< Nehemia 11 >

1 Na i noho nga rangatira o te iwi ki Hiruharama: a i maka rota te nuinga atu o te iwi mo te tangata takikotahi i te tekau kia kawea ki Hiruharama, ki te pa tapu, noho ai, a ko te tokoiwa ki era atu pa.
And the rulers of the people dwelt in Jerusalem, —and, the rest of the people, cast lots, to bring in one out of ten to dwell in Jerusalem, the holy city, and nine parts in [other] cities.
2 A he moa manaaki na te iwi nga tangata katoa i hihiko noa ake ki te noho ki Hiruharama.
And the people bestowed a blessing on all the men, who willingly offered themselves to dwell in Jerusalem.
3 Na ko nga ariki enei o te kawanatanga i noho ki Hiruharama: i nga pa ia o Hura i noho ratou i tona wahi, i tona wahi, i o ratou pa, ara a Iharaira, nga tohunga, nga Riwaiti, nga Netinimi, ratou ko nga tama a nga pononga a Horomona.
Now, these, are the chiefs of the province, who dwelt in Jerusalem, but, in the cities of Judah, dwelt every man in his possession throughout their cities, Israel, the priests, and the Levites and the Nethinim, and the Sons of the Servants of Solomon.
4 Na i noho ki Hiruharama etahi o nga tama a Hura, o nga tama ano a Pineamine. No nga tama a Hura; ko Ataia tama a Utia, tama a Hakaraia, tama a Amaria, tama a Hepatia, tama a Maharareere, no nga tamariki a Perete;
And, in Jerusalem, dwelt certain of the sons of Judah and of the sons of Benjamin, —Of the sons of Judah, Athaiah son of Uzziah, son of Zechariah, son of Amariah, son of Shephatiah, son of Mahalalel, of the sons of Perez;
5 Ko Maaheia tama a Paruku, tama a Korohote, tama a Hataia, tama a Araia, tama a Toiaripi, tama a Hakaraia, tama a te Hironi.
and Maaseiah son of Baruch, son of Col-hozeh, son of Hazaiah, son of Adaiah, son of Joiarib, son of Zechariah, son of the Shilonite.
6 Ko nga tama katoa a Perete i noho ki Hiruharama e wha rau e ono tekau ma waru, he hunga maia.
All the sons of Perez who were dwelling in Jerusalem, four hundred and sixty-eight, men of ability.
7 Na ko nga tama enei a Pineamine; ko Haru tama a Mehurama, tama a Toere, tama a Peraia, tama a Koraia, tama a Maaheia, tama a Itiere, tama a Ihaia.
And, these, are the sons of Benjamin, —Sallu son of Meshullam, son of Joed, son of Pedaiah, son of Kolaiah, son of Maaseiah, son of Ithiel, son of Jeshaiah;
8 Na i muri i a ia, ko Kapai, ko Harai, e iwa rau e rua tekau ma waru.
and, after him, Gabbai, Sallai, —nine hundred and twenty-eight.
9 Na ko Hoera tama a Tikiri to ratou kaitirotiro; ko Hura hoki tama a Henua te tuarua o nga rangatira o te pa.
And, Joel son of Zichri, was in charge over them, —and, Judah son of Hassenuah, was over the city, as second.
10 O nga tohunga: ko Ieraia tama a Toiaripi, ko Iakini;
Of the priests, Jedaiah son of Joiarib, Jachin;
11 Ko Heraia tama a Hirikia, tama a Mehurama, tama a Haroko, tama a Mereioto, tama a Ahitupu, te rangatira mo te whare o te Atua,
Seraiah son of Hilkiah, son of Meshullam, son of Zadok, son of Meraioth, son of Ahitub, chief ruler of the house of God;
12 Me o ratou teina i mahi nei i te mahi o te whare, e waru rau e rua tekau ma rua: me Araia ano tama a Ierohama, tama a Peraria, tama a Amati, tama a Hakaraia, tama a Pahuru, tama a Marakia,
and their brethren who were doing the work of the house, eight hundred and twenty-two, —and Adaiah son of Jeroham, son of Pelaliah, son of Amzi, son of Zechariah, son of Pashhur, son of Malchijah;
13 Me ona teina, me nga ariki o nga whare o nga matua; e rua rau e wha tekau ma rua: ko Amahai tama a Atareere, tama a Ahatai, tama a Mehiremoto, tama a Imere,
and his brethren, ancestral chiefs, two hundred and forty-two, —and Amashsai son of Azarel, son of Ahzai, son of Meshillemoth, son of Immer;
14 Me o ratou teina, he marohirohi, he maia, kotahi rau e rua tekau ma waru: a ko to ratou kaitirotiro, ko Tapariere tama a Haketorimi.
and their brethren, strong men of ability, a hundred and twenty-eight, —and, he who was in charge of them, was Zabdiel, son of Haggedolim.
15 O nga Riwaiti ano: ko Hemaia tama a Huhupu, tama a Atarikama, tama a Hahapia, tama a Puni;
And, of the Levites, Shemaiah son of Hasshub, son of Azrikam, son of Hashabiah, son of Bunni;
16 Ko Hapetai, ko Itopara, no nga ariki o nga Riwaiti, nga kaitirotiro o te mahi i waho o te whare o te Atua,
and Shabbethai and Jozabad, over the outside business of the house of God, of the chiefs of the Levites;
17 Ko Matania tama a Mika, tama a Tapari, tama a Ahapa, te tino tangata hei timata i te whakamoemiti i te mea e karakia ana: ko Pakapukia ano hoki ko te tuarua i roto i ona teina; ko Apara tama a Hamua, tama a Karara, tama a Ierutunu.
and Mattaniah son of Mica, son of Zabdi, son of Asaph, leader of the praise who giveth thanks, in prayer, and Bakbukiah the second among his brethren, —and Obadiah son of Shemaiah, son of Galal, son of Jeduthun.
18 Ko nga Riwaiti katoa i te pa tapu, e rua rau e waru tekau ma wha.
All the Levites in the holy city, were two hundred and eighty-four.
19 Ko nga kaitiaki kuwaha hoki, ko Akupu, ko Taramono, me o ratou teina i tiakina ai nga kuwaha, kotahi rau e whitu tekau ma rua.
And, the door-keepers—Akkub, Talmon, and their brethren who were keeping watch in the gates, were a hundred and seventy-two.
20 Na, ko era atu o Iharaira, o nga tohunga, o nga Riwaiti, kei nga pa katoa ratou o Hura, kei tona wahi, kei tona wahi.
But, the residue of Israel, the priests, the Levites, were in all the cities of Judah, every one in his inheritance.
21 I noho ia nga Netinimi ki Opere: ko Tiha hoki raua ko Kihipa nga kaitirotiro o nga Netinimi.
Howbeit, the Nethinim, were dwelling in Ophel, —and, Ziha and Gishpa, were over the Nethinim.
22 Ko te kaitirotiro hoki o nga Riwaiti i Hiruharama, ko Uti tama a Pani, tama a Hahapia, tama a Matania, tama a Mika, o nga tama a Ahapa nga kaiwaiata, mo te mahi i te whare o te Atua.
And, the overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem, was Uzzi son of Bani, son of Hashabiah, son of Mattaniah, son of Mica, —of the sons of Asaph the singers, to take lead in the business of the house of God.
23 Na te kingi hoki te tikanga mo ratou, kia tuturu te wahi ma nga kaiwaiata, he mea tatau a rangi tonu.
For, the commandment of the king, was upon them, —as to a fixed provision for the singers, the need of a day upon its day.
24 Na ko Petahia tama a Mehetapeere, no nga tama a Tera, tama a Hura, i to te kingi taha ia i nga mea katoa a te iwi.
And, Pethahiah son of Meshezabel, of the sons of Zerah, son of Judah, was at the hand of the king, in every matter pertaining to the people.
25 Na, ko nga kainga me o ratou mara, i noho etahi o nga tama a Hura ki Kiriata Arapa, ki ona pa ririki, ki Ripono, ki ona pa ririki, ki Tekapateere, ki ona kainga koraha,
And, as for the villages in their fields, some of the sons of Judah, dwelt in Kiriath-arba, and the hamlets thereof, and in Dibon, and the hamlets thereof, and in Jekabzeel, and the villages thereof;
26 Ki Hehua, ki Morara, ki Peteparete,
and in Jeshua, and in Moladah, and in Beth-pelet;
27 Ki Hatarahuara, ki Peerehepa, ki ona pa ririki,
and in Hazar-shual, and in Beer-sheba, and the hamlets thereof;
28 Ki Tikiraka, ki Mekona, ki ona pa ririki,
and in Ziklag, and in Meconah, and in the hamlets thereof,
29 Ki Enerimono, ki Toraha, ki Iaramuta;
and in En-rimmmon, and in Zorah, and in Jarmuth;
30 Ko Tanoa, ko Aturama me o raua kainga, ko Rakihi, me o reira mara, ko Ateka, me ona pa ririki. Na, ko to ratou nohoanga, kei Peerehepa, a tae noa ki te raorao o Hinomo.
Zanoah, Adullam and their villages, Lachish, and the fields thereof, Azekah, and the hamlets thereof, —so they encamped from Beer-sheba, unto the valley of Hinnom.
31 Ko nga tama hoki a Pineamine, ko era i Kepa, i noho ratou ki Mikimaha, ki Aiia, ki Peteere, ki o ratou pa ririki;
And, the sons of Benjamin, [dwelt] from Geba, to Michmas and Aija, and Bethel, and the hamlets thereof:
32 Ki Anatoto, ki Nopo, ki Anania,
Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah;
33 Ki Hatoro, ki Rama, ki Kitaima,
Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim;
34 Ki Hariri, ki Tepoimi, ki Neparata,
Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat;
35 Ki Roro, ki Ono, ki te raorao o nga tohunga mahi.
Lod and Ono, the valley of craftsmen.
36 Na kei a Hura, kei a Pineamine, etahi tanga o nga Riwaiti.
Howbeit, of the Levites, certain courses of Judah, pertained unto Benjamin.

< Nehemia 11 >