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it to us: a land which flows with milk and honey.
9 Kaua raia koutou e tutu ki a Ihowa, kaua hoki e wehi i nga tangata o taua whenua, he taro hoki ratou ma tatou: kua mahue ratou i to ratou whakamarumaru, a kei a tatou a Ihowa: kaua e wehi i a ratou.
Only don’t rebel against the LORD, neither fear the people of the land; for they are bread for us. Their defence is removed from over them, and the LORD is with us. Don’t fear them.”
10 Heoi ko ta te whakaminenga katoa ki, me aki raua ki te kohatu. Na ko te putanga mai o te kororia o Ihowa i runga i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga ki te aroaro o nga tama katoa a Iharaira.
But all the congregation threatened to stone them with stones. The LORD’s glory appeared in the Tent of Meeting to all the children of Israel.
11 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Kia pehea ake te roa o te whakahawea a tenei iwi ki ahau? ahea ranei ratou whakapono ai ki ahau, he maha nei hoki aku tohu i whakakitea i roto i a ratou?
The LORD said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? How long will they not believe in me, for all the signs which I have worked amongst them?
12 Ka patua ratou e ahau ki te mate uruta, ka peia atu, a ka meinga koe hei iwi nui atu, kaha atu, i a ratou.
I will strike them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of you a nation greater and mightier than they.”
13 Ano ra ko Mohi ki a Ihowa, Akuanei ka rongo nga Ihipiana; nau hoki tenei iwi i whakaputa mai i runga i tou kaha i roto i a ratou;
Moses said to the LORD, “Then the Egyptians will hear it; for you brought up this people in your might from amongst them.
14 Na ka korero ratou ki nga tangata o tenei whenua: kua rongo hoki ratou kei roto koe, e Ihowa, i tenei iwi: e kitea ana ano koe e Ihowa, titiro atu, titiro mai, e tu ana hoki tou kapua i runga i a ratou, e haere ana hoki koe i mua i a ratou i rot o i te pou kapua i te awatea, i roto hoki i te pou ahi i te po.
They will tell it to the inhabitants of this land. They have heard that you LORD are amongst this people; for you LORD are seen face to face, and your cloud stands over them, and you go before them, in a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.
15 Na ki te whakamatea e koe tenei iwi, ano he tangata kotahi, katahi nga iwi i rongo nei ki tou rongo ka whai kupu, ka mea,
Now if you killed this people as one man, then the nations which have heard the fame of you will speak, saying,
16 No te mea kihai i kaha a Ihowa ki te kawe i tenei iwi ki te whenua i oati ai ia ki a ratou, koia i whakamatea ai ratou e ia ki te koraha.
‘Because the LORD was not able to bring this people into the land which he swore to them, therefore he has slain them in the wilderness.’
17 Na kia nui ra te kaha o toku Ariki, kia rite ki tau i korero ai, i mea ai,
Now please let the power of the Lord be great, according as you have spoken, saying,
18 He puhoi a Ihowa ki te riri, he nui tona atawhai, e muru ana i te kino, i te tutu, e kore rawa ano e tuku noa i te hunga he; e mea ana i te kino o nga matua kia tau ki nga tamariki, a te toru, te wha ra ano, o nga whakatupuranga.
‘The LORD is slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness, forgiving iniquity and disobedience; and he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and on the fourth generation.’
19 Tena, murua te kino o tenei iwi, kia rite ki te nui o tou atawhai, ki tau muru hoki i nga hara o tenei iwi, o Ihipa mai ano, a taea noatia a konei.
Please pardon the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of your loving kindness, and just as you have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now.”
20 Na ka mea a Ihowa, Kua murua e ahau, kua peratia me tau i ki mai na:
The LORD said, “I have pardoned according to your word;
21 Otiia, e ora nei ahau, a ka kapi te whenua katoa i te kororia o Ihowa;
but in very deed—as I live, and as all the earth shall be filled with the LORD’s glory—
22 Na, i te mea ko enei tangata katoa, i kite nei i toku kororia, i aku merekara hoki i meinga ki Ihipa, ki te koraha, a ka tekau nei a ratou whakamatautauranga i ahau, kahore ano i whakarongo ki toku reo;
because all those men who have seen my glory and my signs, which I worked in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have tempted me these ten times, and have not listened to my voice;
23 Ina, e kore rawa ratou e kite i te whenua i oati ai ahau ki o ratou matua, e kore ano tetahi o te hunga i whakahawea nei ki ahau e kite i reira:
surely they shall not see the land which I swore to their fathers, neither shall any of those who despised me see it.
24 Engari taku pononga a Karepe, he wairua ke hoki tona, a kua tino whai ia i ahau; e kawea ia e ahau ki te whenua i haere atu na ia; a ka riro a reira i ona uri.
But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and has followed me fully, him I will bring into the land into which he went. His offspring shall possess it.
25 Na kei te raorao nga Amareki me nga Kanaani e noho ana. Tahuri atu koutou apopo, haere atu ki te koraha, na te huarahi ki te Moana Whero.
Since the Amalekite and the Canaanite dwell in the valley, tomorrow turn and go into the wilderness by the way to the Red Sea.”
26 I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi raua ko Arona, i mea,
The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
27 Kia pehea ake te roa o taku whakamanawanui ki tenei whakaminenga kino, e amuamu nei ki ahau? Kua rongona e ahau nga amuamu a nga tama a Iharaira, e amuamu nei ratou ki ahau.
“How long shall I bear with this evil congregation that complain against me? I have heard the complaints of the children of Israel, which they complain against me.
28 Mea atu ki a ratou, E ora ana ahau, e ai ta Ihowa, ko ta koutou i korero mai ai ki oku taringa, he pono, ko taku tena e mea ai ki a koutou,
Tell them, ‘As I live, says the LORD, surely as you have spoken in my ears, so I will do to you.
29 Ka hinga o koutou tinana ki tenei koraha; a ko koutou katoa i taua, puta noa atu i to koutou tokomaha, nga mea e rua tekau, he maha ake hoki, o ratou tau, te hunga hoki i amuamu nei ki ahau,
Your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness; and all who were counted of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, who have complained against me,
30 E kore koutou e tae ki te whenua i oati ai ahau ka whakanohoia koutou ki reira, heoi ano ko Karepe tama o Iepune, raua ko Hohua tama a Nunu.
surely you shall not come into the land concerning which I swore that I would make you dwell therein, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun.
31 Otiia ko a koutou potiki, i mea na koutou ka waiho hei taonga parau, ka kawea e ahau ki reira, a ka mohio ratou ki te whenua i whakahaweatia nei e koutou.
But I will bring in your little ones that you said should be captured or killed, and they shall know the land which you have rejected.
32 Ko koutou ia, ka hinga o koutou tinana ki tenei koraha.
But as for you, your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness.
33 A ka kopikopiko noa a koutou tamariki i te koraha, e wha tekau nga tau, ma ratou hoki e waha a koutou puremutanga, kia poto ra ano o koutou tinana ki te koraha.
Your children shall be wanderers in the wilderness forty years, and shall bear your prostitution, until your dead bodies are consumed in the wilderness.
34 Kia rite ra ano ki te maha o nga ra, ki nga ra e wha tekau, i tuteia ai e koutou te whenua, he tau he ra, he tau he ra; e wha tekau nga tau e waha ai e koutou o koutou kino, a ka mohio koutou ki te takanga o taku kupu.
After the number of the days in which you spied out the land, even forty days, for every day a year, you will bear your iniquities, even forty years, and you will know my alienation.’
35 Naku, na Ihowa te kupu, ina, ka meatia tenei e ahau ki tenei whakaminenga kino katoa, kua huihui nei ki te whakahe ki ahau: ka poto ratou ki tenei koraha, ka mate ano hoki ki konei.
I, the LORD, have spoken. I will surely do this to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against me. In this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.”
36 Na, ko nga tangata i unga e Mohi hei tutei mo te whenua, i hoki mai nei, i mea nei kia amuamutia ia e te whakaminenga katoa, i ta ratou kawenga mai i te korero kino mo te whenua,
The men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation to murmur against him by bringing up an evil report against the land,
37 Ko aua tangata, na ratou nei i kawe mai te korero kino mo te whenua, i mate ratou i te whiu ki te aroaro o Ihowa.
even those men who brought up an evil report of the land, died by the plague before the LORD.
38 Ko Hohua ia, tama a Nunu, raua ko Karepe, tama a Iepune, ko raua i ora o nga tangata i haere ki te tutei i te whenua.
But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive of those men who went to spy out the land.
39 Na korerotia ana e Mohi enei kupu katoa ki nga tama katoa a Iharaira: a ka pouri rawa te iwi.
Moses told these words to all the children of Israel, and the people mourned greatly.
40 Na ka maranga wawe ratou i te ata, a ka haere ki te tihi o te maunga, me te ki ano, Tenei matou, a ka haere matou ki runga, ki te wahi i korerotia mai e Ihowa: kua hara hoki matou.
They rose up early in the morning and went up to the top of the mountain, saying, “Behold, we are here, and will go up to the place which the LORD has promised; for we have sinned.”
41 Na ka mea a Mohi, He aha koutou i takahi ai i te kupu a Ihowa, i te mea kahore e whai wahi?
Moses said, “Why now do you disobey the commandment of the LORD, since it shall not prosper?
42 Kaua e haere, kahore na hoki a Ihowa i a koutou, kei patua koutou ki te aroaro o o koutou hoariri.
Don’t go up, for the LORD isn’t amongst you; that way you won’t be struck down before your enemies.
43 Kei reira hoki nga Amareki ratou ko nga Kanaani, kei mua i a koutou, a ka hinga koutou i te hoari: mo koutou kua tahuri atu i te whai i a Ihowa, koia a Ihowa te piri ai ki a koutou.
For there the Amalekite and the Canaanite are before you, and you will fall by the sword because you turned back from following the LORD; therefore the LORD will not be with you.”
44 Heoi ka pokanoa ratou ki te piki ki te tihi o te maunga: otiia kihai te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa, me Mohi hoki, i hiki atu i te puni.
But they presumed to go up to the top of the mountain. Nevertheless, the ark of the LORD’s covenant and Moses didn’t depart out of the camp.
45 Na ka heke iho nga Amareki ratou ko nga Kanaani e noho ana i taua maunga, a patua ana ratou, tukituki rawa, a taea noatia a Horema.
Then the Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites who lived in that mountain, and struck them and beat them down even to Hormah.

< Tauanga 14 >