< Rewitikuha 20 >

1 Korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, i mea,
The Lord told Moses,
2 Me korero ano koe ki nga tama a Iharaira, Ahakoa no nga tama a Iharaira, no te manene ranei e noho ana i a Iharaira, te tangata i hoatu e ia tona uri ki a Moreke, ina, me whakamate ia: me aki e nga tangata whenua ki te kohatu.
“Tell the Israelites: these regulations are for both Israelites and foreigners living among them. Anyone who sacrifices their children to Molech must be executed. The community must stone them to death.
3 Ka u atu ano hoki toku mata ki taua tangata, a ka hatepea atu e ahau i roto i tona iwi; mona i hoatu i tona uri ki a Moreke, whakapoke ai i toku wahi tapu, whakanoa ai hoki i toku ingoa tapu.
I will disown them and expel them from their people, because by sacrificing their children to Molech they have polluted my sanctuary and disgraced my reputation.
4 A ki te huna e nga tangata whenua o ratou kanohi, kei kite i taua tangata, ina hoatu e ia tona uri ki a Moreke, a e kore e whakamate i a ia;
If the community decides to look the other way and not execute those who sacrifice their children to Molech, then I will take action against them myself.
5 Ko reira u atu ai toku mata ki taua tangata, ki ona whanaunga hoki, a ka hatepea atu e ahau i roto i to ratou iwi, a ia, me nga tangata katoa e whai ana i a ia, puremu atu ai, puremu ai ki a Moreke.
I will disown them and their family, and expel them from their people—and not just them, but everyone who follows them in spiritually prostituting themselves with Molech.
6 Ki te tahuri ano tetahi wairua ki nga waka atua, ki nga mata maori, whai atu ai, puremu atu ai ki a ratou, ka u atu ano toku mata ki taua wairua, a ka hatepea atu i roto i tona iwi.
I will also disown and expel from their people anyone who goes to mediums or spiritists and in this way commits spiritual prostitution with them.
7 Engari whakatapua koutou, kia tapu ano hoki: ko Ihowa hoki ahau, ko to koutou Atua.
So dedicate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God.
8 A kia mau ki aku tikanga, me mahi ano hoki: ko Ihowa ahau e whakatapu nei i a koutou.
Keep my rules and put them into practice. I am the Lord who makes you holy.
9 Ki te kanga hoki e tetahi tona papa, tona whaea ranei, me whakamate rawa: kua kanga e ia a tona papa, whaea ranei; ko runga ano i a ia ona toto.
Anyone who curses their father or mother must be executed. They have cursed their father or mother; they bear the responsibility for their punishment.
10 A ki te puremu tetahi ki te wahine a te tangata, me whakamate rawa te kaipuremu ki te wahine a tona hoa, te kaipuremu raua ko te wahine i puremutia.
Any man who commits adultery with someone else's wife must be executed, as well as the woman.
11 Me te tangata hoki i takoto ki te wahine a tona papa, kua hurahia e ia tona papa kia takoto tahanga: me whakamate raua tokorua; ko runga i a raua o raua toto.
A man who has sex with his father's wife has brought shame on his father. Both the man and the woman must be executed. Both must surely be put to death; they bear the responsibility for their punishment.
12 Ki te takoto hoki te tangata ki tana hunaonga wahine, me whakamate rawa raua tokorua: he mahi anuanu ta raua; ko runga i a raua o raua toto.
A man who has sex with his daughter-in-law must be executed, as well as the woman. They have done something perverse; they bear the responsibility for their punishment.
13 Ki te takoto hoki he tangata ki a raua whakatane ki te pera me te takoto ki te wahine, he mahi whakarihariha ta raua, me whakamate rawa raua; ko runga i a raua o raua toto.
Men who have sex with other men as with a woman have done something disgusting. They must be executed; they bear the responsibility for their punishment.
14 Ki te tango hoki te tangata i te wahine raua ko tona whaea, he mea kino tena: me taha ratou ki te ahi, te tane me nga wahine: kei whai kino koutou i roto i a koutou.
A man who marries both a woman and her mother has acted perversely. They must all be burned to death so that there will be no such wickedness among you.
15 Ki te takoto hoki te tangata ki te kararehe, me whakamate rawa ia: me whakamate ano hoki te kararehe.
A man who has sex with an animal must be executed, and the animal must be killed too.
16 Ki te whakatata hoki te wahine ki tetahi kararehe, a ka takoto ki a ia, me whakamate e koe te wahine raua ko te kararehe: me whakamate rawa raua; ko runga i a raua o raua toto.
A woman who gives herself to an animal to have sex with it must be executed, along with the animal. They must both be killed; they bear the responsibility for their punishment.
17 Ki te tango hoki te tangata i tona tuahine i te tamahine a tona papa, i te tamahine ranei a tona whaea, a ka kite i a ia e takoto tahanga ana, a ka kite ano te wahine i a ia e takoto tahanga ana: he mea kino tena; a ka hatepea atu raua i te tiro hanga a nga tamariki o to raua iwi: nana hoki i hura tona tuahine kia takoto tahanga; ka waha e ia tona kino.
A man who marries his sister, whether she's his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, and they have sex, has done something shameful. They must be expelled from their people in front of everybody. He has brought shame on his sister; he bears the responsibility for his punishment.
18 Ki te takoto hoki te tangata ki te wahine i a ia e paheke ana, a ka hura i a ia kia takoto tahanga; kua takoto kau i a ia tona puna, kua whakaaturia ano e te wahine te puna o ona toto: a ka hatepea atu raua i roto i to raua iwi.
A man who has sex with a woman having her period he has exposed where her blood flow comes from, and she has too. They must both be expelled from their people.
19 Kaua ano e hurahia kia takoto tahanga te teina, tuakana ranei, o tou whaea, te tuahine ranei o tou papa: e hurahia ana hoki e ia tona whanaunga tupu: ka waha e raua to raua kino.
Don't have sex with your aunt, whether on your father or your mother's side, because it brings shame on your own family. Both will bear responsibility for their sin.
20 Ki te takoto hoki he tangata ki te wahine a tona matua keke, kua hurahia e ia kia takoto tahanga tona matua keke: ka waha e raua to raua hara: ka mate urikore raua.
A man who has sex with his uncle's wife brings shame on his uncle. They will bear responsibility for their sin; they shall die without having children.
21 Ki te tango hoki te tangata i te wahine a tona tuakana, teina ranei, he mea poke tena: kua hurahia e ia tona tuakana, teina ranei, kia takoto tahanga; e kore raua e whai tamariki.
A man who marries his brother's wife does something that is unclean. He has brought shame on his brother; the couple will have no children.
22 Engari kia mau ki aku tikanga katoa me aku whakaritenga katoa, me mahi ano hoki: kei whakaruakina koutou e te whenua ka kawea nei koutou e ahau ki reira noho ai.
So keep all my rules and regulations, so that the land where I'm taking you to live won't vomit you out.
23 Kaua ano e haere i runga i nga ritenga o te iwi ka peia nei e ahau i to koutou aroaro: na ratou hoki enei mahi katoa, koia i whakarihariha ai ahau ki a ratou,
Don't follow the practices of the nations I'm expelling for you. I detested them because they did all these evil things.
24 I mea ai hoki ki a koutou, Ka riro to ratou whenua i a koutou, ka hoatu hoki e ahau ki a koutou hei kainga pumau, he whenua e rerengia ana e te waiu, e te honi: ko Ihowa ahau, ko to koutou Atua, i wehe mai nei i a koutou i roto i nga iwi.
But I have promised you that you will take over their land. I'm going to give it to you to own, a land that flows with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God, who has made you a distinctive people different from all others.
25 Mo reira me wehe ke e koutou nga kararehe pokekore me nga mea poke, nga manu hoki, nga mea poke me nga mea pokekore? kei ai hei take whakarihariha mo o koutou wairua tetahi kararehe, manu ranei, tetahi mea ranei e ngahue ana i te whenua, o nga m ea i wehea atu e ahau i a koutou hei mea poke.
So make sure you observe the difference between clean and unclean animals and birds. Don't make yourselves unclean because of any animal or bird, or by anything that runs along the ground. I have made the difference clear: they are unclean for you.
26 A ka tapu koutou ki ahau: no te mea te tapu ahau, a Ihowa, a kua wehea mai koutou e ahau i roto i nga iwi, kia waiho maku.
You shall be holy to me because I am holy. I am the Lord, and I have made you a distinctive people different from all other nations. You belong to me.
27 Me whakamate rawa ano hoki te tangata, te wahine ranei, he atua maori tona; me te mata maori hoki: me aki raua ki te kohatu: ko runga i a raua o raua toto.
Anyone, man or a woman, who is a medium or a spiritist must be executed. They are to be stoned to death; they bear the responsibility for their punishment.”

< Rewitikuha 20 >