< Nehemia 12 >

1 Na ko nga tohunga enei, me nga Riwaiti, i haere tahi i a Herupapera tama a Haratiera raua ko Hehua: ara ko Heraia, ko Heremaia, ko Etera,
These also are the Priestes and the Leuites that went vp with Zerubbabel, the sonne of Shealtiel, and Ieshua: to wit, Seraiah, Ieremiah, Ezra,
2 Ko Amaria, ko Maruku, ko Hatuhu,
Amariah, Malluch, Hattush,
3 Ko Hekania, ko Rehumu, ko Meremoto,
Shecaniah, Rehum, Merimoth,
4 Ko Iro, ko Kinetoto, ko Apia,
Iddo, Ginnetho, Abiiah,
5 Ko Miamini, ko Maaria, ko Pirika,
Miamin, Maadiah, Bilgah,
6 Ko hemaia, ko Toiaripi, ko Ieraia,
Shemaiah, and Ioiarib, Iedaiah,
7 Ko Haru, ko Amoko, ko Hirikia, ko Ieraia. Ko nga ariki enei o nga tohunga, o o ratou teina hoki, i nga ra o Hehua.
Sallu, Amok, Hilkiiah, Iedaiah: these were the chiefe of the Priests, and of their brethren in the dayes of Ieshua.
8 Na, ko nga Riwaiti; ko Hehua, ko Pinui, ko Karamiere, ko Herepia, ko Hura, ko Matania, kei a ia nei te tikanga mo te whakawhetai, kei a ia, ratou ko ona teina.
And the Leuites, Ieshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Iudah, Mattaniah were ouer the thankesgiuings, he, and his brethren.
9 Na ko Pakapukia raua ko Uni, o ratou teina, kei to ratou aroaro i nga tiakanga.
And Bakbukiah and Vnni, and their brethren were about them in the watches.
10 Na ka whanau ake ta Hehua; ko Ioiakimi; whanau ake ta Ioiakimi, ko Eriahipi; whanau ake ta Eriahipi, ko Ioiara.
And Ieshua begate Ioiakim: Ioiakim also begate Eliashib, and Eliashib begate Ioiada.
11 Whanau ake ta Ioiara, ko Honatana; whanau ake ta Honatana, ko Tarua;
And Ioiada begate Ionathan, and Ionathan begate Iaddua,
12 Na, i nga ra o Ioiakimi, tera nga tohunga, ko nga ariki o nga whare o nga matua; ta Heraia, ko Meraia; ta Heremaia, ko Hanania;
And in the daies of Ioiakim were these, the chiefe fathers of the Priests: vnder Seraiah was Meraiah, vnder Ieremiah, Hananiah,
13 Ta Etera, ko Mehurama; ta Amaria, ko Iehohanana;
Vnder Ezra, Meshullam, vnder Amariah, Iehohanan,
14 Ta Meriku, ko Honatana; ta Hepania, ko Hohepa;
Vnder Melicu, Ionathan, vnder Shebaniah, Ioseph,
15 Ta Harimi, ko Arana, ta Meraioto, ko Herekai;
Vnder Harim, Adna, vnder Maraioth, Helkai,
16 Ta Iro, ko Hakaraia; ta Kinetono, ko Mehurama;
Vnder Iddo, Zechariah, vnder Ginnithon, Meshullam,
17 Ta Apia, ko Tikiri; ta Miniamini, ta Moaria, ko Piritai;
Vnder Abiiah, Zichri, vnder Miniamin, and vnder Moadiah, Piltai,
18 Ta Pirika, ko Hamua; ta Hemaia, ko Honatana;
Vnder Bilgah, Shammua, vnder Shemaiah, Iehonathan,
19 Ta Toiaripi, ko Matenai; ta Ieraia, ko Uti;
Vnder Ioiarib, Mattenai, vnder Iedaiah, Vzzi,
20 Ta Harai, ko Karai; ta Amoko, ko Epere;
Vnder Sallai, Kallai, vnder Amok, Eber,
21 Ta Hirikia, ko Hahapia; ta Ieraia, ko Netaneere.
Vnder Hilkiah, Hashabiah, vnder Iedaiah, Nethaneel.
22 Ko nga Riwaiti i nga ra i a Eriahipi, i a Ioiara, i a Iohanana, i a Tarua, he mea tuhituhi hei ariki mo nga whare o nga matua: me nga tohunga ano i te wa e kingi ana a Tariuha o Pahia.
In the dayes of Eliashib, Ioiada, and Iohanan and Iaddua were the chiefe fathers of the Leuites written, and the Priests in the reigne of Darius the Persian.
23 Ko nga tama a Riwai, ko nga ariki o nga whare o nga matua, he mea tuhituhi ki te pukapuka o nga ra, a tae noa ki nga ra o Iohanana tama a Eriahipi.
The sonnes of Leui, the chiefe fathers were written in the booke of the Chronicles euen vnto the dayes of Iohanan the sonne of Eliashib.
24 A ko nga ariki o nga Riwaiti; ko Hahapia, ko Herepia, ko Hehua tama a Karamiere, me o ratou teina ano i te ritenga mai o ratou, hei whakamoemiti, hei whakawhetai; ko te mea hoki ia i whakahaua e ta te Atua tangata, e Rawiri, tenei tiakanga i te ritenga mai o tenei tiakanga.
And the chiefe of the Leuites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, and Ieshua the sonne of Kadmiel, and their brethren about them to giue prayse and thankes, according to the ordinance of Dauid the man of God, ward ouer against warde.
25 Ko Matania, ko Pakapukia, ko Oparia, ko Mehurama, ko Taramono, ko Akupu nga kaitiaki kuwaha, hei tiaki i nga whare taonga i nga kuwaha.
Mattaniah and Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon and Akkub were porters keeping the warde at the thresholds of the gates.
26 No nga ra enei i a Ioiakimi tama a Hehua tama a Iohereke, no nga ra ano hoki i a Nehemia kawana, i a Etera tohunga, i te karaipi ra.
These were in the dayes of Ioiakim, the sonne of Ieshua, the sonne of Iozadak, and in the dayes of Nehemiah the captaine, and of Ezra the Priest and scribe.
27 Na, i te tainga o te kawa o te taiepa o Hiruharama, i rapua nga Riwaiti i o ratou wahi katoa, i meatia kia kawea ki Hiruharama, kia taia hoki te kawa i runga i te koa, i te whakawhetai, i te waiata, i te himipora, i te hatere, i te hapa.
And in the dedication of the wall at Ierusalem they sought the Leuites out of all their places to bring them to Ierusalem to keepe the dedication and gladnes, both with thankesgiuings and with songs, cymbales, violes and with harpes.
28 I huihui mai ano nga tama a nga kaiwaiata i te mania i nga taha katoa o Hiruharama, i nga kainga ano hoki o nga Netopati;
Then the singers gathered themselues together both from the plaine countrey about Ierusalem, and from the villages of Netophathi,
29 I Petekirikara ano, i nga mara hoki o Kepa, o Atamawete; i hanga hoki e nga kaiwaiata he kainga mo ratou ki nga taha katoa o Hiruharama.
And from the house of Gilgal, and out of the countreis of Geba, and Azmaueth: for the singers had built them villages round about Ierusalem.
30 Na kei te pure nga tohunga ratou ko nga Riwaiti i a ratou; kei te pure hoki i te iwi, i nga kuwaha, i te taiepa.
And the Priests and Leuites were purified, and clensed the people, and the gates, and the wall.
31 Katahi ka kawea e ahau nga rangatira o Hura ki runga ki te taiepa, a whakaritea ana e ahau kia rua nga ropu nui hei whakawhetai, kotahi hei haere ki matau i runga i te taiepa whaka te keti paranga paru:
And I brought vp the princes of Iudah vpon the wall, and appointed two great companies to giue thankes, and the one went on the right hand of the wall toward the dung gate.
32 A i muri i a ratou ka haere ko Hohaia me tetahi tanga o nga rangatira o Hura,
And after them went Hoshaiah, and halfe of the princes of Iudah,
33 A Ataria, a Etera, a Mehurama,
And Azariah, Ezra and Meshullam,
34 A Hura, a Pineamine, a Hemaia, a Heremaia,
Iudah, Beniamin, and Shemaiah, and Ieremiah,
35 Me etahi o nga tama a nga tohunga e mau tetere ana; me Hakaraia tama a Honatana, tama a Hemaia, tama a Matania, tama a Mikaia, tama a Takuru, tama a Ahapa:
And of the Priests sonnes with trumpets, Zechariah the sonne of Ionathan, the sonne of Shemaiah, the sonne of Mattaniah, the sonne of Michaiah, the sonne of Zaccur, ye sonne of Asaph.
36 Me ona teina, ara a Hemaia, a Atareere, a Mirarai, a Kirarai, a Maai, a Netaneere, a Hura, a Hanani, e mau ana i nga mea whakatangi a ta te Atua tangata, a Rawiri: a ko Etera karaipi kei to ratou aroaro.
And his brethren, Shemaiah, and Azareel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and Iudah, Hanani, with the musicall instruments of Dauid the man of God: and Ezra the scribe went before them.
37 Na i te keti o te puna wai, i te ritenga mai ano o ratou, ka haere atu ratou i nga kaupae o te pa o Rawiri, i te pinakitanga o te taiepa i runga i te whare o Rawiri, tae noa ki te keti wai ki te rawhiti.
And to the gate of the fountaine, euen ouer against them went they vp by the staires of the citie of Dauid, at the going vp of the wall beyond the house of Dauid, euen vnto the water gate Eastward.
38 Na, ko tera atu ropu o nga kaiwhakawhetai i haere ki te whakatutaki i a ratou, me ahau i muri i a ratou, me tetahi tanga o te iwi i runga i te taiepa, i runga o te taumaihi oumu tae noa ki te taiepa whanui:
And the seconde companie of them that gaue thankes, went on the other side, and I after them, and the halfe of the people was vpon the wall, and vpon the towre of the furnaces euen vnto the broad wall.
39 I runga hoki i te keti o Eparaima, i te keti tawhito, i te keti ika, i te taumaihi o Hananeere, i te taumaihi ano o Meaha tae noa ki te keti hipi: a tu tonu ratou ki te keti i te whare herehere.
And vpon the gate of Ephraim, and vpon the olde gate, and vpon the fishgate, and the towre of Hananeel, and the towre of Meah, euen vnto the sheepegate: and they stood in the gate of the warde.
40 Na tu ana nga ropu e rua o nga kaiwhakawhetai ki te whare o te Atua, matou tahi ko tetahi tanga o nga rangatira,
So stood the two companies (of them that gaue thankes) in the house of God, and I and the halfe of the rulers with me.
41 Ko nga tohunga; ko Eriakimi, ko Maaheia, ko Miniamini, ko Mikaia, ko Erioenai, ko Hakaraia, ko Hanania, e mau tetere ana;
The Priests also, Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Michaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, Hananiah, with trumpets,
42 Ko Maaheia, ko Hemaia, ko Ereatara, ko Uti, ko Iehohanana, ko Marakia, ko Erama, ko Etere. Na nui atu te waiata a nga kaiwaiata ratou ko Itirahia, ko te kaitohutohu.
And Maaseiah, and Shemaiah, and Eleazar, and Vzzi, and Iehohanan, and Malchiiah, and Elam, and Ezer: and the singers sang loude, hauing Izrahiah which was the ouerseer.
43 He nui ano nga patunga tapu i patua e ratou i taua rangi, a koa ana ratou: he nui hoki te koa i meinga ai ratou e te Atua kia koa. I koa hoki nga wahine me nga tamariki, no ka rangona mai te koa o Hiruharama i tawhiti.
And the same day they offered great sacrifices and reioyced: for God had giuen them great ioy, so that both the women, and the children were ioyfull: and the ioy of Ierusalem was heard farre off.
44 I whakaritea ano i taua wa etahi kaitirotiro i nga ruma mo nga taonga, mo nga whakahere hapahapai, mo nga hua matamua, mo nga whakatekau; ma ratou e kohikohi ki reira i nga mara o nga pa, nga wahi i whakaritea e te ture ma nga tohunga ratou ko n ga Riwaiti: i koa hoki a Hura ki nga tohunga, ki nga Riwaiti, ki nga mea e minita ana.
Also at the same time were men appointed ouer the chambers of the store for the offerings (for the first fruites, and for the tithes) to gather into them out of the fieldes of the cities, the portions of the Law for the Priests and the Leuites: for Iudah reioyced for the Priests and for the Leuites, that serued.
45 Na kei te tiaki ratou i nga mea o to ratou Atua, kei te tiaki hoki i te purenga, a i pera ano nga kaiwaiata, me nga kaitiaki kuwaha; rite tonu ki te whakahau a Rawiri raua ko tana tama, ko Horomona.
And both the singers and the Leuites kept the ward of their God, and the warde of the purification according to the commandement of Dauid, and Salomon his sonne.
46 No nga ra hoki o Rawiri raua ko Ahapa, nonamata iho, tera ano te rangatira mo nga kaiwaiata, me nga waiata whakamoemiti, me nga whakawhetai ki te Atua.
For in the dayes of Dauid and Asaph, of olde were chiefe singers, and songs of praise and thankesgiuing vnto God.
47 I nga ra hoki i a Herupapera, i nga ra ano i a Nehemia, i homai e Iharaira katoa nga wahi ma nga kaiwaiata, ma nga kaitiaki kuwaha, te wahi mo tenei ra, mo tenei ra: i whakatapua ano e ratou nga mea tapu ma nga Riwaiti; a ko nga Riwaiti hei whak atapu ma nga tama a Arona.
And in the dayes of Zerubbabel, and in the dayes of Nehemiah did al Israel giue portions vnto the singers and porters, euerie day his portion, and they gaue the holy things vnto the Leuites, and the Leuites gaue the holy things vnto the sonnes of Aaron.

< Nehemia 12 >