< Maraki 1 >

1 Ko te poropititanga, he kupu na Ihowa ki a Iharaira, he mea na Maraki.
A prophecy: This message came from the Lord concerning Israel through Malachi.
2 I aroha ahau ki a koutou, e ai ta Ihowa, heoi e mea na koutou, He aroha aha tou ki a matou? He teka ianei he tuakana a Ehau no Hakopa? e ai ta Ihowa; heoi i aroha ahau ki a Hakopa,
I have loved you, says the Lord. But you ask, “How have you loved us?” Wasn't Esau Joseph's brother? the Lord responds. But I loved Joseph
3 Engari i kino ahau ki a Ehau, a i meinga e ahau ona maunga hei ururua, a hoatu ana tona kainga tupu ki nga kirehe mohoao o te koraha.
and despised Esau. I have made Esau's mountain homeland into a wasteland, and turned his inheritance into a desert for jackals.
4 Ko Eroma ia e ki ana, Kua pehia tatou ki raro, otiia ka hoki tatou, ka hanga i nga tuhea; ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, Ma ratou e hanga, a maku e wahi; a ka huaina aua wahi, Ko te rohe kino, Ko te iwi i riri ai a Ihowa a ake ake.
The people of Edom may be saying: “We have been beaten down, but we will rebuild the ruins.” But this is what the Lord Almighty says, They may try and build, but I will tear down. They will be called a land of wickedness, and the people those who make the Lord angry forever.
5 E kite ano o koutou kanohi, a ka mea koutou, Kia whakanuia a Ihowa i tua i te rohe o Iharaira.
You will see this destruction with your own eyes, and you will say, “The Lord is great, even beyond the borders of Israel.”
6 E whakahonoretia ana te papa e te tama, tona ariki e te pononga: ki te mea he matua ahau, kei hea toku honore? ki te mea he ariki ahau, kei hea te wehi ki ahau? e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano ki a koutou, e nga tohunga e whakahawea na ki toku ingoa, e mea na koutou, He whakahawea aha ta matou ki tou ingoa?
A son honors his father, and a servant respects his master. So if I am your father, where is my honor? If I am your master, where is my respect? says the Lord Almighty to you priests who show contempt for me. But you ask, “How have we shown contempt for you?”
7 He taro poke ta koutou e tapae na i runga i taku aata, a e mea na koutou, I whakapokea koe e matou ki te aha? Ki ta koutou e ki na, Ko te tepu a Ihowa, he hanga mo te whakahawea.
By making defiled offerings on my altar. Then you ask, “How have we defiled you?” By saying the Lord's table doesn't deserve respect.
8 Ki te tapaea hoki e koutou te matapo hei patunga tapu, ehara i te mea kino! ki te tapaea ano e koutou te mea totitoti, te mea mate, ehara i te kino! tena koa, hoatu aianei ki tou kawana; e pai ranei ia ki a koe? e manako ranei ia ki tou tinana? e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano.
When you offer a blind animal as a sacrifice, isn't that wrong? Or when you offer an animal that is crippled or sick, isn't that wrong? Would you give such gifts to your governor? Would he be pleased with you? Would he be kind and show favor to you? asks the Lord Almighty.
9 Na, tena ra, inoi ki te Atua kia atawhai ki a tatou: na ta koutou mahi tenei: e manako ranei ia ki tetahi o koutou? e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano.
So why don't you try being kind to God, begging him to be merciful to you? But when you bring such offerings, why should he show favor to you? asks the Lord Almighty.
10 Aue, me kore noa ake tetahi o koutou hei tutaki i nga tatau, kei whakau kau koutou i te ahi ki runga ki taku aata! Kahore oku ngakau ki a koutou, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano, e kore ano ahau e manako ki te whakahere a to koutou ringa.
I really wish one of you would shut the Temple doors to stop you lighting pointless fires on my altar! I am not pleased with you, says the Lord Almighty, and I will not accept offerings from you.
11 Ka nui nei hoki toku ingoa i roto i nga tauiwi, i te whitinga o te ra a tae noa ki tona torengitanga; a ka tukua he whakakakara ki toku ingoa i nga wahi katoa, me te whakahere pokekore; ka nui hoki toku ingoa i roto i nga tauiwi, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano.
I am honored by nations from the farthest east to the distant west; everywhere people make offerings to me of incense and pure sacrifices. I am honored among the nations, says the Lord Almighty.
12 Ko koutou ia kei te whakapoke i taua ingoa, i a koutou e ki na, Ko te tepu a Ihowa he poke; ko ona hua, ko tana kai, he hanga mo te whakahawea.
But you dishonor me when you say the Lord's table doesn't deserve respect, and that its food can be treated with contempt.
13 E mea ana ano koutou, Nana, te whakahoha! whakatupererutia iho e koutou, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano; a maua mai ana e koutou te mea i haea, te mea totitoti, te mea mate; na kei te mau mai i te whakahere; e manakohia ranei tenei mea a to koutou rin ga? e ai ta Ihowa.
You say, “All this is too much trouble!” and you sniff scornfully at it, says the Lord Almighty. But when you bring animals that are stolen or crippled or sick and offer them as sacrifices, should I accept what you're giving? asks the Lord.
14 He kanga ia mo te tangata tinihanga, he toa nei tana i roto i tana kahui, na ka puaki tana ki taurangi, a patua ana e ia te mea he ma te Ariki; he kingi nui hoki ahau, e ai ta Ihowa o nga mano, he hanga whakawehi ano toku ingoa i roto i nga taui wi.
Cursed are those who cheat by vowing to bring a ram as a sacrifice and then offers an imperfect animal to the Lord. For I am a great King, says the Lord Almighty, and I am respected among the nations!

< Maraki 1 >