< Kaiwhakariterite 21 >

1 Na kua puaki noa ake to oati a nga tangata o Iharaira i Mihipa, i mea ratou, Kaua tetahi tangata o tatou e hoatu i tana tamahine hei wahine ma Pineamine.
Moreouer, the men of Israel sware in Mizpeh, saying, None of vs shall giue his daughter vnto the Beniamites to wyfe.
2 Na ka haere te iwi ki Peteere, a noho ana i reira i te aroaro o te Atua a ahiahi noa; na rahi noa atu o ratou reo, he nui te tangi.
And the people came vnto ye house of God and abode there till euen before God, and lift vp their voyces, and wept with great lamentation,
3 I mea hoki ratou, Na te aha, e Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira, i puta ake ai tenei i roto i a Iharaira; i ngaro ai tetahi iwi i tenei ra i roto i a Iharaira?
And sayde, O Lord God of Israel, why is this come to passe in Israel, that this day one tribe of Israel should want?
4 Na i te ata ka maranga wawe te iwi, a hanga ana he aata e ratou, a whakaekea ana he tahunga tinana, he whakahere mo te pai.
And on the morow the people rose vp and made there an altar, and offred burnt offrings and peace offrings.
5 Na ka mea nga tama a Iharaira, Ko wai o nga iwi katoa o Iharaira kahore i tae mai i roto i te whakaminenga ki a Ihowa? Kua takoto hoki he oati nui mo te tangata e kore e haere ki a Ihowa ki Mihipa: i mea ratou, Ka whakamatea rawatia.
Then the children of Israel said, Who is he among all the tribes of Israel, that came not vp with the Congregation vnto the Lord? for they had made a great othe concerning him that came not vp to the Lord to Mizpeh, saying, Let him die the death.
6 A koingo tonu nga tama a Iharaira ki to ratou teina, ki a Pineamine; i mea, Kua hautopea atu tetahi iwi i tenei ra i roto i a Iharaira.
And the children of Israel were sory for Beniamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day.
7 Me aha tatou ki etahi wahine ma nga mea o ratou i mahue; kua oatitia hoki a Ihowa e tatau e kore a tatou tamahine e hoatu hei wahine ma ratou?
How shall we do for wiues to them that remaine, seeing we haue sworne by the Lord, that we will not giue them of our daughters to wiues?
8 Na ka mea ano ratou, Ko tehea o nga iwi o Iharaira kahore nei i tae mai ki a Ihowa ki Mihipa? Na kahore tetahi tangata o Iapehe Kireara i haere ki te puni ki te whakaminenga.
Also they saide, Is there any of the tribes of Israel that came not vp to Mizpeh to the Lord? and beholde, there came none of Iabesh Gilead vnto the hoste and to the Congregation.
9 I taua hoki te iwi, a kahore tetahi tangata i reira o nga tangata o Iapehe Kireara.
For when the people were vewed; beholde, none of the inhabitants of Iabesh Gilead were there.
10 Na ka tono te huihui i etahi tangata ki reira, kotahi tekau ma rua mano, he hunga toa, a ka whakahau i a ratou, ka mea, Tikina patua nga tangata o Iapehe Kireara ki te mata o te hoari, me nga wahine me nga tamariki.
Therefore the Congregation sent thither twelue thousande men of the most valiant, and commanded them, saying, Goe, and smite the inhabitants of Iabesh Gilead with the edge of the sword, both women, and children.
11 A ko tenei ta koutou e mea ai, Ko nga tane katoa, me nga wahine katoa i takoto ki te tane, me huna.
And this is it that ye shall do: ye shall vtterly destroye all the males and all the women that haue lien by men.
12 A e wha rau nga kotiro i mau i a ratou i roto i nga tangata o Iapehe Kireara, he wahine kahore ano i mohio noa, ara i takoto ki te tane: na kawea ana e ratou ki te puni ki Hiro, ki tera i te whenua o Kanaana.
And they found among the inhabitants of Iabesh Gilead foure hundreth maides, virgins that had knowne no man by lying with any male: and they brought them vnto the hoste to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.
13 Katahi ka unga tangata te huihui katoa hei korero ki nga tama a Pineamine i te kamaka i Rimono, hei karanga ki a ratou, Kua mau te rongo.
Then the whole Congregation sent and spake with the children of Beniamin that were in the rocke of Rimmon, and called peaceably vnto them:
14 Na ka hoki a Pineamine i taua wa; a ka hoatu ki a ratou nga wahine i whakaorangia e ratou i roto i nga wahine o Iapehe Kireara; otiia kihai ano i rato.
And Beniamin came againe at that time, and they gaue them wiues which they had saued aliue of the women of Iabesh Gilead: but they had not so ynough for them.
15 Na koingo tonu te iwi ki a Pineamine, no te mea kua wahia e Ihowa nga iwi o Iharaira.
And the people were sorie for Beniamin, because the Lord had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.
16 Na ka mea nga kaumatua o te huihui, Me aha tatou ki etahi wahine ma nga mea i mahue, kua huna nei hoki nga wahine a Pineamine?
Therefore the Elders of the Congregation said, How shall we doe for wiues to the remnant? for the women of Beniamin are destroyed.
17 I mea ano ratou, Kia whai kainga tupu nga morehu o Pineamine, kei moti rawa tetahi iwi i roto i a Iharaira.
And they saide, there must be an inheritance for them that be escaped of Beniamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel.
18 Otiia e kore e taea te hoatu e tatou a tatou tamahine hei wahine ma ratou; no te mea kua oati nga tama a Iharaira, kua mea, Kia kanga te tangata e hoatu ana i te wahine ki a Pineamine.
Howbeit we may not giue them wiues of our daughters: for the childre of Israel had sworne, saying, Cursed be he that giueth a wise to Beniamin.
19 Na ka mea ratou, Nana, he hakari tera ki a Ihowa i Hiro, i tenei tau, i tenei tau, i te taha ki te raki o Peteere, i te taha ki te rawhiti o te huarahi e tika atu ana i Peteere ki Hekeme, i te tonga o Repona.
Therefore they said, Beholde, there is a feast of the Lord euery yere in Shiloh in a place, which is on the Northside of Beth-el, and on the Eastside of the way that goeth vp from Beth-el to Shechem, and on the South of Lebonah.
20 Na ka whakahau atu ratou ki nga tama a Pineamine, ka mea, Haere ki nga mara waina whanga ai;
Therefore they commanded the children of Beniamin, saying, Goe, and lye in waite in the vineyardes.
21 A e kite koutou, na, kua puta nga tamahine o Hiro ki te kanikani, na ka haere atu koutou i nga mara waina, ka hopu i tana wahine, i tana wahine, i roto i nga tamahine o Hiro, a ka haere ki te whenua o Pineamine.
And when ye see that the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catche you euery man a wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and goe into the land of Beniamin.
22 A ka tae mai o ratou matua, o ratou tungane ranei, ki a matou whakawa ai, ko reira matou mea ai ki a ratou, Kia atawhai ki a matou, ara ki a ratou: kihai hoki i riro i a matou he wahine ma tenei, ma tenei, o ratou i te mea e whawhai ana: ehara a no i te mea na koutou i hoatu i tenei wa, e he ai koutou.
And when their fathers or their brethren come vnto vs to complaine, we wil say vnto them, Haue pitie on them for our sakes, because we reserued not to eche man his wife in the warre, and because ye haue not giuen vnto them hitherto, ye haue sinned.
23 Na pera ana nga tama a Pineamine, a tangohia ana e ratou etahi wahine i roto i te hunga i kanikani ra; rite tonu ki a ratou te tokomaha, he mea hopu na ratou: a haere ana, noho ana ki to ratou kainga tupu; kei te hanga i o ratou pa, nohoia iho e ratou.
And the children of Beniamin did so, and tooke wiues of them that danced according to their nomber: which they tooke, and went away, and returned to their inheritance, and repaired the cities and dwelt in them.
24 Na ka turia atu i reira i taua wa e nga tama a Iharaira ki tona iwi, ki tona iwi, ki tona hapu, ki tona hapu; na haere ana ratou i reira ki tona kainga, ki tona kainga.
So the children of Israel departed thence at that time, euery man to his tribe, and to his familie, and went out from thence euery man to his inheritance.
25 I aua ra kahore o Iharaira kingi, ko ta ratou i mea ai ko nga mea i tika ki te titiro a tenei, a tenei.
In those dayes there was no King in Israel, but euery man did that which was good in his eyes.

< Kaiwhakariterite 21 >