< Ruka 23 >
1 Katahi ka whakatika to ratou huihui katoa, a arahina ana ia ki a Pirato.
And having risen, the whole multitude of them led Him to Pilate,
2 Na ka anga ratou ka whakapa he ki a ia, ka mea, Kua mau i a matou tenei tangata e kukume ke ana i te iwi, e mea ana kia kaua e hoatu te takoha ki a Hiha, e ki ana he kingi ia, ko te Karaiti.
and began to accuse Him, saying, “We found this One perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying Himself to be Christ, a king.”
3 Na ka ui a Pirato ki a ia, ka mea, Ko koe ranei te kingi o nga Hurai? Ka whakahoki ia ki a ia, ka mea, Kua korerotia mai na e koe.
And Pilate questioned Him, saying, “You are the King of the Jews?” And He answering him, said, “You say [it].”
4 Na ko te meatanga a Pirato ki nga tohunga nui, ki nga mano, kahore tetahi he o tenei tangata i mau i ahau.
And Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitude, “I find no fault in this Man”;
5 A nui atu ta ratou tohe, ka mea, E whakatutehu ana ia i te iwi, e whakaako ana puta noa i Huria, timata mai i Kariri a tae noa mai ki konei.
and they were the more urgent, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching throughout the whole of Judea—having begun from Galilee—to this place.”
6 I te rongonga ia o Pirato ki Kariri, ka ui, No Kariri ranei tenei tangata?
And Pilate having heard of Galilee, questioned if the Man is a Galilean,
7 A, i tona mohiotanga no te rangatiratanga ia o Herora, ka tonoa ia ki a Herora, i Hiruharama hoki ia i aua ra.
and having known that He is from the jurisdiction of Herod, he sent Him back to Herod, he also being in Jerusalem in those days.
8 Na, i te kitenga o Herora i a Ihu, nui rawa tona hari; kua roa ia e hiahia ana kia kite i a ia, he maha hoki nga mea i rangona e ia mona; na ka tumanako ia kia kite i tetahi merekara e meinga ana e ia.
And Herod rejoiced exceedingly having seen Jesus, for he was wishing to see Him for a long [time], because of hearing many things about Him, and he was hoping to see some sign done by Him,
9 Na he maha nga kupu i ui ai ia ki a ia; heoi kahore kau he kupu i whakahokia e ia.
and was questioning Him in many words, and He answered him nothing.
10 Na tu ana nga tohunga nui me nga karaipi, kaha rawa hoki ta ratou whakapa he ki a ia.
And the chief priests and the scribes stood vehemently accusing Him,
11 Na ka whakakorekore a Herora ratou ko ana hoia ki a ia, ka taunu, a ka oti ia te whakakakahu ki te kahu whakapaipai, ka whakahokia atu ki a Pirato.
and Herod with his soldiers having set Him at nothing, and having mocked, having cast radiant apparel around Him, sent Him back to Pilate,
12 I taua rangi ano ka houhia te rongo a Pirato raua ko Herora: i mua hoki e mauahara ana ki a raua.
and both Pilate and Herod became friends with one another on that day, for they were previously at enmity between themselves.
13 Na ka karangatia e Pirato nga tohunga nui, nga rangatira, me te iwi ano,
And Pilate having called together the chief priests, and the rulers, and the people,
14 Ka mea ia ki a ratou, kua kawea mai nei e koutou tenei tangata ki ahau, me te ki ano kei te kukume ke ia i te iwi: a ka oti nei ia te uiui e ahau i to koutou aroaro, na, kihai i mau i ahau tetahi he o tenei tangata i roto i nga mea i whakapangia nei e koutou ki a ia.
said to them, “You brought this Man to me as perverting the people, and behold, I having examined [Him] before you, found no fault in this Man in those things you bring forward against Him;
15 A kihai ano hoki a Herora: nana ia i whakahoki mai ki a tatou, na, kahore ana mahi e tika ai kia mate ia.
no, neither Herod, for he sent Him back to us, and behold, nothing worthy of death is having been done by Him;
16 Na, me whiu ia e ahau, ka tuku atu ai.
having corrected, therefore, I will release Him,”
17 Kua takoto hoki te tikanga kia tukua atu tetahi ki a ratou i te hakari.
[[for it was necessary for him to release to them one at every celebration, ]]
18 Na ka panui ratou ki te karanga, ka mea, Whakamatea tenei, ko Parapa te tuku mai ki a matou:
and they cried out—the whole multitude—saying, “Away with this One, and release Barabbas to us,”
19 Ko tenei hoki i maka ki te whare herehere mo te nananga i nana ai ia i roto i te pa, mo te patu tangata.
who had been cast into prison, because of a certain sedition made in the city, and murder.
20 Na ka mea atu ano a Pirato, he mea hoki nana kia tukua a Ihu;
Pilate again then—wishing to release Jesus—called to them,
21 Heoi hamama ana ratou, mea ana, Ripekatia ia, ripekatia.
but they were calling out, saying, “Crucify! Crucify Him!”
22 Ka mea ano ia ki a ratou, ko te toru o nga meatanga, he aha ra te kino i meinga e tenei tangata? Kahore ano i mau i ahau tetahi he ona e mate ai: maku ia e whiu, ka tuku atu ai.
And he said to them a third time, “Why, what evil did He do? I found no cause of death in Him; having corrected Him, then, I will release [Him].”
23 Otira nui atu o ratou reo ki te tohe, e tono ana kia ripekatia ia. A riro rawa i ta o ratou reo.
And they were pressing with loud voices asking Him to be crucified, and their voices, and those of the chief priests, were prevailing,
24 Na ka whakaotia e Pirato kia waiho i ta ratou i tono ai.
and Pilate gave judgment for their request being done,
25 Na ka tukua ano ki a ratou te tangata i maka ki te whare herehere mo te nananga, mo te patu tangata, ta ratou hoki i tono ai; ko Ihu ia i tukua ki ta ratou i pai ai.
and he released him who because of sedition and murder has been cast into the prison, whom they were asking for, and he gave up Jesus to their will.
26 A i a ratou e arahi ana i a ia, ka mau ratou ki tetahi tangata o Hairini, ki a Haimona, e haere mai ana i nga whenua, a utaina ana ki a ia te ripeka, kia amohia i muri i a Ihu.
And as they led Him away, having taken hold on Simon, a certain Cyrenian, coming from the field, they put the cross on him to carry [it] behind Jesus.
27 Na he nui te huihuinga o te iwi i aru i a ia, me nga wahine hoki e tangi ana, e aue ana ki a ia.
And a great multitude of the people were following Him, and of women, who also were beating themselves and lamenting Him,
28 Na ka tahuri a Ihu ki a ratou, ka mea, E nga tamahine o Hiruharama, kaua e tangi ki ahau, engari me tangi ki a koutou ano, ki a koutou tamariki.
and Jesus having turned to them, said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children;
29 Tera hoki e puta nga ra e mea ai ratou, Koa tonu nga pakoko, me nga kopu kahore i whanau, me nga u kahore i ngotea.
for behold, days come in which they will say, Blessed the barren, and wombs that did not bear, and breasts that did not give suck;
30 Ko reira timata ai ratou te mea ki nga maunga, Horo iho ki runga ki a matou: ki nga pukepuke hoki, Hipokina matou.
then they will begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, Cover us;
31 Ki te meinga hoki enei mea e ratou i te rakau e kaimata ana, ko te aha e meatia i te rakau ka maroke?
for if they do these things in the green tree, what may happen in the dry?”
32 Na tera atu etahi tokorua, he hunga mahi kino, e arahina ngatahitia ana me ia kia whakamatea.
And there were also others—two evildoers—with Him, to be put to death;
33 A ka tae ratou ki te wahi e kiia nei ko te Angaanga, ka ripekatia ia ki reira, me aua kaimahi kino, kotahi ki matau, kotahi ki maui.
and when they came to the place that is called “[Place] of [the] Skull,” there they crucified Him and the evildoers, one on the right hand and one on the left.
34 Na ka mea a Ihu, E Pa, houhia te rongo ki a ratou: kahore hoki ratou e mohio ki ta ratou e mea nei. A wehewehea ana ona kakahu e ratou he mea maka ki te rota.
And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do”; and parting His garments they cast a lot.
35 Me te tu ano te iwi matakitaki ai. Ko nga rangatira hoki ka tawai ki a ia, ka mea, Ko era atu i whakaorangia e ia; mana ano ia e whakaora, ki te mea ia ko te Karaiti a te Atua, ko tana i whiriwhiri ai.
And the people were standing, looking on, and the rulers were also sneering with them, saying, “He saved others, let Him save Himself, if this be the Christ, the Chosen One of God.”
36 Ko nga hoia etahi i taunu ki a ia, ka haere mai me te kawe mai he winika ki a ia,
And the soldiers were also mocking Him, coming near and offering vinegar to Him,
37 Ka mea, Ki te mea ko koe te Kingi o nga Hurai, whakaora i a koe.
and saying, “If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself.”
38 A tera te mea i tuhituhia ki runga ake i a ia, KO TE KINGI TENEI O NGA HURAI.
And there was also an inscription written over Him [[in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew]]: “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”
39 Na ko tetahi o nga kaimahi kino i whakairia ra i kohukohu ki a ia, i mea, Ki te mea ko te Karaiti koe, whakaorangia koe, maua hoki.
And one of the evildoers who were hanged was slandering Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.”
40 Na ka whakahoki tetahi, ka riri ki a ia, ka mea, E kore ranei koe e wehi ki te Atua, kei tenei mate tahi nei hoki koe?
And the other answering, was rebuking him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, that you are in the same judgment?
41 Ka tika raia to taua; ka whiwhi hoki taua ki nga mea e tika ana mo a taua hanga: ko tenei ia kahore ana mahi he.
And we indeed justly, for we are receiving back [things] worthy of what we did, but this One did nothing out of place”;
42 Na ko tana meatanga ki a Ihu, E te Ariki, kia mahara koe ki ahau ina haere mai koe i runga i tou rangatiratanga.
and he said to Jesus, “Remember me, Lord, when You may come in Your kingdom”;
43 Ano ra ko Ihu ki a ia, he pono taku e mea nei ki a koe, Ko aianei koe noho ai ki ahau ki Pararaiha.
and Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
44 Na kua tata ki te ono o nga haora, a ka pouri a runga o te whenua katoa, tae noa ki te iwa o nga haora.
And it was, as it were, the sixth hour, and darkness came over all the land until the ninth hour,
45 I pouri hoki te ra, a i wahia te arai o te whare tapu i waenganui pu.
and the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in the middle,
46 A nui atu te reo o Ihu ki te karanga; i mea ia, E Pa, tenei toku wairua ka tukua atu nei ki ou ringa: ka mutu enei kupu, ka hemo ia.
and having cried with a loud voice, Jesus said, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit”; now having said this, He breathed His last.
47 A, i te kitenga o te keneturio i taua mea, ka whakakororia ia i te Atua, ka mea, he pono he tangata tika tenei.
And the centurion having seen what was done, glorified God, saying, “Truly this Man was righteous”;
48 Me te hunga katoa hoki i huihui mai ki te matakitaki, i to ratou kitenga i aua mea i meatia ra, ka patuki i o ratou uma, a hoki ana.
and all the multitudes having come together to this sight, beholding the things that came to pass, turned back striking their breasts;
49 A ko te hunga katoa i mohio ki a ia, ratou ko nga wahine i aru mai i a ia i Kariri, i tu mai i tawhiti, matakitaki ai ki enei mea.
and all His acquaintances stood far off, and women who followed Him from Galilee, beholding these things.
50 Na tera tetahi tangata, ko Hohepa te ingoa, he tangata noho runanga; he tangata pai, he tangata tika:
And behold, a man, by name Joseph, being a counselor, a man good and righteous,
51 Kihai ia i whakaae ki to ratou whakaaro, ki ta ratou mahi; no Arimatia ia, no tetahi pa o nga Hurai: a he tangata ia e tatari ana ki te rangatiratanga o te Atua.
from Arimathea, a city of the Jews, who also himself was expecting the Kingdom of God, he was not consenting to their counsel and deed,
52 I haere ia ki a Pirato, a tonoa ana e ia te tinana o Ihu.
he having gone near to Pilate, asked for the body of Jesus,
53 Na, ka tangohia iho e ia taua tinana, a takaia ana ki te rinena, ka waiho ki te rua i haua ki roto ki te kohatu, kahore hoki i takoto noa tetahi tangata ki reira.
and having taken it down, he wrapped it in fine linen, and placed it in a hewn out tomb, where no one was yet laid.
54 Na ko te ra takanga hakari ia, a meake puao te hapati.
And it was [the] Day of Preparation, and Sabbath was approaching,
55 I aru ano nga wahine i haere tahi mai nei me ia i Kariri, a kite ana i te urupa, i te whakatakotoranga ano o tona tinana.
and the women who also have come with Him out of Galilee having followed after, beheld the tomb, and how His body was placed,
56 Na ka hoki ratou, ka mahi i nga mea kakara, i nga hinu. A noho ana i te hapati, he whakaaro hoki ki te ture.
and having turned back, they made ready spices and ointments, and on the Sabbath, indeed, they rested, according to the command.