< Nahumu 1 >

1 Ko te poropititanga mo Ninewe, Ko te pukapuka o te kite a Nahumu Erekohi.
The prophecy concerning Nineveh. The book of the prophecy of Nahum, the Elkoshite.
2 He Atua hae a Ihowa, he rapu utu; he rapu utu a Ihowa, a ki tonu i te riri; e rapu utu ana a Ihowa i ona hoariri, a e rongoatia ana e ia he riri mo ona hoariri.
Jehovah is a jealous God, and an avenger; Jehovah is an avenger, and full of wrath! Jehovah taketh vengeance on his adversaries, And keepeth indignation for his enemies!
3 He puhoi a Ihowa ki te riri, he nui tona kaha, e kore rawa e whakaharakoretia e ia te tangata hara. Ko to Ihowa ara kei te tukauati, kei te paroro, ko nga kapua te puehu o ona waewae.
Jehovah is slow to anger, but great in power; He will by no means clear the guilty; Jehovah cometh in the whirlwind and the storm, And the clouds are the dust of his feet.
4 E riria ana e ia te moana, a meinga ana kia maroke, a whakamaroketia ana nga awa katoa: e ngohe ana a Pahana, me Karamere, a kahakore noa iho te puawai o Repanona.
He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, And drieth up all the rivers. Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, And the flower of Lebanon languisheth.
5 Wiri ana nga maunga i a ia, rewa ana nga pukepuke; huamo ake ana te whenua i tona aroaro, ae ra, te ao, me nga tangata katoa e noho ana i reira.
The mountains tremble before him, And the hills melt; The earth is moved at his presence, Yea, the world and all that dwell therein.
6 Ko wai e kaha ki te tu i mua i tona aritarita? ko wai e kaha ki te whakatika, ina mura tona riri; ko te ringihanga mai o tona weriweri, ano he ahi; ko nga kamaka wahia iho e ia.
Who can stand before his indignation, And who can abide before the fierceness of his anger? His fury is poured out like fire, And the rocks are cast down by him!
7 He pai a Ihowa, he pa kaha i te ra o te raru; e mohio ana hoki ia ki te hunga e whakawhirinaki ana ki a ia.
Jehovah is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; He careth for them that trust in him;
8 Otiia ka moti to reira wahi i tana waipuke e ngawha ana; ka whaia ano e ia ona hoariri ki roto ki te pouri.
But with an overwhelming flood will he make a full end of her place, And darkness shall pursue his enemies.
9 Ko te aha ta koutou e whakaaro na ki a Ihowa? ka moti rawa i a ia: e kore e tuaruatia te putanga ake o te aitua.
What do ye meditate against Jehovah? He will make a full end; Not the second time shall the calamity come.
10 No te mea, ahakoa rite ratou ki te tataramoa e whiwhi ana, ahakoa ki nga kopu ano na ta ratou waina, ka tino pau ratou, ano he kakau witi kua maroke.
For while they are entangled like thorns, And like those that are drunk with wine, They shall be devoured as stubble fully dry.
11 Kua puta mai i roto i a koe tetahi e whakaaro ana i te he mo Ihowa, he kaiwhakatakoto i te whakaaro kino.
From thee hath gone forth one that devised evil against Jehovah; That meditated destruction.
12 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Ahakoa tino kaha ratou, ahakoa tini, heoi ka tapahia ratou, ka pahemo ia. Ahakoa i whiua koe e ahau, e kore koe e whiua e ahau a muri ake nei.
Thus saith Jehovah: Though they be flourishing, and likewise many, Yet shall they be cut down, and pass away; I have afflicted thee, but I will afflict thee no more.
13 Na akuanei ahau wahi ai i tana ioka i runga i a koe, momotu ai i ou here.
For now will I break his yoke from off thee, And will burst thy bonds in sunder.
14 He whakahau hoki ta Ihowa mou, ara kia kaua e whakatokia tetahi o tou ingoa a muri ake nei: ka hatepea atu e ahau te whakapakoko tarai me te whakapakoko whakarewa i roto i te whare o ou atua: ka hanga e ahau he urupa mou; no te mea he kino koe.
And concerning thee hath Jehovah given command, That thy name shall no more be sown. From the house of thy god I will cut off the graven image and the molten image; I will make thy grave; for thou hast become vile!
15 Nana, kei runga i nga maunga nga waewae o te kaikawe mai i te korero pai, o te kaikauwhau i te rongo mau. Mahia au hakari, e Hura, whakamana au kupu taurangi; no te mea heoi ano haeretanga atu o te tangata kino na waenga i a koe; kua hatepea raw atia atu ia.
Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, That publisheth peace! Keep, O Judah, thy feasts, perform thy vows! For no more shall the destroyer pass through thee; He is utterly consumed.

< Nahumu 1 >