< Rewitikuha 21 >

1 Mea ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Korero ki nga tohunga, ki nga tama a Arona, mea atu ki a ratou, Kaua tetahi e whakapoke i a ia mo te tupapaku o tona iwi:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me, “Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them,
2 Engari mo tona whanaunga, mo te mea e tata ana ki a ia, mo tona whaea, mo tona papa, mo tana tama, mo tana tamahine, mo tona tuakana, teina ranei,
‘You priests must not cause yourselves to become unfit to do my work by [touching] corpses. Priests are permitted to touch only the corpses of close relatives, such as the priest’s mother or father or his son or daughter or his brother.
3 Mo tona tuahine hoki, ki te mea he wahine, he mea e tata ana ki a ia, a kahore ana tane: e ahei ana kia poke ia mona.
Priests are also permitted to touch the corpse of a sister if she is not married, because she has no husband [to bury her body].
4 Kaua ia, he ariki nei no tona iwi, e whakapoke i a ia kia noa.
Priests must not cause themselves to become unfit to do my work [DOU] by [touching corpses of] people who were married to one of their close relatives.
5 Kaua e whakatiwhaia o ratou matenga, kaua hoki e heua nga taha o o ratou pahau, kaua ano hoki e haea to ratou kikokiko.
You priests must not shave your heads or shave the edges of your beards or cut your bodies [to show that you are mourning for someone who has died].
6 Kia tapu ratou ki to ratou Atua, kaua hoki e whakanoatia te ingoa o to ratou Atua: no te mea ko ratou hei whakahere i nga whakahere ahi a Ihowa, i te kai a to ratou Atua: mo reira kia tapu ratou.
You must act in ways that I, your God, consider to be holy, and not disgrace my name/reputation. You are the ones who present to me the offerings that are burned. [It is as though] those offerings are food for me, your God; so you must act in ways that are holy.
7 Kaua ratou e tango i te wahine kairau, i te mea noa ranei, hei wahine; kaua ano hoki ratou e tango i te wahine i whakarerea e tana tane: he tangata tapu hoki ia na tona Atua.
You priests must not marry women who have been prostitutes or who have been divorced from their husbands, because you priests are (set apart for me/holy).
8 Mo reira me whakatapu ia e koe, mana hoki e whakahere te kai a tou Atua: kia tapu ia ki a koe: he tapu hoki ahau, a Ihowa, tou kaiwhakatapu.
You must consider that you are holy, because you offer food to me, your God. Consider yourselves to be holy because I, Yahweh, [the one who caused you to be priests and] the one who enables you to be holy, am holy.
9 Me te tamahine hoki a tetahi tohunga, ki te whakanoa ia i a ia, ki te kairau, kua whakanoatia e ia tona papa: me tahu ki te ahi.
If a priest’s daughter disgraces herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; and she must be killed by being burned in a fire.
10 Me te tino tohunga hoki i roto i ona teina, te tangata i ringihia nei tona matenga ki te hinu whakawahi, a i whakatohungatia hei kakahu i nga kakahu, kaua e tukua e ia ona makawe kia mahora noa, kaua ano hoki e haea ona kakahu;
The Supreme Priest is the one among his relatives who has been [appointed for that work] by having his head anointed with olive oil. He is also the one who has been appointed to wear the special garments that priests wear. He must not allow the hair on his [head] to remain uncombed, and he must not tear his clothes [when he is mourning for someone].
11 Kaua hoki ia e haere atu ki tetahi tupapaku mate, kaua ano hoki ia e whakapoke i a ia mo tona papa, mo tona whaea ranei;
He must not enter some place where there is a corpse. He must not do that and cause himself to become unfit for his work, even if it is his father or his mother who has died.
12 Kaua hoki ia e haere ki waho o te wahi tapu, kei noa i a ia te wahi tapu o tona Atua; kei runga hoki i a ia te karauna o te hinu whakawahi o tona Atua: ko Ihowa ahau.
He must not leave the Sacred Tent [to join those who are mourning], because he would cause himself to become unfit for his work and would also defile/desecrate the Sacred Tent. He must not leave the Sacred Tent [at that time], because by being anointed with olive oil he has been (appointed/set apart) to serve his God [in the Sacred Tent]. I, Yahweh, [am the one who am commanding this].
13 Me tango ano hoki e ia he wahine i tona wahinetanga.
Women whom you priests marry must be virgins.
14 He pouaru, he wahine ranei i whakarerea, he wahine noa ranei, he wahine kairau ranei, kaua enei e tangohia e ia: engari me tango e ia he wahine i roto i tona iwi ake hei wahine.
You priests must not marry widows or prostitutes or divorced women, because if you did that, [if you later have] sons, they would not be acceptable to be priests among your people. You must marry only virgins from among your own people. I am Yahweh, who sets priests apart to be holy.’”
15 Kaua hoki e whakanoatia e ia ona uri roto i tona iwi: ko Ihowa hoki ahau te whakatapu nei i a ia.
16 I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
17 Korero ki a Arona, mea atu, Ki te mea he koha to tetahi o ou uri i o ratou whakatupuranga, kaua ia e whakatata mai ki te whakahere i te kai a tona Atua.
“Say this to Aaron: 'For all future time, none of your descendants who has any defects [on his body] will be allowed to come near [the altar] to offer [sacrifices to me which will be like] [MET] my food:
18 Kaua hoki e whakatata mai tetahi tangata he koha tona: te matapo, te kopa, te tangata he ihu parehe tona, i hira ake ranei tetahi wahi ona,
No one who is blind or lame or deformed, or whose [face is] disfigured,
19 Te tangata ranei i whati te waewae, i whati ranei te ringa,
no man with a crippled foot or a crippled hand,
20 Te tuara piko ranei, te mea i puwhenua te tupu, ki te papahewa ranei tona kanohi, ki te mea ranei he papaka, he hakihaki ranei tona, ki te mea ranei kua komurumurua ona mea;
no man who is a hunchback or a dwarf, no man whose eyes are defective, no man who has a skin disease [DOU] or whose testicles have been damaged is allowed to brings sacrifices.
21 Kaua tetahi o nga uri o te tohunga, o Arona, ki te mea he koha tona, e whakatata mai ki te whakahere i nga whakahere ahi a Ihowa: he koha tona, kaua ia e whakatata ki te whakahere i te kai a tona Atua.
No descendant of Aaron, the [first Supreme] Priest, who has any defect is allowed to come to the altar to offer to me, his God, sacrifices that will be burned.
22 Me kai e ia te kai a tona Atua, te mea tapu rawa, me te mea tapu.
Priests who have defects are permitted to eat the various kinds of holy food offered to me.
23 Otiia kaua ia e haere ki te arai, e whakatata ranei ki te aata; he koha hoki tona; kei noa i a ia oku wahi tapu: ko Ihowa hoki ahau te whakatapu nei i a ratou.
But because of their defects, they must not go near the curtain [in the Sacred Tent] or near the altar, because if they did that, they would desecrate my Sacred Tent. I am Yahweh, the one who sets those places apart as being holy.'”
24 Ko nga korero enei a Mohi ki a Arona ratou ko ana tama, ki nga tama katoa ano hoki a Iharaira.
So Moses/I told this to Aaron and to his sons and to all the Israeli people.

< Rewitikuha 21 >