< Nehemia 4 >

1 No te rongonga ia o Hanaparata kei te hanga matou i te taiepa, ka riri, nui atu te riri, ka whakahi ki nga Hurai.
But it came to pass, when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, it angered him, and he was greatly displeased, —and mocked the Jews;
2 Na ka korero ia i te aroaro o ona teina, o te ope ano o Hamaria, ka mea, E aha ana enei Hurai ngoikore? e hanga pa ranei ratou? e mea patunga tapu ranei ratou? e oti ranei i a ratou i te ra kotahi? e whakaorangia ake ranei e ratou nga kohatu i ro to i nga puranga paru kua oti na te tahu?
and spake before his brethren, and the army of Samaria, and said, What are, these feeble Jews, doing? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they bring to life the stones out of the heaps of dust, when, they, have been burned up?
3 Na i tona taha a Topia Amoni, a ka mea ia, Ko taua mea e hanga na e ratou, ki te piki atu he pokiha, ka pakaru ta ratou taiepa kohatu.
Now, Tobiah the Ammonite, was beside him, —so he said, Even that which they are building, if a fox should go up, he would break down their stone wall!
4 Whakarongo, e to matou Atua, e whakahaweatia ana hoki matou; whakahokia iho ano ta ratou taunu ki runga ki to ratou upoko; hoatu hoki ratou hei taonga parakete ki te whenua e whakaraua ai;
Hear, O our God, for we have become a contempt, and turn thou back their reproach upon their own head, —and give them up as a prey, in the land of captivity;
5 A kei hipokina to ratou he, kaua ano to ratou hara e murua i tou aroaro; mo ratou i whakapataritari i a koe i te aroaro o nga kaihanga.
and do not cover their iniquity, and, their sin before thee, let it not be blotted out, —for they have caused vexation before them who are building.
6 Na hanga ana e matou te taiepa; a ka honoa te taiepa katoa, kia tae ki te hawhe ano o tona tiketike: he ngakau hoki to te iwi ki te mahi.
So we built the wall, and all the wall was finished unto the half thereof, —and the people had a mind to work.
7 I te rongonga ia o Hanaparata, o Topia, o nga Arapi, o nga Amoni, o nga Aharori, kua neke haere te hanga o nga taiepa o Hiruharama, a kua timata nga wahi pakaru te kapi, na nui atu to ratou riri.
But it came to pass, when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the repair of the walls of Jerusalem had gone up, that the breaches began to be stopped, that it angered them exceedingly;
8 Na ka whakatupu ngatahi ratou katoa i te he, kia haere mai ki te whawhai ki Hiruharama, whakaware ai.
and they conspired, all of them together, to come, to fight against Jerusalem, —and to cause it harm;
9 Heoi inoi ana matou ki to matou Atua, whakaturia ana e matou he atiati mo ratou, i te ao, i te po, i te wehi hoki i a ratou.
howbeit we prayed unto our God, —and set a watch against them, day and night, because of them.
10 Na ka mea a Hura, Kua hemo te kaha o nga kaipikau, e nui ana hoki te paru; na e kore matou e kaha ki te hanga i te taiepa.
Then said Judah, The strength of the burden-bearer faileth, and, the rubbish, aboundeth, —and, we, are not able to build at the wall;
11 I mea ano o matou hoariri, E kore ratou e mohio, e kore e kite, kia tae atu ra ano tatou ki waenganui i a ratou, ko reira tatou tukituki ai i a ratou, whakamutu ai hoki i te mahi.
and our adversaries have said, They shall not know, neither shall they see, until we come into their midst, and slay them, —so shall we cause the work to cease.
12 A, no te taenga mai o nga Hurai e noho ana i to ratou taha, tekau a ratou meatanga mai ki a matou i nga wahi katoa, Me hoki mai koutou ki a matou.
But it came to pass, when the Jews dwelling near them came in, then said they unto us, ten times, From all places whither ye shall turn, [they will be] upon us!
13 Na reira i whakaturia ai e ahau ki nga wahi o raro, ki tua mai o te taiepa, ki nga wahi tuwhera ano hoki, whakaturia ana e ahau te iwi, tenei hapu, tenei hapu, o ratou, i a ratou ano a ratou hoari, a ratou tao, a ratou kopere.
So I set—on the lower slopes of the place behind the wall in the waste grounds, —yea I set the people, by their families, with their swords, their spears and their bows.
14 Na ka titiro ahau, ka whakatika ki runga, ka mea ki nga rangatira, ki nga tangata nunui, ki era atu ano o te iwi, Kaua e wehi ki a ratou. Kia mahara ki te Ariki, ki te mea nui e wehingia ana, ka whawhai kia ora ai o koutou tuakana, teina, a kout ou tama, a koutou tamahine, a koutou wahine, me o koutou whare.
Then I looked and rose up, and said—unto the nobles and unto the deputies and unto the rest of the people, Do not ye fear because of them, —the great and fearful Lord, remember ye, so shall ye fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.
15 A, ka rongo o matou hoariri ka mohiotia tera e matou, a kua whakataka nei e te Atua o ratou whakaaro, na hoki ana matou katoa ki te taiepa ki tana mahi, ki tana mahi.
And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had overturned their counsel, then returned we, all of us, unto the wall, every man unto his work.
16 No taua ra ano ko tetahi tanga o aku tangata hei mahi i te mahi, a ko tetahi tanga o ratou hei pupuri i nga tao, i nga whakangungu rakau, i nga kopere, i nga pukupuku; ko nga rangatira, i muri ratou i te whare katoa o Hura.
And it came to pass, from that day, the half of my young men, were working in the work, and, the half of them, were grasping the spears, the bucklers, and the bows, and the coats of mail, —but, the rulers, were behind all the house of Judah.
17 Ko nga kaihanga i te taiepa, me nga kaiwaha i nga pikaunga, whakawaha ana ratou, a kotahi te ringa o tenei, o tenei, ki te mahi i te mahi, kotahi hei pupuri i te patu.
They who were building at the wall and they who were carrying burdens, they who were lifting, [each man], with his one hand, was working at the work, and, with the other, was grasping the weapon.
18 Na, ko nga kaihanga, whitiki rawa tana hoari ki tona taha, ki tona taha: na hanga ana ratou: i toku taha ano hoki ko te kaiwhakatangi tetere.
Even they who were building, every man, had his sword girded upon his loins, and so was building, —and, he that sounded the horn, was by my side.
19 I mea ano ahau ki nga rangatira, ki nga tangata nunui, ki era atu ano o te iwi, He nui te mahi, he tatahi, kua tohatoha noa atu ano tatou ki te taiepa, matara noa tetahi i tetahi;
So I said unto the nobles and unto the deputies, and unto the rest of the people, The work, is great and large, —and, we, are separated upon the wall, far away, each man from his brother:
20 Ko te wahi e rongo ai koutou i te tangi o te tetere, me huihui ki a matou ki reira: ma to tatou Atua ta tatou pakanga.
In what place soever ye shall hear the sound of the horn, thither, gather yourselves unto us, —our God, will fight for us.
21 Heoi mahia ana e matou te mahi; na ko tetahi tanga ki te pupuri tao, no te haukanga ake ano o te ata a puta noa nga whetu.
So, we, were working at the work, —one half of them, grasping the spears, from the uprisings of the dawn, until the coming out of the stars.
22 I mea ano ahau ki te iwi i taua wa, Kia moe tenei tangata, tenei tangata, me tana pononga ano, ki roto ki Hiruharama, a ka ai ratou hei kaitiaki mo tatou i te po, hei mahi ano i te awatea.
Moreover, at that time, I said to the people, Let, every one with his young man, lodge for the night in the midst of Jerusalem, —so shall they serve us, in the night, as a watch, and, the day, for work.
23 Heoi ko ahau, ko oku teina, ko aku pononga, me nga kaitiaki i whai mai nei i ahau, kihai i whakarerea atu o matou kakahu. Mau tonu te patu a tenei, a tenei, i te haerenga ki te wai.
So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my young men, nor the men of the watch that followed me, none of us, put off our clothes, —every one [went] with his weapon to the water.

< Nehemia 4 >